[PDF] Carpathians EC (PL, UA, RO), SC (RO), AC (RO) Carpathian) endemic (UA, RO), SC (RO), AC (RO) WC (SK, PL), EC (UA, RO), SC (RO), AC (RO) - Free Download PDF (2024)

1 Electronic Appendix 1. Vascular plants endemic and subendemic to the Carpathians and their subunits. Apomictic taxa ar...

Electronic Appendix 1. – Vascular plants endemic and subendemic to the Carpathians and their subunits. Apomictic taxa are marked (rows with a grey background; these taxa were omitted in the ecological analyses). If all subspecies of particular species are endemic, we mentioned the species also separately in the table (rows with an orange background; these species were not included in the statistical evaluations).

Abbreviations: AC – Apuseni Carpathians, EC – Eastern Carpathians, SC – Southern Carpathians, Tr – Transylvanian Basin, WC – Western Carpathians; A – Austria, CZ – Czech Republic, HU – Hungary, PL – Poland, RO – Romania, SK – Slovakia, SRB – Serbia, UA – Ukraine. Subunits with only scattered/sporadical occurrence of the evaluated taxon are listed in the end separated by a slash, e.g. EC (PL, UA, RO), SC (RO), AC (RO)/WC (PL). Taxon Achillea oxyloba subsp. schurii (Sch. Bip.) Heimerl (Syn.: A. schurii Sch. Bip.; Ptarmica tenuifolia (Schur) Schur)

Occurrence in the Category of endemism Carpathians EC (UA, RO), SC (RO) East-South-Carpathian endemic

Aconitum bucovinense Zapał. (Syn.: A. callibotryon subsp. bucovinense (Zapał.) Grinț.; A. firmum subsp. bucovinense (Zapał.) Graebn. et P. Graebn.) Aconitum degenii Gáyer subsp. degenii 1 (Syn.: A. paniculatum subsp. degenii (Degen) Graebn.)

EC (PL, UA, RO), SC (RO), AC (RO)

Aconitum firmum Rchb.

WC (CZ, SK, PL), EC (UA, RO), SC (RO), AC (RO) WC (SK, PL), EC (UA, RO), SC (RO), AC (RO)

Aconitum firmum Rchb. subsp. firmum (Syn.: A. napellus subsp. firmum (Rchb.) Gáyer; A. firmum subsp. palmatifidum (Rchb.) Beldie) Aconitum firmum subsp. fissurae Nyár. 2, 3 (Syn.: A. hunyadense Degen; A. romanicum Woł.)

East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic

WC (SK), EC (PL, UA, West-East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian (panRO), SC (RO), AC (RO) Carpathian) endemic

West-East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian (panCarpathian) subendemic West-East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian (panCarpathian) endemic

EC (UA, RO), SC (RO), East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian subendemic AC (RO)

Aconitum firmum subsp. maninense (Skalický) Starm. (Syn.: A. firmum var. maninense Skalický) Aconitum firmum subsp. moravicum Skalický


West-Carpathian endemic


West-Carpathian endemic

Aconitum firmum subsp. skerisorae (Gáyer) Starm. 4 (Syn.: A. skerisorae Gáyer; A. napellus subsp. skerisorae (Gáyer) Seitz) Aconitum lasianthum (Rchb.) Simonk. 5 (Syn.: A. vulparia subsp. lasianthum (Rchb.) Ciocârlan) Aconitum lasiocarpum (Rchb.) Gáyer (Syn.: A. paniculatum subsp. lasiocarpum (Rchb.) Soó; A. toxicum subsp. lasiocarpum (Rchb.) Grinț.) Aconitum lasiocarpum (Rchb.) Gáyer subsp. lasiocarpum 6


Apuseni-Carpathian endemic

SC (RO)/EC (RO), AC (RO) WC (SK, PL), EC (SK, PL, UA, RO) , †SC (RO) EC (SK, PL, UA, RO)

East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic

Aconitum lasiocarpum subsp. kotulae (Pawł.) Starm. et Mitka 7, 8 (Syn.: A. variegatum subsp. kotulae Pawł.)

WC (SK, PL), EC (SK, West-East-Carpathian subendemic PL, UA, RO), †SC (RO)


West-East-Carpathian subendemic

East-Carpathian endemic

References Morariu & Beldie 1976; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009; Počynok & Prokopiv 2010; Sârbu et al. 2013; Ziman & Derbak 2013 Starmühler 1998a, b, 2000; Mitka 2001, 2002, 2003, 2012; Ilnicki & Mitka 2009; Boroń et al. 2011; Novikoff & Mitka 2011a, b Mucher 1993; Starmühler 1997, 1998a, b, 2000; Mitka 2001, 2003; Ilnicki & Mitka 2011; Novikoff & Mitka 2011a, b; Novikov 2013a; Eliáš jr. et al. 2015 Starmühler 1997, 1998b, 2000; Mitka 2001, 2003; Starmühler & Mitka 2001; Mihok et al. 2005; Novikoff & Mitka 2011a, b Skalický 1990; Starmühler 1997, 1998b, 2000; Mitka 2001, 2003; Starmühler & Mitka 2001; Mitka et al. 2007; Novikoff & Mitka 2011a Starmühler 1996a, 1997, 1998b, 1999, 2000; Mitka 2001, 2002; Starmühler & Mitka 2001; Ilnicki & Mitka 2009; Novikoff & Mitka 2011a Starmühler & Mitka 2001; Mitka 2003; Mitka et al. 2007; Ilnicki & Mitka 2009 Skalický 1990; Mitka 2003; Mitka et al. 2007; Ilnicki & Mitka 2009 Starmühler 2000; Mitka 2003 Grințescu 1953; Morariu & Beldie 1976; Starmühler 1999; Oprea 2005 Joachimiak et al. 1999; Mitka & Starmühler 2000; Mitka 2001, 2003; Ilnicki & Mitka 2011; Novikoff & Mitka 2011a, b Mitka & Starmühler 2000; Mitka 2001, 2003; Ilnicki & Mitka 2011; Novikoff & Mitka 2011a, b Mitka & Starmühler 2000; Mitka 2001, 2003; Ilnicki & Mitka 2011; Novikoff & Mitka 2011a, b

Taxon Aconitum moldavicum Hacq. (Syn.: A. lycoctonum subsp. moldavicum (Hacq.) Jalas) Aconitum moldavicum Hacq. subsp. moldavicum 9

Aconitum moldavicum subsp. hosteanum (Schur) Graebn. et P. Graebn. 10 (Syn.: A. hosteanum Schur; A. moldavicum subsp. hosteanum (Schur) Beldie, nom. illeg.) Aconitum toxicum Rchb. subsp. toxicum 11

Occurrence in the Carpathians WC (SK, PL, HU), EC (SK, PL, UA, RO), SC (RO), AC (RO) WC (SK, PL, HU), EC (SK, PL, UA, RO), SC (RO), AC (RO) EC (PL, UA, RO), SC (RO), AC (RO)

Category of endemism


West-East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian (panCarpathian) subendemic

Mitka 2003; Mihok et al. 2005; Novikoff & Mitka 2011a, b; Mitka et al. 2013

West-East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian (panCarpathian) subendemic

Mitka 2003, 2008; Novikoff & Mitka 2011a, b

East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian subendemic

Mitka 2003, 2008; Čornej 2011; Novikoff & Mitka 2011a, b

Aconitum toxicum subsp. bucegiense (Nyár.) Mucher

EC (RO), SC (RO), AC East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian subendemic (RO) EC (RO), SC (RO) East-South-Carpathian endemic

Aconitum toxicum subsp. crispulum (Nyár.) Mucher Alchemilla acrostegia Plocek


Alchemilla aequidens Pawł. Alchemilla amauroptera Plocek Alchemilla amblyoides Plocek Alchemilla amicorum Pawł.


Alchemilla anceps Plocek Alchemilla animosa Plocek Alchemilla aspera Plocek Alchemilla babiogorensis Pawł.

WC (SK) WC (SK) WC (SK) WC (PL), EC (UA)

South-Carpathian endemic West-Carpathian endemic (Západné Tatry Mts: Červené vrchy massif) West-Carpathian endemic West-Carpathian endemic (Belianske Tatry Mts) West-Carpathian endemic (Belianske Tatry Mts) West-Carpathian endemic (Západné Tatry Mts: Červené vrchy massif) West-Carpathian endemic (Belianske Tatry Mts) West-Carpathian endemic West-Carpathian endemic (Belianske Tatry Mts) West-East-Carpathian endemic

Alchemilla bogumili Pawlus Alchemilla boleslai Pawł. 12


West-Carpathian endemic West-Carpathian endemic

Alchemilla brachycodon Plocek Alchemilla braun-blanquetii Pawł. Alchemilla bucovinensis Sytschak 13 Alchemilla calviflora Plocek

WC (SK) WC (PL), EC (UA) EC (UA, RO) WC (PL)

Alchemilla chalarodesma Plocek Alchemilla chilitricha Plocek


Alchemilla contractilis (Plocek) Fröhner Alchemilla crassa Plocek Alchemilla curtischista Plocek Alchemilla czywczynensis Pawł. 14

WC (SK), SC (RO) WC (SK) WC (SK) EC (UA, RO)

West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Mts) West-East-Carpathian endemic East-Carpathian endemic West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Zachodnie Mts: Czerwone Wierchy massif) West-Carpathian endemic (Belianske Tatry Mts) West-Carpathian endemic (Západné Tatry Mts: Sivý vrch Mt. group) West-South-Carpathian endemic West-Carpathian endemic West-Carpathian endemic (Belianske Tatry Mts) East-Carpathian subendemic


Mucher 1993; Mitka 2001; Ilnicki & Mitka 2011 Mucher 1993; Mitka 2001; Starmühler & Mitka 2001 Mucher 1993; Starmühler & Mitka 2001 Plocek 1992; Kliment 1999; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kliment 1999; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kliment 1999; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Volgin & Syčak 1989a; Plocek 1992; Syčak 2002, 2011 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1983, 1992; Kliment 1999; Kurtto et al. 2007; Negrean 2011 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Syčak 2002, 2011; Kurtto et al. 2007 Syčak 1992, 2002, 2011; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1990; Kliment 1999; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007; Negrean 2011 Plocek 1992; Kliment 1999; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Pawłowski 1952; Fröhner 1986; Syčak 2002, 2011; Kurtto et al. 2007, 2009

Taxon Alchemilla decurrens Plocek Alchemilla delitescens Plocek Alchemilla deylii Plocek ex Soják Alchemilla dolichotoma Plocek Alchemilla dostalii Plocek

Occurrence in the Carpathians WC (SK) WC (SK) EC (UA) EC (RO), SC (RO) WC (SK)

Alchemilla echinogloba Plocek


Alchemilla erythropodoides Pawł. Alchemilla eugenii Pawł. 15

WC (SK) WC (PL, ?SK)

Alchemilla exaperta Plocek Alchemilla fusoidea Plocek


Alchemilla giewontica Pawł.


