Speedy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe (Easy to Make) (2024)

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Why make same day sourdough bread?

Are you craving the delightful aroma of freshly baked bread without the wait? Look no further! This easy same day sourdough recipe will have you enjoying a delicious loaf of bread in just a matter of hours. With a few simple ingredients and a little bit of patience, you'll achieve that beautiful golden-brown crust and airy crumb you've been dreaming of. And that's without compromising the taste or the fermentation benefits of sourdough bread. AND it is totally appropriate for a beginner baker.

Same day sourdough bread recipe is a great way to have bread ready to eat for dinner. The following recipe is my go-to easy recipe for times like that, (also) due to the fact that it uses a bit more starter than your regular sourdough bread recipe. We'll end up with a delicious bread that still offers the benefits of fermentation, has a nice crumb, and overall closely resembles loaves of bread that have gone through a two or even three day process!

Speedy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe (Easy to Make) (1)

If you're like me, fresh bread goes with just about everything: have it for dinner with soup or a salad, put some cheese and tomato on it for lunch (and consider trying these Sundried Tomato Sourdough Bagels if you discover you like the combination!), have it with sunny side up eggs...bread is just so versatile, so having it freshly baked really raises your meals onto a next level!

When you have a bit extra time, you can batch bake sourdough bread in order to not have to bake it for the rest of the week. This way, you'll have less leftover discard, which can be used in easy sourdough discard recipes. If not, just make it following this same day sourdough recipe. If you also need some quick options with it, fill it with some cheese, deli meat, and lettuce for an easy sandwich (and make a note to start thinking about making this Soft Sourdough Sandwich Bread).

Jump to:
  • Why make same day sourdough bread?
  • Ingredients
  • How To Make Same Day Sourdough Bread
  • Substitution Notes
  • Tools You'll Need
  • How to Store Same Day Sourdough Bread
  • 💭Crucial Success Tip
  • FAQ
  • Speedy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe (Easy to Make)
  • Baking Schedule
  • End Notes
  • Pin It For Later!

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We're making this bread super basic, so you'll need only 4 ingredients: active starter, water (tap water is fine, no need for filtered water), salt (I use sea salt), and flour. Check the variation options below if you want to make your loaf a bit more interesting (and nutritious).

  • active sourdough starter
  • water
  • salt
  • flour

See recipe card for quantities. I included a baking schedule at the end, so you'll have an easier time calculating when to feed your starter and start the whole process.

How To Make Same Day Sourdough Bread

The dough we're going for when we first mix the ingredients is very wet and completely unmanageable. Don't panic at this stage; after resting for 30 minutes, it will become just pliant enough to do stretch and folds. After a few of those, you should have a dough that is elastic and stretch, but still sticks to the bowl.

Speedy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe (Easy to Make) (2)

In a large bowl, mix together your water, starter, and salt. I like mixing those up first so the starter and the salt have a chance to disperse in the water

Speedy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe (Easy to Make) (3)

Add the flour and mix well. I usually do this with a spoon and finish with my hands to break up all the flour. Cover with something airtight (plastic wrap, aluminum foil, plastic bag, even a shower cap works!) and let rest for 30 minutes. I find putting a plastic bag over top is the most practical.

Speedy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe (Easy to Make) (4)

After 30 minutes, do a set of stretch and folds. That means that you grab the edge of the dough, stretch it up, and fold it under on the other side. Rotate your bowl for 90 degrees and repeat 3 more times. We're going for 4 sets of stretch and folds in total. Cover again and leave to rest for 20 minutes and so another set of stretch and folds.

Repeat this process until you do 4 sets of stretch and folds (which should take 1 hour in total). Be sure to cover your dough with something airtight in-between sets of stretch and folds to prevent the dough from drying out!

After you are finished with stretch and folds, cover the dough again (it should resemble a smooth ball by now) and let the dough rise for 3 - 4 hours at room temperature (I usually just leave it on the counter). It should almost double in volume.

Speedy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe (Easy to Make) (5)

After the bulk fermentation, transfer your dough to a lightly floured surface. We are going to shape your dough. The way to do that is to grab the opposite ends of the dough and pinch them together on top. Repeat with the other two opposites.

