7 reasons why you must start your day with soaked nuts (2024)

Though nuts are considered a healthy addition to your winter diet, they must be consumed in all seasons to get your daily dose of essential vitamins, minerals and other compounds that lower cholesterol, balance blood sugar levels and prevent us from lifestyle diseases. Starting your day with soaked nuts especially can aid in better nutrient absorption and digestion. Nuts are a powerhouse of ALA omega-3 fatty acids that also helps manage rheumatoid arthritis apart from protecting against Alzheimer's disease and dementia. (Also read: Ayurveda expert on rules to consume nuts, dos and don'ts, best time to eat)

7 reasons why you must start your day with soaked nuts (1)

"Starting the day with soaked nuts has been proven beneficial in many ways. If you are looking for some easy methods that will lead you to a healthier diet, start soaking the nuts. Nuts like almonds, walnut, peanuts, pecans and pistachio are rich in fiber, vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorous, good fat, and antioxidants," says Dietitian Shikha Kumari, Clinical Dietician & Weight Loss expert.

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Nuts are not just good for your heart but also help lower cholesterol levels. The omega-3 fatty acids present in nuts help in improving irregular heartbeats and preventing unforeseen heart attacks. But soaked nuts taken in the morning can be even more valuable for your health.

Benefits of soaking nuts

"Essential nutrients like iron, protein, calcium, and zinc are better absorbed by the body when you soak the nuts. The water removes the phytic acid present in acids which causes indigestion. So, soaking nuts helps in digesting them properly and reaping the benefits of these nutrients. Also, the tannin is removed from the nuts when they are soaked in water and thus the taste and texture of the nuts both improve," says Shikha Kumari.

Best time to have nuts

The best time to consume the soaked nuts is morning. To get the maximum benefits of the soaked nuts, start your day by having a glass of water followed by a handful of soaked nuts. When you have the nuts in the morning, it helps to reduce fatigue and sets your mood for the rest of the day.

The dietician also lists 7 reasons why one must start their day with soaked nuts.

1. Having soaked nuts boosts energy and it is very good for your hormonal health.

2. Soaked almonds aid in reducing cholesterol levels as well as improving your memory.

3. Studies have shown nuts consumed in the morning have helped people to lose weight. Pistachio and walnuts are great if you want to shed some kilos.

4. Nuts have the amazing capability to control blood sugar levels. It is extremely helpful for diabetic patients.

5. Your heart health will be improved significantly when you start consuming soaked nuts daily in the morning.

6. Walnuts and almonds play a major role in removing free radicals. Their nutritional benefits protect the cells from damage. So, having soaked nuts is important if you want younger-looking skin.

7. Pecans and pistachios have a high amount of fiber. These fibers help in our overall digestive system and increase the good bacteria in our body thus keeping our gut health well-maintained.

The dietician suggests spreading out your nuts diet through the entire week.

"Have 8-10 pieces of almonds along with 3-6 walnuts 2-3 days a week. Go for 1-2 handful of pistachios during mid-week. You can consume 10-12 pecans during the weekend while you keep a separate day for 4-5 pieces of cashews. Incorporate having soaked nuts in the morning and see the amazing results in your health," concludes Shikha Kumari.

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7 reasons why you must start your day with soaked nuts (2024)
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