Alchemilla grandiceps Plocek


Alchemilla gruneica Plocek 16 Alchemilla gymnopoda Plocek Alchemilla hoverlensis Pawlus et Lovelius Alchemilla hyperptycha Plocek Alchemilla isodonta Plocek Alchemilla jasiewiczii Pawł.


Alchemilla kornasiana Pawł. Alchemilla kosiarensis Plocek Alchemilla kulczyńskii Pawł.

WC (PL), EC (UA) WC (SK) WC (SK, PL)

Alchemilla ladislai Pawł. 17


Alchemilla laevipes Plocek


Alchemilla laxa Plocek 18


Alchemilla longidens Plocek


Alchemilla lorata Plocek Alchemilla loxotropa Plocek


Alchemilla ludovitiana Plocek Alchemilla marginata Plocek 19


Category of endemism


West-Carpathian endemic (Belianske Tatry Mts) West-Carpathian endemic (Oravské Beskydy Mts) East-Carpathian endemic East-South-Carpathian endemic West-Carpathian endemic (Západné Tatry Mts: Mt. Osobitá) West-Carpathian endemic (Oravské Beskydy Mts: Mt. Pilsko) West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Mts) West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Zachodnie Mts: Czerwone Wierchy massif) West-Carpathian endemic (Belianske Tatry Mts) West-Carpathian endemic (Oravské Beskydy Mts: Mt. Pilsko) West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Zachodnie Mts: Mt. Giewont) West-Carpathian endemic (Oravské Beskydy Mts: Mt. Babia hora) West-Carpathian subendemic West-Carpathian endemic (Belianske Tatry Mts) East-Carpathian endemic (Čornohora Mts) West-Carpathian endemic (Vysoké Tatry Mts) West-Carpathian endemic (Nízke Beskydy Mts) West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Wysokie Mts)

Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kliment 1999; Kurtto et al. 2007 Soják 1983b; Syčak 2002, 2011; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1985; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007

West-East-Carpathian endemic West-Carpathian endemic (Belianske Tatry Mts) West-Carpathian endemic (Západné Tatry Mts: Červené vrchy massif) West-Carpathian endemic (Západné Tatry Mts: Červené vrchy massif) West-Carpathian endemic (Oravské Beskydy Mts: Mt. Babia hora) West-Carpathian endemic (Oravské Beskydy Mts: Mt. Pilsko) West-Carpathian endemic (Oravské Beskydy Mts: Mt. Babia hora) West-Carpathian endemic (Belianske Tatry Mts) West-Carpathian endemic (Oravské Beskydy Mts: Mt. Babia hora) West-Carpathian endemic (Branisko Mts) West-Carpathian endemic (Vysoké Tatry Mts)


Plocek 1992; Kliment 1999; Kurtto et al. 2007 Fröhner 1968, 1975; Kurtto et al. 2007 Pawłowski 1952; Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kliment 1999; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007; Mirek & PiękośMirkowa 2010 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Pawlus 1988; Syčak 1992, 2011; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007; Mirek & PiękośMirkowa 2010 Plocek 1992; Syčak 2002, 2011; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Syčak 2002, 2011; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1990, 1992; Kliment 1999; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1990, 1992; Kliment 1999; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007


Occurrence in the Carpathians WC (SK) WC (SK, PL) WC (SK) WC (SK) WC (SK) WC (SK, PL) WC (SK)

Category of endemism


West-Carpathian endemic (Vysoké Tatry Mts) West-Carpathian endemic West-Carpathian endemic (Belianske Tatry Mts) West-Carpathian endemic (Belianske Tatry Mts) West-Carpathian endemic (Belianske Tatry Mts) West-Carpathian endemic (Vysoké Tatry Mts) West-Carpathian endemic (Nízke Tatry Mts)

Alchemilla polonica Pawł. (Syn.: A. pseudincisa var. polonica (Pawł.) Plocek) Alchemilla pseudincisa Pawł.


West-Carpathian endemic

Plocek 1992; Kliment 1999; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Šípošová et al. 2004b; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007

Alchemilla pseudothmari Pawł.


Alchemilla reversantha Plocek (Syn.: A. inversa Plocek non Juz., nom. illeg.) Alchemilla rhodobasis Plocek


Alchemilla rhodocycla Plocek Alchemilla sejuncta Plocek Alchemilla sericoneuroides Pawł. Alchemilla smaragdina Plocek Alchemilla smytniensis Pawł. Alchemilla sojakii Plocek Alchemilla sokolowskii Pawł. 20

WC (SK) WC (SK) WC (SK, PL) WC (SK) WC (PL), EC (UA) WC (SK) WC (PL)

Alchemilla stanislaae Pawł.


Alchemilla stenoleuca Plocek Alchemilla suavis Plocek 22


Alchemilla subsessilis Plocek


Alchemilla superata Plocek Alchemilla szaferi Pawł. Alchemilla tacikii Plocek Alchemilla thaumasia Plocek Alchemilla turkulensis Pawł. Alchemilla versipiloides Pawł. 23


Alchemilla virginea Plocek


Alchemilla megalodonta Plocek Alchemilla microsphaerica Fröhner Alchemilla moncophila Plocek Alchemilla multiloba Plocek Alchemilla obesa Plocek Alchemilla oculimarina Pawł. Alchemilla patens Plocek

WC (SK, PL), EC (UA) West-East-Carpathian endemic West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Zachodnie Mts: Czerwone Wierchy massif) West-Carpathian endemic (Veľká Fatra Mts)

Volgin & Syčak 1989b; Plocek 1992; Syčak 2002, 2011; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007

Plocek 1992; Šípošová et al. 2004a; Kurtto et al. 2007 West-Carpathian endemic (Západné Tatry Mts: Plocek 1986, 1992; Kliment 1999; Kurtto et al. Sivý vrch Mt. group) 2007 West-Carpathian endemic (Belianske Tatry Mts) Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 West-Carpathian endemic (Belianske Tatry Mts) Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Mts) Plocek 1992; Kliment 1999; Kurtto et al. 2007 West-Carpathian endemic Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 West-East Carpathian endemic Syčak 1992, 2011; Kurtto et al. 2007 West-Carpathian endemic (Krivánska Fatra Mts) Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Zachodnie Mts: Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007; Mirek & PiękośCzerwone Wierchy massif) Mirkowa 2010 West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Mts, Nízke Tatry Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Mts) 21 West-Carpathian endemic (Belianske Tatry Mts) Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 West-Carpathian endemic Plocek 1973, 1992; Syčak 1992, 2011; Kurtto et al. 2007 West-Carpathian endemic (Oravské Beskydy Mts: Plocek 1992; Kliment 1999; Kurtto et al. 2007 Mt. Pilsko) West-Carpathian endemic (Belianske Tatry Mts) Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 East-Carpathian endemic Syčak 2002, 2011; Kurtto et al. 2007 West-Carpathian endemic (Vysoké Tatry Mts) Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 West-Carpathian endemic (Belianske Tatry Mts) Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 East-Carpathian endemic Syčak 2002, 2011; Kurtto et al. 2007 West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Zachodnie Mts: Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007; Piękoś-Mirkowa Czerwone Wierchy massif) & Mirek 2009; Mirek & Piękoś-Mirkowa 2010 West-Carpathian endemic (Krivánska Fatra Mts) Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007



Taxon Alchemilla wallischii Pawł.

Occurrence in the Carpathians WC (SK, PL)

Category of endemism

Alchemilla zapalowiczii Pawł. 24

WC (†SK), EC (UA)

Alchemilla zmudae Pawł. 25


Allium fussii A. Kern. 26 (Syn.: A. fuscum subsp. fussii (A. Kern.) Ciocârlan; A. paniculatum subsp. fussii (A. Kern.) Ciocârlan, nom. illeg.) Alopecurus pratensis subsp. laguriformis (Schur) Tzvelev (Syn.: A. laguriformis Schur) Andryala laevitomentosa (Nyár. ex Sennikov) P. D. Sell ex Greuter 27, 28 (Syn.: Pietrosia laevitomentosa Nyár. ex Sennikov)

EC (RO), SC (RO)

Antennaria carpatica (Wahlenb.) Bluff et Fingerh. subsp. carpatica 29

WC (SK, PL), EC (UA); West-East-Carpathian endemic †RO (EC, SC)

Anthemis cretica subsp. pyrethriformis (Schur) Govaerts 30, 31 (Syn.: A. carpatica subsp. pyrethriformis (Schur) Prodan) Anthemis kitaibelii Spreng. (Syn.: A. cretica subsp. kitaibelii (Spreng.) Ciocârlan) Aquilegia nigricans subsp. subscaposa (Borbás) Soó (Syn.: A. subscaposa Borbás; A. vulgaris subsp. subscaposa (Borbás) Borza) Aquilegia transsilvanica Schur 32 Arabidopsis halleri subsp. tatrica (Pawł.) Kolník (Syn.: Cardaminopsis halleri subp. tatrica (Pawł.) Dostál ex Měsíček) Arabidopsis neglecta (Schult.) O’Kane et Al-Shehbaz 33 (Syn.: Cardaminopsis neglecta (Schult.) Hayek) Arenaria tenella Kit. (Syn.: A. ciliata subsp. tenella (Kit.) Braun-Blanq.) Armeria maritima subsp. barcensis (Simonk.) P. Silva (Syn.: A. barcensis Simonk.) Armeria pocutica Pawł. 34


