How To Swap Salted and Unsalted Butter | Go Bold With Butter (2024)

How To Swap Salted and Unsalted Butter | Go Bold With Butter (1)


How easy is it to swap salted and unsalted butter? And what’s the difference anyway?

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How To Swap Salted and Unsalted Butter | Go Bold With Butter (2)

The Difference

Both salted and unsalted butter are pure, natural and made with fresh cream. The main difference lies in the added salt, which helps salted butter last longer than unsalted by two months. It’s also important to know that salted butter contains a bit more water than unsalted butter.

How To Swap Salted and Unsalted Butter | Go Bold With Butter (3)

A Simple Swap

Swapping the two only takes a few easy steps. First, simply do a one-for-one replacement with the amount of butter needed.

How To Swap Salted and Unsalted Butter | Go Bold With Butter (4)

Adjust Salt

Next, if you’re swapping unsalted for salted butter, reduce the amount of salt listed in the recipe to adjust for the salt in the butter. Take ¼ teaspoon of salt away for every stick of butter used*. Do the opposite if you’re swapping salted for unsalted butter.

*Certain brands of salted butter may have more or less added salt. Do a taste test before going any further to ensure you’re happy with the flavor.

How To Swap Salted and Unsalted Butter | Go Bold With Butter (5)

Account for Extra Water

If you’re baking and swapping in salted butter, the excess water from salted butter may make more of an impact. This is because extra water can have an effect on how gluten reacts and forms within dough. Consider slightly lessening any additional water the recipe may call for.

How To Swap Salted and Unsalted Butter | Go Bold With Butter (6)

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How To Swap Salted and Unsalted Butter | Go Bold With Butter (7)

How To Store Butter

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How To Swap Salted and Unsalted Butter | Go Bold With Butter (8)

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How To Swap Salted and Unsalted Butter | Go Bold With Butter (12)

How To Swap Salted and Unsalted Butter | Go Bold With Butter (13)

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How To Swap Salted and Unsalted Butter | Go Bold With Butter (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.