Prepare your bread basket (or banneton basket) so that you line it with a lightly floured tea towel. Carefully transfer your dough ball into a tea towel-lined basket. The pinched parts should be facing upwards. If your dough is extra wobbly, you can help yourself with a dough scraper.

Cover the dough again (I use the same plastic bag as before) and let it do its final rise for 2 hours at room temperature. About an hour in, you can turn your oven on to preheat it.

Speedy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe (Easy to Make) (6)

When your dough puffed up a bit and your dutch oven and oven are both sufficiently preheated, prepare a piece of parchment paper. Transfer your dough from the basket to the parchment paper, so the floured bottom of the dough is now the top of the dough up. Score your dough with a razor blade or a sharp knife; make two deep cuts so you get a crisis cross pattern.

Speedy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe (Easy to Make) (7)

Transfer your parchment paper with a dough on it into a hot dutch oven. Splash just a bit of water between the parchment paper and dutch oven to create some steam and cover quickly to capture it inside. Put the bread in the oven for 30 minutes at460°F (238°C). Take the lid off and bake for an additional 10 minutes with the lid off at 440°F (227°C) to get that golden brown color. Bake time depends on the strength of your oven, so you can adjust it a bit after. After taking the bread out of the oven, put it on a cooling rack, cover it with a damp kitchen towel and leave it to cool for at least an hour before you slice into it.

Hint: Use a HEAVY bowl for mixing the dough and doing stretch and folds. I love using this natural ceramic bowl from Amazon (also in the pictures above!). When I stretch the dough, no matter how dense it is, the bowl stays on the counter. And I can make big amounts of dough in it when I'm batch baking sourdough bread.

Hint no.2: The temperature of your kitchen plays a big role in how fast your dough will rise. If you want to speed your process up a little, proof your dough in a warmer spot if you have one. The key things to look for when deciding if the proofing is finished or not:

  • The dough doubled or nearly doubled in size
  • Perform a "poke test": when you poke the bread dough, your finger should leave a dent behind, but the dent should slowly start to fill up again. This is just an estimate though, so don't worry too much about it.
  • Artisan Cranberry Walnut Sourdough Bread Recipe
  • 14 Breakfast Recipes With Sourdough Bread
  • Double Chocolate Sourdough Bread With Chocolate Chips
  • Chia Seed Sourdough Bread Recipe - Fast Version

Substitution Notes

Although water-to-flour ratios differ slightly when making bread with different kinds of flour, this recipe works if you substitute about 20% of all-purpose flour with the flour of your choice. Bread flour, whole wheat flour, or even rye flour all work great. If you want to bake your sourdough using whole wheat flour, I suggest you check out my no-knead rustic whole wheat sourdough bread recipe.

Variations & Add-ins

I often make bread a bit interesting to ensure we don't get tired of it. Kids especially will often want the bread from a store if your bread always looks the same. Instead of making just a regular loaf, you can enhance its flavor and looks in the following ways:

  • Add different seeds: sesame seeds, poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds are all great options. The easiest way to incorporate them is during the last set of stretch and folds.
  • Add turmeric powder - if you want your bread to look more yellow instead of white, just add turmeric powder to it! I found adding about 1 tablespoon adds just enough color without the taste. I usually add it at the beginning to my water, starter, and salt mixture to ensure it is evenly distributed.
  • Add shredded cheese - a cheezy loaf is a great option and a proven crowd-pleaser! Add about 1 cup of shredded cheese during the last set of stretch and folds for a cheezy twist to your bread.

I hate to say this, but you'll NEED a dutch oven if you want perfect results for this recipe. Dutch ovens are awesome at creating a lot of steam when the bread bakes, which results in a better oven spring and better moisture retention.

I use this beautiful red one from Lodge, which is available on Amazon. It's on sale half the time, so be sure to check it out if you're looking for one!

You can go of course ahead and "open bake" your bread (meaning you bake it without the dutch oven). It will still turn out fine and tasty, but using a dutch oven will yield even better results.

Other than that, you don't need any special equipment. This particular dough is a bit too wet for a stand mixer with a dough hook attachment.