East-South-Carpathian endemic

SC (RO), AC (RO)

South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic

Asperula carpatica Morariu 35 Astragalus australis subsp. krajinae (Domin) Domin 36 (Syn.: A. krajinae Domin) Astragalus exscapus subsp. transsilvanicus (Schur) Nyár. (Syn.: A. exscapus var. transsilvanicus (Schur) Gams)


West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Mts, Nízke Tatry Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Mts) East-Carpathian subendemic Walters & Pawłowski 1968; Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007, 2009; Negrean 2011 West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Mts) Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007; Mirek & PiękośMirkowa 2009, 2010 East-South-Carpathian endemic Brullo et al. 1996; Mráz 2005a; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009; Šafářová et al. 2011

EC (UA, RO), SC (RO) East-South-Carpathian endemic East-Carpathian endemic (Bistrița Mts: Mt. Pietrosul Broștenilor)


Morariu & Beldie 1976; Oprea 2005; Čornej 2011; Tasenkevich 2011 Morariu & Beldie 1976; Beldie 1979; Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Sennikov 1999a; Greuter 2003; Oprea 2005, 2007; Negrea & Pricop 2009a, b; Fereira et al. 2015 Chrtek & Pouzar 1985; Oltean et al. 1994; Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009; Sârbu et al. 2013; Ziman & Derbak 2013 Morariu & Beldie 1976; Beldie 1979; Oprea 2005; Sârbu et al. 2013 Oprea 2005; Hurdu et al. 2012a, b

EC (RO), SC (RO), AC East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic (RO)

Morariu & Beldie 1976; Oprea 2005; Dihoru & Negrean 2009


Oprea 2005; Kobiv 2012b Kolník & Marhold 2006

East-South-Carpathian endemic West-Carpathian endemic

WC (SK, PL), EC (UA, West-East-South-Carpathian endemic RO), SC (RO) WC (SK, PL) West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Mts)

Jalas & Suominen 1994; Kliment 1999; Měsíček 2002; Oprea 2005 Perný & Michalková 2012


East-Carpathian endemic

Beldie 1979; Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Ciocârlan 2009

EC (?†UA, RO)

East-Carpathian endemic (Maramureș Mts)


East-South-Carpathian endemic East-Carpathian endemic

Tr (RO)

endemic to Transylvanian Basin

Pawłowski 1962; Ciocârlan 1988, 2009; Kahalo & Syčak 2009; Negrean 2011 Negrean 2011 Domin 1931a, 1935; Witkowski et al. 2003; Ziman 2009; Čornej 2011 Roman et al. 1996; Dihoru & Negrean 2009



Category of endemism


Astragalus peterfii Jáv. 37

Occurrence in the Carpathians Tr (RO)

endemic to Transylvanian Basin

Astragalus pseudopurpureus Guşul. Astragalus roemeri Simonk. 38


East-Carpathian endemic (Hășmaș Mts) East-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic

Athamanta turbith subsp. hungarica (Borbás) Tutin 39 (Syn.: A. hungarica Borbás) Aubrieta columnae subsp. platycarpa (Ciocârlan) Ciocârlan 40 (Syn.: A. intermedia subsp. falcata Ciocârlan) Barbarea lepuznica Nyár.41 (Syn.: B. vulgaris subsp. lepuznica (Nyár.) Soó) Bromus monocladus Domin 42 (Syn.: B. pannonicus subsp. monocladus (Domin) P. M. Sm.; Bromopsis pannonica subsp. monoclada (Domin) Holub) Campanula carpatica Jacq.


South-Carpathian endemic


South-Carpathian endemic (Piatra Craiului Mts)


South-Carpathian subendemic


West-Carpathian endemic

Roman et al. 1996; Șuteu et al. 2003; Dihoru & Negrean 2009; Bartha 2012 Ciocârlan 2009; Dihoru & Negrean 2009 Váczy & Beldie 1976; Dihoru & Negrean 2009; Bartha & Bartók 2013 Stevanović et al. 1991; Popescu et al. 2003; Hurdu et al. 2012a, b; Sârbu et al. 2013 Beldie & Váczy 1976; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2006, 2009; Negrean 2011 Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Ciocârlan 2009; Dihoru & Negrean 2009; Strajeru & Stevanović 2013 Kliment 1999; Dúbravková 2014 in litt.; Somlyay 2014 in litt.


West-East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian (panCarpathian) endemic South-Carpathian endemic East-Carpathian endemic

EC (UA, RO), SC (RO), AC (RO) WC (SK, PL), EC (UA, RO), SC (RO), AC WC (SK, PL), EC (UA, RO), SC (RO), AC (RO)

East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic

WC (SK, HU) WC (CZ, SK, PL, HU), EC (SK, PL, UA, RO), SC (RO), AC (RO), Tr (RO) EC (UA, RO), SC (RO)

West-Carpathian endemic subendemic to Western, Eastern, Southern & Apuseni Carpathians and Transylvanian Basin (pan-Carpathian subendemic)

Kliment 1999; Goliašová et al. 2008 Jalas & Suominen1994; Roman et al. 1996; Kliment 1999; Marhold & Kochjarová 2002

East-South-Carpathian endemic


South-Carpathian endemic


West-Carpathian endemic


Apuseni-Carpathians endemic

EC (?UA, RO)

East-Carpathian endemic (Rodna Mts)

Franco 1976; Čopyk 1976; Oprea 2005; Čornej 2011; Hurdu et al. 2012a, b; Ziman & Derbak 2013 Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Ciocârlan 2009; Dihoru & Negrean 2009; Hurdu et al. 2012a Kliment 1999; Šípošová et al. 2004a; Zarzycki 2008 Dostál 1976; Ochsmann 2000; Hurdu et al. 2012a; Ciocârlan 2009; Sârbu et al. 2013 Beldie 1979; Tasenkevich 2011; Hurdu et al. 2012a, b; Koutecký 2013

Campanula crassipes Heuff. Campanula glomerata subsp. subcapitata (Popov) Fed. (Syn.: C. subcapitata Popov) Campanula kladniana (Schur) Witasek 43 (Syn.: C. rotundifolia subsp. kladniana (Schur) Tacik) Campanula serrata (Kit.) Hendrych (Syn.: C. napuligera Schur) Campanula tatrae Borbás 44 (Syn.: C. polymorpha (Witasek) Prain et al.; C. rotundifolia subsp. polymorpha (Witasek) Tacik) Campanula xylocarpa Kovanda Cardamine glanduligera O. Schwarz 45 (Syn.: Dentaria glandulosa Waldst. et Kit. ex Willd.)

Carduus kerneri Simonk. subsp. kerneri 46 (Syn.: C. transsilvanicus A. Kern.) Carduus kerneri subsp. lobulatiformis (Csüros et Nyár.) Soó 47 (Syn.: C. lobulatiformis Csürös et Nyár.) Carduus lobulatus Borbás Centaurea reichenbachii DC. 48 (Syn.: C. reichenbachioides Schur ex Hayek) Centaurea rodnensis Simonk. 49, 50, 51 (Syn.: C. carpatica (Porcius) Porcius, nom. illeg.; C. rarauensis Prodan)


West-East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian (panCarpathian) endemic West-East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian (panCarpathian) endemic

Kliment 1999; Goliašová et al. 2008 Hurdu et al. 2012a, b Kliment 1999; Ziman et al. 2006; Goliašová et al. 2008 Čopyk 1976; Tasenkevyč 2003b; Oprea 2005; Ziman et al. 2006 Kliment 1999; Goliašová et al. 2008 Kliment 1999; Goliašová et al. 2008

Taxon Centaurea simonkaiana Hayek (Syn.: C. trichocephala subsp. simonkaiana (Hayek) Dostál) Centaurea triniifolia Heuff. 52 Cephalaria radiata Griseb. et Schenk 53 Cephalaria uralensis subsp. multifida (Roman) Roman et Beldie 54

Occurrence in the Carpathians AC (RO)

Category of endemism


Apuseni-Carpathian endemic

Dihoru & Parvu 1987; Dihoru & Negrean 2009

SC (RO, SRB) Tr (RO)/EC (RO), SC (RO), AC (RO) SC (RO)

South-Carpathian endemic subendemic to Transylvanian Basin

Dostál 1976; Ochsmann 2000; Hurdu et al. 2012a Prodan 1961; Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Oprea 2005

South-Carpathian endemic (Almajului Mts: Porțile Beldie & Váczy 1976; Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; de Fier Gorge) Ciocârlan 2011; Sârbu et al. 2013 EC (RO), SC (RO), AC East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic Oprea 2005; Negrean & Oltean 1989; Hurdu et al. (RO) 2012b WC (SK, PL) West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Mts) Kliment 1999; Letz & Michalková 2012

Cerastium arvense subsp. lerchenfeldianum (Schur) Asch. et Graebn. 55, 56 (Syn.: C. lerchenfeldianum Schur) Cerastium tatrae Borbás (Syn.: C. glandulosum (Kit.) Jáv. non Schur, nom. illeg.; C. arvense subsp. glandulosum (Kit.) Soó) Cerastium transsilvanicum Schur EC (RO), SC (RO)

East-South-Carpathian endemic

Čopyk 1976; Morariu & Beldie 1976; Jalas & Suominen 1983; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009 Beldie 1977; Oprea 2005; Kobiv 2010; Čornej 2011; Sârbu et al. 2013 Diklić & Nikolić 1986a; Bogosavljević et al. 2007; Hurdu et al. 2012b; Ðug et al. 2013; Slavkovska et al. 2013 Kochjarová et al. 2006; Dihoru & Negrean 2009 Kliment 1999; Kochjarová & Valachovič 2002 Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Oprea 2005

Chrysosplenium alpinum Schur

EC (UA, RO), SC (RO) East-South-Carpathian endemic

Clinopodium pulegium (Rochel) Bräuchler 57 (Syn.: Micromeria pulegium (Rochel) Benth., nom. illeg.)


South-Carpathian subendemic

Cochlearia borzaeana (Coman et Nyár.) Pobed. Cochlearia tatrae Borbás Cota tinctoria subsp. fussii (Griseb. et Schenk) Oberpr. et Greuter (Syn.: Anthemis tinctoria subsp. fussii (Griseb. et Schenk) Beldie) Crocus banaticus J. Gay 58

EC (RO) WC (SK, PL) EC (RO), SC (RO), AC (RO) EC (UA, RO), SC (RO), AC (RO) WC (SK, PL)

East-Carpathian endemic West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Mts) East-South-Apuseni-Carpathians endemic

West-Carpathian endemic

Mihály & Komendar 1993; Oprea 2005; Myhaľ 2009; Hurdu et al. 2012b Májovský et al. 1991; Kliment 1999


West-Carpathian endemic West-Carpathian endemic

Olšavská et al. 2011, 2012; Olšavská & Löser 2013 Olšavská et al. 2011, 2012; Olšavská & Löser 2013


West-Carpathian endemic

Olšavská et al. 2011, 2012; Olšavská & Löser 2013


West-Carpathian endemic

Olšavská et al. 2011, 2012; Olšavská & Löser 2013

EC (?SK, UA, RO)

East-Carpathian endemic

Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009; Sârbu et al. 2013

Crocus discolor G. Reuss (Syn.: C. scepusiensis (Rehman et Woł.) Borbás) Cyanus dominii (Dostál) Holub Cyanus dominii (Dostál) Holub subsp. dominii (Syn.: Cyanus triumfetti subsp. dominii (Dostál) Dostál; Centaurea triumfetti subsp. dominii Dostál) Cyanus dominii subsp. slovenicus (Dostál) Olšavská (Syn.: Centaurea triumfetti var. slovenica Dostál) Cyanus dominii subsp. sokolensis (Pawł.) Olšavská (Syn.: Centaurea axillaris var. sokolensis Pawł.) Cyanus maramarosiensis (Jáv.) Dostál 59 (Syn.: Centaurea maramarosiensis (Jáv.) Czerep.; C. mollis subsp. maramarosiensis (Jáv.) Soó) Cyanus mollis (Waldst. et Kit.) J. Presl et C. Presl 60 (Syn.: Centaurea mollis Waldst. et Kit.; Cyanus montanus subsp. mollis (Waldst. et Kit.) Soják)

East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian subendemic

WC (CZ, SK, PL, HU), subendemic to Western, Eastern, Southern EC (UA, RO), SC (RO), & Apuseni Carpathians and Transylvanian Basin AC (RO), Tr (RO) (pan-Carpathian subendemic)


Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005; Olšavská & Löser 2013

Taxon Cyanus pinnatifidus (Schur) Holub (Syn.: Centaurea pinnatifida Schur; C. triumfetti subsp. pinnatifida (Schur) Dostál) Cyanus pinnatifidus (Schur) Holub subsp. pinnatifidus (Syn.: Centaurea pinnatifida Schur subsp. pinnatifida) Cyanus pinnatifidus subsp. sooanus (Borhidi) Greuter 61 (Syn.: Centaurea pinnatifida subsp. sooana (Borhidi) Soó) Cyclamen purpurascens subsp. immaculatum (Hrabětová) Halda et Soják 62 (Syn.: C. fatrense Halda et Soják) Dactylorhiza cordigera subsp. siculorum (Soó) Soó 63 (Syn.: Orchis cordigera subsp. siculorum Soó) Dactylorhiza maculata subsp. schurii (Klinge) Soó 64 (Syn.: Orchis maculata var. schurii (Klinge) Paucă et Beldie) Daphne arbuscula Čelak. Delphinium elatum subsp. nacladense (Zapał.) Holub 65 (Syn.: D. nacladense Zapał.) Delphinium oxysepalum Borbás et Pax Delphinium simonkaianum Pawł. Dianthus callizonus Schott et Kotschy Dianthus carthusianorum subsp. tenuifolius (Schur) Hegi 66 (Syn.: D. tenuifolius Schur) Dianthus giganteus subsp. banaticus (Heuff.) Tutin (Syn.: D. banaticus (Heuff.) Borbás) Dianthus glacialis subsp. gelidus (Schott, Nyman et Kotschy) Tutin (Syn.: D. gelidus Schott., Nyman et Kotschy) Dianthus henteri Heuff. ex Griseb. et Schenk Dianthus nitidus Waldst. et Kit. (Syn.: D. nitidus Waldst. et Kit. subsp. nitidus) Dianthus praecox Willd. ex Spreng. subsp. praecox 67, 68 (Syn.: D. plumarius subsp. praecox (Willd. ex Spreng.) Domin) Dianthus praecox subsp. lumnitzeri (Wiesb.) Kmeťová 69 (Syn.: D. lumnitzeri Wiesb.; D. plumarius subsp. lumnitzeri (Wiesb.) Domin) Dianthus praecox subsp. pseudopraecox (Novák) Kmeťová ex Dostál 70, 71 (Syn.: D. hungaricus subsp. pseudopraecox (Novák) Kmeťová ex Futák) Dianthus spiculifolius Schur 72 (Syn.: D. kitaibelii subsp. spiculifolius (Schur) Novák; D. petraeus subsp. spiculifolius (Schur) Ciocârlan)

Occurrence in the Category of endemism Carpathians EC (RO), SC (RO), AC East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic


EC (RO), SC (RO), AC East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic (RO) EC (RO) East-Carpathian endemic (Ceahlău Mts)

Oprea 2005

Oprea 2005; Olšavská et al. 2012

Borhidi 1957; Oprea 2005


West-Carpathian endemic (Veľká Fatra Mts, Nízke Tatry Mts) East-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic


West-Carpathian endemic

Kmeťová 1985, 2012

WC (A, CZ, SK)

West-Carpathian endemic

Baksay 1972; Kmeťová 1985, 2012; Somogyi et al. 2012


West-Carpathian endemic

Kmeťová 1985, 2012

Kliment 1999; Kanka et al. 2008; Turis 2009; Slovák et al. 2012; Kučera et al. 2013 EC (RO), AC (RO) Soó 1967, 1980b; Popescu & Sanda 1998; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009; Hurdu et al. 2012a EC (UA, RO), SC (RO), endemic to Eastern, Southern & Apuseni Soó 1967; Paucă & Beldie 1972; Čornej 2011; AC (RO), Tr (RO) Carpathians and Transylvanian Basin Hurdu 2014 in litt. WC (SK) West-Carpathian endemic (Muránska planina Mts) Erdelská & Turis 1996 EC (PL, UA, RO), SC East-South-Carpathian endemic Čopyk 1976; Starmühler 1996b; Oprea 2005; (RO) Kobiv et al. 2007a; Chorney et al. 2008; Mitka et al. 2008; Novikov 2013b WC (SK, PL) West-Carpathian endemic Kliment 1999 EC (RO), SC (RO), AC East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic Morariu & Beldie 1976; Beldie 1977; Dihoru (RO) & Pârvu 1987; Oprea 2005 SC (RO) South-Carpathian endemic (Piatra Craiului Mts) Morariu & Beldie 1976; Coldea 1997; Ciocârlan 2009; Dihoru & Negrean 2009; Sârbu et al. 2013 EC (UA, RO), SC (RO), East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic Kuzʼmina 2004; Fedorončuk & Čornej 2005; Oprea AC (RO) 2005; Čornej 2011 SC (RO, SRB) South-Carpathian endemic Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Oprea 2005; Hurdu et al. 2012a, b EC (RO), SC (RO) East-South-Carpathian endemic Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Oprea 2005; Hurdu et al. 2012a SC (RO) South-Carpathian endemic Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Popescu et al. 2003; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009; Sârbu et al. 2013 WC (SK, †PL) West-Carpathian endemic Kliment 1999; Kmeťová 2012

EC (RO), SC (RO), AC East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic (RO)


Morariu & Beldie 1976; Negrean & Oltean 1989; Fedorončuk & Diduch 2002b; Oprea 2005; Holobiuc et al. 2009

Taxon Doronicum carpaticum (Griseb. et Schenk) Nyman 73 Draba dorneri Heuff. 74 Draba haynaldii Stur Draba kotschyi Stur 75 Draba lasiocarpa subsp. klasterskyi (Chrtek) Chrtek Draba simonkaiana Jáv. 76 (Syn.: D. stellata subsp. simonkaiana (Jáv.) Ciocârlan) Erigeron hungaricus (Vierh.) Pawł. 77 (Syn.: E. nanus Schur non Nutt., nom. illeg.) Eritrichium jankae Simonk. 78 (Syn.: E. nanum subsp. jankae (Simonk.) Jáv.) Erysimum hungaricum Zapał. 79, 80

Occurrence in the Carpathians EC (UA, RO), SC (RO) SC (RO) EC (RO), SC (RO) EC (RO), SC (RO) WC (SK) SC (RO)

East-South-Carpathian endemic South-Carpathian endemic East-South-Carpathian endemic East-South-Carpathian endemic West-Carpathian endemic (Slovenský kras Mts) South-Carpathian endemic

Álvarez Fernández 2003; Pachswöll 2013 Sârbu & Lupu 1989; Ion 2012; Catană et al. 2013 Beldie 1979; Oprea 2005; Dihoru & Negrean 2009 Jalas et al. 1996; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009 Peniašteková & Kliment 2002 Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009; Dihoru & Negrean 2009; Sârbu et al. 2013 Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005; Mirek & PiękośMirkowa 2008b; Ciocârlan 2009 Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009; Șuteu 2012; Sârbu et al. 2013 Kobiv et al. 2007a; Kobiv 2010; Sârbu et al. 2013

East-Carpathian endemic (Maramureș Mts: Mt. Lostun Mic) West-Carpathian endemic (Pieniny Mts)


Erysimum wahlenbergii (Asch. et Engl.) Borbás Erysimum witmannii Zaw. 81

WC (SK, PL) WC (SK, PL, HU), EC (UA, RO), SC (RO)/?†AC WC (SK, PL), EC (RO), SC (RO)/?†AC (RO) WC (SK, HU)

Euphrasia slovaca (Yeo) Holub subsp. slovaca (Syn.: E. arctica subsp. slovaca Yeo) Euphrasia stipitata Smejkal Euphrasia tatrae Wettst. 90 (Syn.: E. minima subsp. tatrae (Wettst.) Hayek; E. minima var. tatrae (Wettst.) Pawł.) Ferula sadlerana Ledeb. 91, 92 Festuca amethystina subsp. orientalis Krajina 93 (Syn.: F. inarmata Schur)


WC (SK, PL), EC (RO), West-East-South-Carpathian endemic SC (RO) EC (RO), SC (RO) East-South-Carpathian endemic

Erysimum pieninicum (Zapał.) Pawł.