How to Store Same Day Sourdough Bread

Although sourdough bread can last up to a week at room temperature, it's best to eat it within the first three days. Best ways to store it:

  1. Wrap in Cloth or Paper: Wrap your cooled sourdough bread in a clean cloth or paper bag. This allows the bread to breathe slightly and helps maintain its crust's texture.
  2. Avoid Plastic Bags: Avoid storing sourdough bread in plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and make the crust soft. However, if you want to keep the crust softer for a longer time, you can use a plastic bag but leave it open or puncture a few holes in it.
  3. Bread Box: If you have a bread box, it can be an excellent option for storing your sourdough bread. A bread box provides a slightly humid environment that can help keep the bread's crust from becoming too hard.

After three days, consider freezing it. If it goes stale before you have a chance to eat or freeze it, you can always turn it into bread pudding, stuffing, breadcrumbs, etc.

💭Crucial Success Tip

For best results, wet your fingers with water to prevent the dough from sticking to your hands when you handle the dough. It will still stick a bit (because we're dealing with medium to high-hydration dough, but wetting your hands really helps! Use this tip especially when doing the sets of stretch and folds. It is normal for the dough to be very sticky the first time you do stretch and folds.


Can you eat sourdough bread right away?

While you technically can eat sourdough bread right away after it's baked, it's generally recommended to let it cool for a little while before consuming it. It's not just to avoid burning yourself, but also to let the bread develop its full taste, making it easier to slice and for allowing the natural yeast to do its job even after baking.

How long after starting sourdough can I make bread?

If you follow this recipe, you can start making bread in the morning and have it by dinner! Look at the baking schedules at the end to help you plan when to start the process.

How to make sourdough bread faster?

Unfortunately, wild yeast and bacteria do need their time to ferment and raise the bread, as opposed to commercial yeast. But there are some things you can do to speed up the process:
1. Use room temperature or warm ingredients when you mix up the dough
2. Proof the dough in a warm place
3. Use a greater amount starter (which is what we've done in this recipe!)
4. Make sure your starter is active and bubbly and you use it at its peak

Can you use a sourdough starter the same day you feed it?

Absolutely! A (mature) starter is usually ready to use in baking after 4 - 6 hours after feeding. If you look at the first baking schedule below, you'll see that it calls for feeding your starter in the morning and having the bread baked in the late afternoon.

How long should sourdough rest before eating?

It is advisable to wait for it to cool completely, but after an hour you should be able to slice it and avoid the majority of downsides to slicing it while it's still warm. I like to let the dough rest for as long as possible, but not overnight. I find that the crust becomes a bit too hard for my taste if I wait that long before storing it properly.

Is sourdough better the next day?

Sourdough bread is not necessarily better the next day. It is considered fresh and best to eat for the first three days. The belief that it is better the next day may stem from the fact that the bread eaten on day two was allowed to rest properly and is therefore tastier. But after the bread is completely cool, it doesn't matter when you cut into it. So don't be afraid to eat it on the same day as you baked it!

Speedy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe (Easy to Make) (12)

Speedy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe (Easy to Make)

Yield: 1 loaf

Prep Time: 2 hours

Cook Time: 45 minutes

Additional Time: 5 hours 30 minutes

Total Time: 8 hours 15 minutes

Are you craving the delightful aroma of freshly baked bread without the wait? Look no further! This easy same day sourdough recipe will have you enjoying a delicious loaf of bread in just a matter of hours.


  • 290 grams water
  • 160 grams starter
  • 8 grams salt
  • 410 grams all-purpose flour