Erysimum witmannii Zaw. subsp. witmannii 82, 83, 84 (Syn.: E. baumgartenianum Schur) Erysimum witmannii subsp. pallidiflorum (Szépl. ex Jáv.) Soó (Syn.: E. pallidiflorum Szépl. ex Jáv.) Erysimum witmannii subsp. transsilvanicum (Schur) P. W. Ball 85, 86 (Syn.: E. transsilvanicum Schur; E. czetzianum Schur) Euphorbia carpatica Woł. 87, 88 (Syn.: Tithymalus carpaticus (Woł.) Á. Löve et D. Löve; T. jasiewiczii Chrtek et Křísa) Euphorbia sojakii (Chrtek et Křísa) Dubovik (Syn.: E. austriaca subsp. sojakii Chrtek et Křísa; Tithymalus sojakii (Chrtek et Křísa) Holub) Euphrasia exaristata Smejkal 89

Category of endemism

West-Carpathians endemic West-East-South-Carpathian endemic

West-East-South-Carpathian endemic West-Carpathian endemic

EC (UA, RO), SC (RO) East-South-Carpathian endemic

Maciejewska-Rutkowska et al. 2007; Korzeniak 2008 Kliment 1999; Michalková 2002 Kliment 1999; Michalková 2002 Nyárády 1955; Borza 1964; Tomšovic 1988; Kliment 1999; Ančev & Polatschek 2006 Michalková 1999, 2002 Nyárády 1955; Popescu et al. 2003; Kobiv 2010; Oprea & Sîrbu 2012, 2013; Vojtkó et al. 2012 Čopyk 1976; Mirek et al. 2002; Dihoru & Negrean 2009; Čornej 2011


East-Carpathian endemic


East-Carpathian endemic

Kliment 1999


West-Carpathian endemic (Západné Tatry Mts: Červené vrchy massif) West-East-Carpathian endemic

Králik 1997; Staszkiewicz 2009

WC (CZ, SK, PL), EC (UA, RO) WC (SK) West-Carpathian endemic (Krivánska Fatra Mts) WC (SK, PL), EC (UA, West-East-Carpathian endemic RO), ?SC (RO)

Králik 1997; Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005; Čornej 2011; Sârbu et al. 2013 Králik 1997; Kliment 1999 Smejkal 1963; Mihoková & Mikoláš 1994; Smejkal & Čeřovský 1999

WC (SK, HU), AC (RO) West-Apuseni-Carpathian subendemic EC (UA, RO), SC (RO), East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic AC (RO)

Lendvay & Kalapos 2014 Cvelev 1972, 1974, 1976; Prokudin et al. 1977; Oprea 2005; Sârbu et al. 2013


Taxon Festuca bucegiensis Markgr.-Dann. Festuca carpatica F. Dietr. (Syn.: F. pseudolaxa Schur; Leucopoa carpatica (F. Dietr.) H. Scholz) Festuca gautieri subsp. lutea (Hack.) Foggi et Signorini (Syn.: F. gautieri subsp. lutea (Hack.) Ciocârlan; F. scoparia subsp. lutea (Hack.) Beldie) Festuca nitida subsp. flaccida (Schur) Markgr.-Dann. Festuca pachyphylla Degen ex Nyár. (Syn.: F. rupicola subsp. pachyphylla (Degen ex Nyár.) Beldie; F. stricta subsp. rumelica Foggi et Petrova) Festuca porcii Hack.

Occurrence in the Carpathians SC (RO) WC (SK, PL), EC (UA, RO), SC (RO) EC (RO)

Category of endemism


South-Carpathian endemic West-East-South-Carpathian endemic

Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009; Sârbu et al. 2013 Kliment 1999

East-Carpathian endemic (Hășmaș Mts)

Morariu & Beldie 1976; Oprea 2005; Sârbu et al. 2013

EC (RO), SC (RO) SC (RO)

East-South-Carpathian endemic South-Carpathian endemic

Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009; Sârbu et al. 2013 Markgraf-Dannenberg 1980; Ciocârlan 2009; Hurdu et al. 2012a

EC (UA, RO), SC (RO), East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic AC (RO) EC (SK, UA, RO), SC East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic (RO), AC (RO)

Festuca saxatilis Schur 94 (Syn.: F. rupicola subsp. saxatilis (Schur) Rauschert; F. rupicola subsp. saxatilis (Schur) Beldie, nom. illeg.; F. stricta subsp. saxatilis (Host) Foggi et Signorini) Festuca tatrae (Czakó) Degen 95 WC (SK, PL) (Syn.: F. amethystina subsp. tatrae (Czakó) Soó) Festuca versicolor Tausch subsp. versicolor 96 WC (SK, PL), EC (UA, RO), SC (RO) Festuca versicolor subsp. dominii Krajina EC (RO) Galium abaujense Borbás WC (SK, HU) Galium album subsp. suberectum (Klokov) Michalk. 97, 98 WC (SK), EC (UA) (Syn.: G. suberectum Klokov) Galium baillonii D. Brândză SC (RO)

Beldie 1972; Čopyk 1976; Oprea 2005; Kobiv et al. 2007a Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005

West-Carpathian endemic

Kliment 1999; Ciocârlan 2009; Čornej 2011

West-East-South-Carpathian subendemic

Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005

East-Carpathian endemic (Rodna Mts) West-Carpathian endemic West-East-Carpathian endemic

Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009 Kliment 1999 Klokov 1961; Michalková 1993; Gynda 2004

South-Carpathian endemic

EC (RO), SC (RO)

East-South-Carpathian endemic


East-Carpathian endemic West-Carpathian endemic

Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Popescu et al. 2003; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009 Oprea 2005; Hurdu et al. 2012b Tasenkevyč 2003b; Gynda 2004; Kobiv 2010; Čornej 2011 Čopyk 1976; Morariu & Beldie 1976; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009; Čornej 2011 Morariu & Beldie 1976; Strid & Tan 1991; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009 Rybczyński et al. 2014 Kliment 1999; Šípošová et al. 2004b


West-Carpathian endemic

Kliment 1999; Šípošová et al. 2004a

WC (SK) EC (RO), SC (RO)

West-Carpathian endemic East-South-Carpathian endemic

Kliment 1999; Mirek & Piękoś-Mirkowa 2010 Morariu & Beldie 1976; Jalas & Suominen 1986; Oprea 2005; Hurdu et al. 2012b

Galium kitaibelianum Schult. et Schult. f. 99 Galium transcarpaticum Stojko et Tasenk.

EC (RO), SC (RO), AC East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian subendemic EC (UA) East-Carpathian endemic

Genista tinctoria subsp. oligosperma (Andrae) Jáv. 100 (Syn.: G. oligosperma (Andrae) Simonk.; G. rupestris Schur) Gentiana cruciata subsp. phlogifolia (Schott et Kotschy) Tutin 101 (Syn.: G. phlogifolia Schott et Kotschy) Gentiana laciniata Kit. ex Kanitz 102 Gentianella amarella subsp. reussii (Tocl) Holub (Syn.: Gentiana reussii Tocl) Gentianella fatrae (Borbás) Holub (Syn.: G. austriaca subsp. fatrae (Borbás) Á. Löve et D. Löve) Gentianella lutescens subsp. tatrae (Ronniger) Holub Gypsophila petraea (Baumg.) Rchb. 103 (Syn.: G. transsylvanica Spreng.)

EC (UA, RO), SC (RO) East-South-Carpathian endemic


Taxon Helictotrichon decorum (Janka) Henrard Hepatica transsilvanica Fuss Heracleum carpaticum Porcius

Occurrence in the Carpathians EC (RO), SC (RO), AC (RO) EC (RO), SC (RO), AC (RO) EC (UA, RO), SC (RO)

Category of endemism


East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic

Morariu & Beldie 1976; Oprea 2005; CBIS 2008 (http://www.carpates.org/cbisec/bot.php?id=1222) Morariu & Beldie 1976; Oprea 2005

East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic East-South-Carpathian endemic

Heracleum sphondylium subsp. transsilvanicum (Schur) Brummitt (Syn.: H. transsilvanicum Schur; H. palmatum Baumg.) Hesperis matronalis subsp. schurii Soó 104 (Syn.: H. oblongifolia Schur; H. matronalis subsp. oblongifolia (Schur) F. Dvořák) Hesperis matronalis subsp. vrabelyiana (Schur) Soó (Syn.: H. vrabelyiana (Schur) Borbás) Hesperis slovaca (F. Dvořák) F. Dvořák 105 (Syn.: H. dinarica subsp. slovaca F. Dvořák) Hieracium abietogenum Nyár. ex Szeląg 106 Hieracium austrotatricum Szeląg Hieracium bohatschianum Zahn

EC (UA, RO), SC (RO), East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic AC SC (RO) South-Carpathian endemic

Hieracium borbasii R. Uechtr. 107 (Syn.: H. sparsum subsp. borbasii (R. Uechtr.) Zahn) Hieracium borsanum Mráz Hieracium carpaticum Besser subsp. carpaticum

Čopyk 1976; Oprea 2005; Kobiv et al. 2007a; Ciocârlan 2009; Dihoru & Negrean 2009 Čopyk 1976; Oprea 2005; Čornej 2011; Sârbu et al. 2013 Morariu & Beldie 1976; Beldie 1977; Ball 1993; Ciocârlan 2009


West-Carpathian endemic (Bükk Mts)


West-Carpathian endemic (Nízke Tatry Mts)


South-Carpathian endemic (Retezat Mts) West-Carpathian endemic (Nízke Tatry Mts) South-Carpathian endemic (Almajului Mts: Mt. Treskovaț) South-Carpathian endemic (Retezat Mts)


East-Carpathian endemic (Rodna Mts) West-Carpathian endemic

Hieracium cernaeglavae (Hruby et Zahn) Mráz (Syn.: H. rohacsense subsp. cernaeglavae (Hruby et Zahn) Zahn) Hieracium coldei Szeląg (Syn.: H. sparsum subsp. coldei (Szeląg) Greuter) Hieracium crassipedipilum (Pawł. et Zahn) Chrtek f.


East-Carpathian endemic

Mráz 2001b, 2003a Zahn 1937; Chrtek jr. 2014 in litt.; cf. PiękośMirkowa & Mirek 2003; Šeffer et al. 2010 Mráz 2002

EC (RO), SC (RO)

East-South-Carpathian endemic

Szeląg 2006a, b, 2012


West-Carpathian endemic

Hieracium czeremoszense Woł. et Zahn Hieracium dacicum R. Uechtr. Hieracium decipientiforme (Woł. et Zahn) Schljakov Hieracium deylii Mráz (Syn.: H. pietroszense subsp. deylii (Mráz) Greuter) Hieracium fa*garasense (Nyár. et Zahn) Nyár. 108 (Syn.: H. sparsum subsp. fa*garasense Nyár. et Zahn) Hieracium filarszkyi Jáv. et Zahn Hieracium fritzeiforme Zahn Hieracium hryniawiense Woł. (Syn.: H. raddeanum subsp. hryniawiense (Woł.) Greuter) Hieracium jankae R. Uechtr.


East-Carpathian endemic South-Carpathian endemic (Retezat Mts) East-Carpathian endemic East-Carpathian endemic

Chrtek jr. & Marhold 1998; Štorchová et al. 2002; Chrtek jr. et al. 2004a Zahn 1936; Šljakov 1989; Szeląg 2007 Zahn 1938; Szeląg 2014 in litt. Chrtek jr. 1997; Chrtek jr. 2014 in litt. Mráz 2003a


South-Carpathian endemic (Făgăraș Mts)


South-Carpathian endemic (Retezat Mts) South-Carpathian endemic (Retezat Mts) East-Carpathian endemic

Szeląg 2006b; Szeląg 2014 in litt.; cf. Beldie 1979, Oprea 2005, Ciocârlan 2009, Sârbu et al. 2013 Zahn 1938; Szeląg 2014 in litt. Zahn 1938; Szeląg 2014 in litt. Šljakov 1989; Mráz 2003b; Szeląg 2007


South-Carpathian endemic (Almajului Mts)

Mráz & Szeląg 2004; Szeląg 2014 in litt.


Dvořák 1968; Soó 1968; Ball 1993; Šeffer et al. 2010 Dvořák 1963, 1968; Zahradníková et al. 2002; Šípošová et al. 2004b Szeląg 2003a, 2006b Ronikier & Szeląg 2008; Ilnicki & Szeląg 2011 Ilnicki & Szeląg 2011; Szeląg 2011 Szeląg 2006b; Ilnicki & Szeląg 2011


Occurrence in the Category of endemism Carpathians WC (SK, PL) West-Carpathian endemic EC (RO), SC (RO), AC East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic (RO)



West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Mts)



West-Carpathian endemic (Nízke Tatry Mts) East-Carpathian endemic South-Carpathian endemic (Retezat Mts, Țarcu Mts) South-Carpathian endemic (Retezat Mts, Țarcu Mts) South-Carpathian endemic (Retezat Mts) South-Carpathian endemic (Retezat Mts)

Chrtek jr. & Marhold 1998; Štorchová et al. 2002; Chrtek jr. et al. 2004a Schuhwerk & Lippert 1999; Chrtek jr. et al. 2004a Šljakov 1989; Szeląg 2007 Szeląg 2003b, 2006b; Mráz & Szeląg 2004


West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Mts)


West-Carpathian endemic (Západné Tatry Mts)

Hieracium paltinae Jáv. et Zahn Hieracium pawlowskianum Nyár. (Syn.: H. riumarense Nyár. ex Szeląg; H. tomiasiforme (Nyár.) Nyár.; H. sparsum subsp. nigrovirenticeps (Nyár. et Zahn) Greuter) Hieracium paxianum Nyár. et Zahn Hieracium perfoliosum Nyár. ex Szeląg Hieracium pietroszense Degen et Zahn 112 Hieracium pinetophilum (Degen et Zahn) Chrtek f.


South-Carpathian endemic (Retezat Mts) South-Carpathian endemic (Retezat Mts, Țarcu Mts)

EC (UA, RO), SC (RO) SC (RO) EC (RO) WC (SK, PL)

East-South-Carpathian endemic South-Carpathian endemic (Godeanu Mts) East-Carpathian endemic (Rodna Mts) West-Carpathian endemic

Hieracium pisaturense Nyár.


South-Carpathian endemic (Retezat Mts)

Hieracium pocuticum Woł.


East-Carpathian endemic

Hieracium jarzabczynum (Pawł. et Zahn) Mráz et Chrtek f. Hieracium kotschyanum Heuff. (Syn.: H. kotschyanum Heuff. subsp. kotschyanum; H. sparsum subsp. kotschyanum (Heuff.) Zahn) Hieracium krivanense (Woł. et Zahn) Schljakov Hieracium lingelsheimii Pax Hieracium lomnicense Woł. Hieracium lubricicaule (Zahn) Borza (Syn.: H. sparsum subsp. lubricicaule Zahn) Hieracium magocsyanum Jáv. (Syn.: H. sparsum subsp. magocsyanum (Jáv.) Zahn) Hieracium mirekii Szeląg Hieracium mitkae Szeląg (Syn.: H. kotschyanum subsp. longidentatum Nyár. ex Szeląg; H. sparsum subsp. longidentatum (Nyár. ex Szeląg) Greuter) Hieracium mlinicae (Hruby et Zahn) Chrtek f. et Mráz (Syn.: H. nigrescens subsp. mlinicae Hruby et Zahn) Hieracium napaeum Zahn Hieracium negoiense (Răvărut et Nyár.) Soó 109 (Syn.: Crepis negoiensis Răvărut et Nyár.) Hieracium nigrescens subsp. koprovanum Rech. f. et Zahn Hieracium nigrilacus Nyár. Hieracium ostii-bucurae Nyár. ex Szeląg 110, 111 (Syn.: H. longifoliosum Nyár. ex Szeląg; H. sparsum subsp. sparsiforme (Degen et Zahn) Greuter) Hieracium palenicae Rech. f. et Zahn


Chrtek jr. & Mráz 2007; Chrtek jr. et al. 2007 Mráz & Szeląg 2004; Szeląg 2006b; Ilnicki & Szeląg 2011

Mráz & Szeląg 2004; Szeląg 2006b; Ilnicki & Szeląg 2011 Szeląg 2006b; Ilnicki & Szeląg 2011 Szeląg 2003a, 2006b

Zahn 1927; Chrtek jr. et al. 2004b; Chrtek jr. & Mráz 2007 EC (RO), SC (RO), AC East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic Zahn 1936; Szeląg 2014 in litt. SC (RO) South-Carpathian endemic (Retezat Mts) Morariu & Beldie 1976; Oprea 2005; Sârbu et al. 2013 WC (SK, PL) West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Mts, Nízke Tatry Zahn 1927; Mráz 2001b, 2002; Chrtek jr. et al. Mts) 2004b, 2007 SC (RO) South-Carpathian endemic (Retezat Mts) Szeląg 2006b SC (RO) South-Carpathian endemic Szeląg 2003a, 2006b; Mráz & Szeląg 2004


Zahn 1937; Procházka & Chrtek jr. 1999; Chrtek jr. 2014 in litt. Szeląg 2014 in litt.; cf. Zahn 1938 Szeląg 2003a, 2004a, 2006b Mráz et al. 2005 Szeląg 2003a, 2006b Mráz 2003a Chrtek jr. & Marhold 1998; Štorchová et al. 2002; Chrtek jr. et al. 2004a Szeląg 2003b, 2006b; Szeląg 2014 in litt.; cf. Zahn 1938 Šljakov 1989; Szeląg 2007; cf. Tasenkevyč 2003b


Occurrence in the Carpathians EC (RO)

Category of endemism


East-Carpathian endemic

Hieracium polyphyllobasis (Nyár. et Zahn) Szeląg (Syn.: H. sparsum subsp. polyphyllobasis (Nyár. et Zahn) Greuter) Hieracium porphyriticum A. Kern. (Syn.: H. sparsum subsp. porphyriticum (A. Kern.) Zahn) Hieracium prassivae Zahn


South-Carpathian endemic (Retezat Mts)

Ștefureac & Tăcină 1979; Mráz 2003b; Mráz & Szeląg 2004; Mráz & Paule 2006; Szeląg 2006b, 2007 Szeląg 2006b; Ilnicki & Szeląg 2011

SC (RO), AC (RO)

South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic


Hieracium pseudostygium Woł. (Syn.: H. nigritum subsp. pseudostygium (Woł.) Zahn) Hieracium rapunculoidiforme Woł. et Zahn 113 Hieracium ratezaticum (Nyár. et Zahn) Mráz Hieracium rohacsense Kit. Hieracium scitulum Woł. 114 Hieracium silesiacum E. Krause 115


West-Carpathian endemic (Vysoké Tatry Mts, Nízke Tatry Mts) East-Carpathian endemic

EC (UA, ?RO) SC (RO) WC (SK, PL) EC (UA) WC (SK, PL)

East-Carpathian endemic South-Carpathian endemic (Retezat Mts) West-Carpathian endemic East-Carpathian endemic West-Carpathian subendemic

Hieracium slovacum Chrtek f.