  1. In a large bowl, mix together your water, starter, and salt. I like mixing those up first so the starter and the salt have a chance to disperse in the water.
  2. Add the flour and mix well. I usually do this with a spoon and finish with my hands to break up all the flour. Cover with something airtight (plastic wrap, aluminum foil, plastic bag, even a shower cap works!) and let rest for 30 minutes. I find putting a plastic bag over top is the most practical.
  3. After 30 minutes, do a set of stretch and folds. That means that you grab the edge of the dough, stretch it up, and fold it under on the other side. Rotate your bowl for 90 degrees and repeat 3 more times. We're going for 4 sets of stretch and folds in total. Cover again and leave to rest for 20 minutes and so another set of stretch and folds.
  4. Repeat this process until you do 4 sets of stretch and folds (which should take 1 hour in total). Be sure to cover your dough with something airtight in-between sets of stretch and folds to prevent the dough from drying out!
  5. After you are finished with stretch and folds, cover the dough again (it should resemble a smooth ball by now) and let the dough rise for 3 - 4 hours at room temperature (I usually just leave it on the counter). It should almost double in volume.
  6. After the bulk fermentation, transfer your dough to a lightly floured surface. We are going to shape your dough. The way to do that is to grab the opposite ends of the dough and pinch them together on top. Repeat with the other two opposites.
  7. Prepare your bread basket (or banneton basket) so that you line it with a lightly floured tea towel. Carefully transfer your dough ball into a tea towel-lined basket. The pinched parts should be facing upwards. If your dough is extra wobbly, you can help yourself with a dough scraper.
  8. Cover the dough again (I use the same plastic bag as before) and let it do its final rise for 2 hours at room temperature. About an hour in, you can turn your oven on to preheat it.
  9. When your dough puffed up a bit and your dutch oven and oven are both sufficiently preheated, prepare a piece of parchment paper. Transfer your dough from the basket to the parchment paper, so the floured bottom of the dough is now the top of the dough. Score your dough with a razor blade or a sharp knife; make two deep cuts so you get a crisis cross pattern.
  10. Transfer your parchment paper with a dough on it into a hot dutch oven. Splash just a bit of water between the parchment paper and dutch oven to create some steam and cover quickly to capture it inside. Put the bread in the oven for 30 minutes at460°F (238°C). Take the lid off and bake for an additional 10 minutes with the lid off at 440°F (227°C) to get that golden brown color. Bake time depends on the strength of your oven, so you can adjust it a bit after. After taking the bread out of the oven, put it on a cooling rack, cover it with a damp kitchen towel and leave it to cool for at least an hour before you slice into it.


The temperature of your kitchen plays a big role in how fast your dough will rise. If you want to speed your process up a little, proof your dough in a warmer spot if you have one. The key things to look for when deciding if the proofing is finished or not:

  • The dough doubled or nearly doubled in size
  • Perform a "poke test": when you poke the bread dough, your finger should leave a dent behind, but the dent should slowly start to fill up again. This is just an estimate though, so don't worry too much about it.
Nutrition Information:

Yield: 15Serving Size: 1 slice
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 99Total Fat: 0gSaturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 0gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 208mgCarbohydrates: 21gFiber: 1gSugar: 0gProtein: 3g

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Baking Schedule

OPTION 1: Feed the starter the day before, have bread for dinner the next day

  • 8:00 - mix up the dough
  • 8:30 - start stretch and folds
  • 9:30 - 12:30 - bulk rise
  • 12:30 - shaping and second rise
  • 13:30 - bread goes in the oven
  • 14:15 - bread comes out of the oven to cool down

OPTION 2: Feed the starter in the morning, have bread for late dinner or the next day

  • 8:00 - feed starter
  • 13:00 - mix up the dough
  • 13:30 - start stretch and folds
  • 14:30 - 17:30 - bulk rise
  • 17:30 - shaping and second rise
  • 18:30 - bread goes in the oven
  • 19:15 - bread comes out of the oven to cool down

End Notes

Feel free to comment down below if something did not go according to plan or if you tried to make this recipe and had problems following the recipe. I will try my best to get back to you. Or just leave your comment and tell me how it went. I love getting feedback from you!


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Speedy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe (Easy to Make) (13)

Looking for more great recipes? Try these:

  • Easy No Knead Sourdough Sandwich Bread
  • 11 Easy Sourdough Discard Quick Bread Recipes
  • Sourdough Discard Chocolate Coconut Cake Squares
  • Sourdough Rolls in Dutch Oven - No-Knead, No Yeast!
Speedy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe (Easy to Make) (2024)


Can you use sourdough starter the same day you feed it? ›

Fed sourdough starter refers to a starter that has been fed flour and water (preferably by weight). You should feed the starter equal or greater than its weight after discarding a portion. You should wait at least 2-4 hours or until the starter is at its peak before you use it in your baking.

What is the secret to sourdough bread? ›

The secret to sourdough is simple: water. The more water you add to your dough will affect how open the crumb (bigger holes and softer texture) will be once it's baked.