West-Carpathian endemic (Belianske Tatry Mts)

Hieracium subsinuatum Borbás (Syn.: H. subserratosinuatum Zahn, nom. illeg.) Hieracium telekianum Boros et Lengyel (Syn.: H. sparsum subsp. telekianum (Boros et Lengyel) Greuter) Hieracium tomiasae (Nyár. et Zahn) Nyár. (Syn.: H. sparsum subsp. tomiasae Nyár. et Zahn; H. sparsum var. tomiasae (Nyár. et Zahn) Ciocârlan) Hieracium tomosense Simonk. Hieracium tubulare Nyár. 116 (Syn.: H. sparsum var. tubulare (Nyár.) Ciocârlan; H. sparsum subsp. tubulatum (Zahn) Greuter) Hieracium ukierniae Woł. et Zahn Hieracium vapenicanum (Lengyel et Zahn) Chrtek f. et Mráz


West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Mts)


East-Carpathian endemic (Harghita Mts)


South-Carpathian endemic (Țarcu Mts: Mt. Tomeasa)

EC (RO), SC (RO) SC (RO)

East-South-Carpathian endemic South-Carpathian endemic (Retezat Mts)

Ilnicki & Szeląg 2011; Szeląg 2013 Mráz & Szeląg 2004; Szeląg 2006a, b; Ilnicki & Szeląg 2011


East-Carpathian endemic West-Carpathian endemic

Hieracium virgicaule Nägeli et Peter 117 Hieracium worochtae Woł. Hieracium zajacii Szeląg Hieracium zanogae Pax Hylotelephium argutum (Haw.) Holub (Syn.: Sedum carpaticum G. Reuss; S. telephium subsp. fabaria (W. D. J. Koch) Kirschl.) Jovibarba globifera subsp. preissiana (Domin) Holub 118 (Syn.: J. preissiana (Domin) Omelczuk et Czopik)

WC (SK, PL, HU) EC (UA) WC (SK) SC (RO) WC (†CZ, SK, PL), EC (SK, UA, RO), SC (RO), AC (RO) WC (SK, PL), EC (UA, RO)

West-Carpathian endemic East-Carpathian endemic West-Carpathian endemic (Veľká Fatra Mts) South-Carpathian endemic (Retezat Mts) West-East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian (panCarpathian) endemic

Šljakov 1989; Szeląg 2014 in litt. Zahn 1927; Chrtek jr. et al. 2004b, 2007; Chrtek jr. & Mráz 2007 Zahn 1930; Chrtek jr. et al. 2004a Zahn 1938; Šljakov 1989; Szeląg 2007 Szeląg 2010 Szeląg 2006b Grulich 1984; Kliment 1999

Hieracium pojoritense Woł.


West-East-Carpathian subendemic

Szeląg 2006b; Ilnicki & Szeląg 2011; Szeląg 2014 in litt. Šípošová et al. 2004b Šljakov 1989; Szeląg 2007; cf. Čornej 2011 Zahn 1911; Šljakov 1989 Mráz 2001b; Mráz & Szeląg 2004 Mráz 2001a, 2002, 2005a; Šípošová et al. 2004a Šljakov 1989; Chrtek jr. 2004; Szeląg 2007 Chrtek jr. 1996; Chrtek jr. et al. 2002; Szeląg 2004b, 2006b; Mráz 2005b Chrtek jr. & Marhold 1998; Štorchová et al. 2002; Chrtek jr. et al. 2004a Zahn 1937; Kliment 1999; Procházka & Chrtek jr. 1999; Chrtek jr. 2014 in litt. Mráz & Szeląg 2004; Szeląg 2006b; cf. Beldie 1977, Ciocârlan 2009, Sârbu et al. 2013 Mráz & Szeląg 2004; Szeląg 2006b; Ilnicki & Szeląg 2011; cf. Dihoru & Pârvu 1987

Letz 1998; Kliment 1999

Taxon Jurinea transylvanica (Spreng.) Simonk. 119 (Syn.: J. mollis subsp. transylvanica (Spreng.) Hayek) Knautia kitaibelii (Schult.) Borbás subsp. kitaibelii 120, 121

Occurrence in the Carpathians Tr (RO)/EC (RO), SC (RO), AC (RO) WC (A, CZ, SK, PL)

Category of endemism


subendemic to Transylvanian Basin

Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Oprea 2005

Soják 1983b; Štěpánek 1985, 1997; Kliment 1999; Böhm & Facsar 2000; Kolář et al. 2009 Knautia slovaca Štěpánek WC (SK) West-Carpathian endemic Štěpánek 1983, 1985 Koeleria macrantha subsp. transsilvanica (Schur) A. Nyár. 122 EC (†UA, RO), SC East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic Deyl 1934; Ghișa 1972; Soják 1983b; Popescu (Syn.: K. transsilvanica Schur; K. macrantha subsp. transsilvanica (Schur) (RO), AC (RO) et al. 2003; Oprea 2005; Kricsfalusy & Budnikov Beldie, nom. illeg.) 2007 Koeleria tristis Domin WC (SK) West-Carpathian endemic Kliment 1999; Pečinka et al. 2006 Lathyrus transsilvanicus (Spreng.) Fritsch 123, 124, 125 WC (SK, HU), EC (UA, subendemic to Western & Eastern Carpathians and Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005; Petrova & Vladimirov RO), Tr (RO)/AC (RO) Transylvanian Basin 2009; Proc’ & Kiš 2009; Kobiv 2010; Tosheva et al. 2011; Marinov et al. 2014 Leontodon kulczynskii Popov EC (UA, RO), SC (RO), East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic Čopyk 1976; Helʼtman 1989; Oprea 2005; Čornej (Syn.: L. repens Schur, nom. illeg.) AC (RO) 2011 Leucanthemopsis alpina subsp. tatrae (Vierh.) Holub 126 WC (SK, PL) West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Mts, Nízke Tatry Holub 1977b; Kliment 1999; Mirek & Piękoś(Syn.: L. tatrae (Vierh.) Holub; Chrysanthemum alpinum f. tatrae Vierh.) Mts) Mirkowa 2009, 2010 Leucanthemum rotundifolium (Waldst. et Kit. ex Willd.) DC. 127 WC (SK, PL), EC (SK, West-East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian (panZelený 1970; Čopyk 1976; Kliment 1999; Oprea (Syn.: L. waldsteinii (Sch. Bip.) Pouzar; Chrysanthemum rotundifolium PL, UA), SC (RO), AC Carpathian subendemic 2005 Waldst. et Kit. ex Willd.) (RO) Linum extraaxilare Kit. 128 WC (SK, PL), EC (UA, West-East-South-Carpathian subendemic Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005; Petrova & Vladimirov (Syn.: L. perenne subsp. extraaxillare (Kit.) Nyman) RO), SC (RO) 2009; Vladimirov et al. 2011 Linum uninerve (Rochel) Jáv. 129, 130 SC (RO)/EC (RO) East-South-Carpathian subendemic Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Oprea 2005; Petrova 2011 Luzula alpinopilosa subsp. obscura S. Fröhner WC (SK, PL), EC (UA, West-East-South-Carpathian endemic Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005; Mirek & PiękośRO), SC (RO) Mirkowa 2010; Čornej 2011 Melampyrum saxosum Baumg. 131, 132 EC (SK, PL, UA, RO), East-South-Carpathian endemic Štech & Drábková 2005; Těšitel & Štech 2007; (Syn.: M. sylvaticum subsp. saxosum (Baumg.) P. Beauv.; M. herbichii SC (RO) Michalik & Mitka 2008; Těšitel et al. 2009 Woł.) Minuartia oxypetala (Woł.) Kulcz. EC (UA, RO) East-Carpathian endemic Pawłowski 1939; Beldie 1977; Fedorončuk (Syn.: M. verna subsp. oxypetala (Woł.) G. Halliday) & Diduch 2002c; Oprea 2005; Kobiv et al. 2007a; Kobiv 2010; Čornej 2011 Minuartia pauciflora (Kit. ex Kanitz) Dvořáková 133 WC (SK, PL), EC (UA) West-East-Carpathian endemic Dvořáková 2003 (Syn.: M. zarencznyi (Zapał.) Klokov) Nigritella carpatica (Zapał.) Teppner, E. Klein et M. Zagulskij EC (UA, RO) East-Carpathian endemic Teppner et al. 1994; Teppner & Klein 1998; (Syn.: Gymnadenia carpatica (Zapał.) Teppner et E. Klein) Teppner 2004; Čornej 2009 Noccaea banatica (R. Uechtr.) F. K. Mey. 134 SC (RO) South-Carpathian endemic Beldie 1977; Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Popescu et al. (Syn.: Thlaspi dacicum subsp. banaticum (R. Uechtr.) Nyár.; T. dacicum 2003; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009; Dihoru subsp. banaticum (R. Uechtr.) Dvořáková, nom. illeg.) & Negrean 2009; Sârbu et al. 2013 Noccaea caerulescens subsp. tatrensis (Zapał.) Holub WC (SK, PL) West-Carpathian endemic Kliment 1999; Hodálová & Mártonfi 2002 (Syn.: Thlaspi caerulescens subsp. tatrense (Zapał.) Dvořáková) Noccaea dacica (Heuff.) F. K. Mey. subsp. dacica EC (UA, RO), SC (RO) East-South-Carpathian endemic Morariu & Beldie 1976; Jalas et al. 1996; (Syn.: Thlaspi dacicum Heuff. subsp. dacicum) Tasenkevyč 2003b; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009 West-Carpathian subendemic


Taxon Noccaea jankae (A. Kern.) F. K. Mey. 135 (Syn.: Thlaspi jankae A. Kern.) Onosma pseudarenaria Schur subsp. pseudarenaria 136 Onosma viridis (Borbás) Jáv. 137, 138 (Syn.: Onosma tornensis Jáv.) Ophrys holubyana Andras. 139 Ornithogalum orthophyllum subsp. acuminatum (Schur) Zahar.