How soon after making sourdough starter can you make bread? ›

*Do not try baking with your starter right after feeding it. Allow time for it to grow and feast on the flour before using it. Starters are usually ready to bake with around 4-12 hours after a feeding depending on the amount you feed your starter.

How do you expedite sourdough starter? ›

If you're looking for faster results when making your sourdough starter, there are a few things you can do. First, use warm water and increase the water-to-flour ratio slightly. This will help the yeast to activate quicker and aid in rising more quickly. A 1:2:2 ratio or higher, even 1:4:4 ratio helps.

How do you speed up sourdough with yeast? ›

When we added just ½ teaspoon of yeast to our recipe for the classic sourdough loaf pain au levain, it made a big difference: Instead of taking 8 hours to proof (4 hours before shaping and 4 hours after), it was ready to bake in less than half that time, just like most nonsourdough bread formulas containing yeast alone ...

Do you discard sourdough starter each time you feed it? ›

It would be best if you discarded some portion of your starter each time you feed it unless you want to continue to let it grow. Eventually, you need to discard the used “food” (flour and water) that's been used to sustain your starter during the last fermentation period.

What happens if I forgot to discard starter before feeding? ›

If you didn't discard a portion of your starter each time you feed it, two things would happen: Your starter would grow to an enormous, unmanageable size. Your starter would likely become more and more inhospitable to the bacteria and yeast we want as the mixture would become ever more acidic.

How do I know when my starter is at peak? ›

At Peak: Many recipes call for using your fed starter/leaven as soon as it peaks. This is a good practice and works well. You can tell when you starter is peaking because it will be domed on top.

Why do you put vinegar in sourdough bread? ›

There are two main acids produced in a sourdough culture: lactic acid and acetic acid. Acetic acid, or vinegar, is the acid that gives sourdough much of its tang. Giving acetic acid-producing organisms optimal conditions to thrive and multiply will produce a more tangy finished product.

What is the best flour for sourdough starter? ›

All-purpose Flour

It strikes a perfect balance of softness and structure, making it an ideal choice for various recipes. Due to its wide availability and affordability, all-purpose flour is often my top recommendation for creating and maintaining a sourdough starter.

What is the best flour for sourdough bread? ›

The best flour blend for creating a new sourdough starter is 50% whole-meal flour (whole wheat or whole rye) and 50% bread flour or all-purpose flour. I recommend a 50/50 mix of whole wheat flour and bread flour.

Can I use sourdough starter straight from fridge? ›

Yes, you can bake with sourdough starter straight from the fridge | King Arthur Baking.

Can I use my starter if it doesn't float? ›

Can I use a deflated starter if I missed its peak? You can, and I often have. However, if you have the time to wait, you can also feed it again and let the starter rise once more. This would help to achieve more consistent results.

What happens if sourdough starter doesn't float? ›

The float test is a technique to see whether the starter has trapped enough gas to adequately lift your bread dough. To perform the float test, simply spoon some of your starter into a cup of water. If the blob sinks straight to the bottom, the starter has not developed enough to adequately trap carbon dioxide.

How long to bake sourdough at 450? ›

Now it's time to bake!
  1. When your oven is at temperature, take your sourdough out of the fridge. ...
  2. Gently score your bread with a lame, clean razor blade or knife. ...
  3. Carefully take your dutch oven out of the oven. ...
  4. 30 Minutes with the lid on at 230C/450F plus.
  5. 10-15 Minutes with the lid off at 210C/410F.
May 29, 2023

Why does sourdough take so long to bake? ›

Sourdough bread takes considerably longer than yeasted bread because you are using wild yeast that has been cultivated by mixing flour and water.

Can you let sourdough bread rise too long? ›

The loaf is also inclined to over spring resulting in a crumb with big, random, holes or channels running through the loaf. If you over-ferment the dough you run the risk of the gluten structure degrading and the loaf turning into a puddle of goo before your eyes, never to be retrieved and destined for the bin.

Can you let sourdough rise overnight on counter? ›

You can cold ferment or cold proof your sourdough overnight because the cold temperature of the fridge stops the dough from over fermenting. If you were to leave your shaped dough on the counter overnight, you'd wake up to a soupy mess (unless it was freezing in your home).

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