Occurrence in the Carpathians WC (SK, HU)

Category of endemism


West-Carpathian endemic

Tr (RO)/EC (RO), AC (RO) WC (SK, HU), SC (RO), AC (RO), Tr (RO) WC (CZ, SK) SC (RO)

subendemic to Transylvanian Basin

Clapham & Akeyrod 1993; Kliment 1999; Hodálová & Mártonfi 2002 Oprea 2005; Dihoru & Negrean 2009; Șuteu 2012

endemic to Western, Southern & Apuseni Carpathians and Transylvanian Basin West-Carpathian endemic South-Carpathian endemic (Bârsei Mts: Postăvarul massif) WC (SK, PL), EC (RO), West-East-South-Carpathian endemic SC (RO) WC (SK, PL), EC (UA, West-East-South-Carpathian endemic RO), SC (RO) EC (RO), SC (RO) East-South-Carpathian endemic

Grințescu & Nyárády 1960a; Kolarčik et al. 2010; Mártonfi et al. 2014 Kliment 1999; Dítě 2014 in litt. Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Oprea 2005


West-Carpathian endemic

Kliment 1999


West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Mts) West-Carpathian endemic (Veľká Fatra Mts)

Pedicularis baumgartenii Simonk. 140


East-South-Carpathian endemic

Peucedanum rochelianum Heuff. 141, 142

Tr (RO)

subendemic to Transylvanian Basin

Phyteuma tetramerum Schur

EC (UA, RO), SC (RO), East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic AC (RO) EC (UA, RO), SC (RO) East-South-Carpathian endemic

Bernátová 2002; Mirek & Piękoś-Mirkowa 2010 Bernátová 2002; Šípošová et al. 2004a; Kliment et al. 2008 Beldie 1977; Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009; Sârbu et al. 2013 Boșcaiu 1965; Boșcaiu & Rațiu 1965; Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Paucă-Comănescu & Negrean 1994; Jakab et al. 2008; Kovács 2011 Čopyk 1976; Morariu & Beldie 1976; Negrean & Oltean 1989; Oprea 2005; Čornej 2011 Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Negrean & Oltean 1989; Oprea 2005 Szeląg 2007

Oxytropis campestris subsp. tatrae (Borbás) Dostál Oxytropis carpatica Uechtr. (Syn.: O. jacquinii subsp. carpatica (R. Uechtr.) Hausskn.) Papaver corona-sancti-stephani Zapał. (Syn.: P. alpinum subsp. corona-sancti-stephani (Zapał.) Borza; P. pyrenaicum subsp. corona-sancti-stephani (Zapał.) Borza) Papaver tatricum (A. Nyár.) Ehrend. (Syn.: P. alpinum subsp. tatricum A. Nyár.) Papaver tatricum (A. Nyár.) Ehrend. subsp. tatricum Papaver tatricum subsp. fatraemagnae Bernátová

Phyteuma vagneri A. Kern. (Syn.: P. spiciforme Rochel) Pilosella plaicensis (Woł.) Soják (Syn.: Hieracium plaicense Woł.) Pilosella ullepitschii (Błocki) Szeląg 143 (Syn.: P. alpicola subsp. ullepitschii (Błocki) Soják; Hieracium alpicola subsp. ullepitschii (Błocki) Zahn) Plantago atrata subsp. carpatica (Soó) Soó Poa babiogorensis Bernátová, Májovský et Obuch Poa carpatica (V. Jirásek) Chopik 144 (Syn.: P. nemoralis subsp. carpatica V. Jirásek)


East-Carpathian endemic

WC (SK, PL)/EC (RO), West-East-South-Carpathian endemic SC (RO)

Kliment 1999; Tasenkevich 2011 Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005 Beldie 1977; Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009; Sârbu et al. 2013

Szeląg 2008; Šingliarová et al. 2008, 2011a, b, 2013; Šingliarová & Mráz 2009; Ilnicki & Szeląg 2011 Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005; Sârbu et al. 2013

WC (SK, PL), EC (UA, West-East-South-Carpathian endemic RO), SC (RO) WC (PL) West-Carpathian endemic (Beskid Żywiecki Mts: Bernátová et al. 1999, 2003a Mt. Babia Góra) WC (SK, PL), EC (UA) West-East-Carpathian endemic Čopyk 1976; Bernátová et al. 2006


Taxon Poa granitica Braun-Blanq. Poa granitica Braun-Blanq. subsp. granitica Poa granitica subsp. disparilis (Nyár.) Nyár. 145 (Syn.: P. deylii Chrtek et V. Jirásek) Poa margilicola Bernátová et Májovský

Occurrence in the Carpathians WC (SK, PL), EC (UA, RO), SC (RO) WC (SK, PL) EC (UA, RO), SC (RO)

Category of endemism


West-East-South-Carpathian endemic

Kliment 1999

West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Mts) East-South-Carpathian endemic


West-Carpathian endemic (Veľká Fatra Mts: Mt. Borišov) West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Wysokie Mts)

Kliment 1999; Mirek & Piękoś-Mirkowa 2008c Ghișa & Beldie 1972; Beldie 1972; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009; Kobiv 2010; Sârbu et al. 2013 Bernátová & Májovský 1997; Bernátová et al. 2003b; Šípošová et al. 2004a Piękoś-Mirkova et al. 1996; Kliment 1999; PiękośMirkova 2008 Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005; Dúbravková et al. 2010; Borhidi et al. 2012 Čopyk 1976; Beldie 1979; Oprea 2005; Dihoru & Negrean 2009; Čornej 2011; Sârbu et al. 2013

Poa nobilis Skalińska 146


Poa pannonica subsp. scabra (Asch. et Graebn.) Soó 147

WC (SK, HU), †EC (UA)/SC (RO) EC (UA, RO)

West-South-Carpathian endemic


West-Carpathian endemic (Západné Tatry Mts: Bernátová et al. 1999, 2003a Mt. Osobitá) South-Carpathian endemic (Almajului Mts: Porțile Morariu & Beldie 1976; Beldie 1977; Dihoru de Fier Gorge) & Pârvu 1987; Oprea 2005; Dihoru & Negrean 2009 West-Carpathian subendemic Soó 1964, 1980a; Simon 1992; Kliment 1999 South-Carpathian endemic Beldie 1979; Popescu et al. 2003; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009; Dihoru & Negrean 2009 East-Carpathian endemic Șuteu 2012; Șuteu et al. 2011, 2013; Hurdu et al. 2014 in litt.

Poa rehmannii (K. Richt.) Woł. 148 (Syn.: P. rehmannii (K. Richt.) Szafer, nom. illeg.; P. nemoralis subsp. rehmannii (K. Richt.) Asch. et Graebn.) Poa sejuncta Bernátová, Májovský et Obuch

East-Carpathian endemic

Prangos carinata Griseb. ex Degen 149, 150 (Syn.: P. carinata Griseb. ex Grecescu, nom. illeg.; P. ferulacea subsp. carinata (Griseb. ex Degen) Dihoru) Primula auricula subsp. hungarica (Borbás) Soó 151 Primula auricula subsp. serratifolia (Rochel) Jáv.


Primula leucophylla Pax 152 (Syn.: P. elatior subsp. leucophylla (Pax) Hesl.-Harr.f. ex W. W. Sm. et H. R. Fletcher) Primula wulfeniana subsp. baumgarteniana (Degen et Moesz) Lüdi (Syn.: P. baumgarteniana Degen et Moesz)



South-Carpathian endemic

Pulmonaria rubra subsp. filarszkyana (Jáv.) Domin 153 (Syn.: P. filarszkyana Jáv.) Pulsatilla slavica G. Reuss 154 (Syn.: P. halleri subsp. slavica (G. Reuss) Zamels) Pulsatilla subslavica Futák ex Goliašová Pyrola carpatica Holub et Křísa (Syn.: P. rotundifolia subsp. carpatica (Holub et Křísa) Beldie et Váczy) Ranunculus altitatrensis Paclová et Murín Ranunculus carpaticus Herbich


East-Carpathian endemic


West-Carpathian endemic

WC (SK) WC (SK, PL), EC (UA, RO), SC (RO) WC (SK) EC (SK, UA, RO), SC (RO) SC (RO, SRB)

West-Carpathian endemic West-East-South-Carpathian endemic

Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Oprea 2005; Dihoru & Negrean 2009; Negrean 2011; Hurdu et al. 2012a; Sârbu et al. 2013 Čopyk 1976; Beldie 1979; Oprea 2005; Čornej 2011; Ciocârlan 2009; Sârbu et al. 2013 Goliašová 1985; Kliment 1999; Šípošová et al. 2004b; Ciocârlan 2009 Goliašová 1985; Kliment 1999 Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005; Ciocîrlan 2009

West-Carpathian endemic (Vysoké Tatry Mts) East-South-Carpathian endemic

Paclová 1999 Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005

South-Carpathian endemic


East-Carpathian endemic

Jalas & Suominen 1989; Stevanović et al. 1991; Dunkel 2011 Cvelev 2001; Diduch et al. 2004a; Čornej 2011; Turlaj 2011

Ranunculus flabellifolius Heuff. ex Rchb. 155 Ranunculus malinovskii Elenevsky et Derv.-Sok. (Syn.: R. kladnii auct. non Schur)



Taxon Ranunculus pseudomontanus Schur 156, 157 (Syn.: R. montanus subsp. pseudomontanus (Schur) Ciocârlan) Rosa coziae Nyár. 158, 159 (Syn.: R. villosa subsp. coziae (Nyár.) Ciocârlan) Salix kitaibeliana Willd. (Syn.: S. retusa subsp. kitaibeliana (Willd.) Jáv.) Salvia transsylvanica (Schur ex Griseb. et Schenk) Schur 160

Occurrence in the Carpathians WC (SK, PL), EC (UA, RO), SC (RO), AC SC (RO)

Category of endemism


West-East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian (panCarpathian) endemic South-Carpathian endemic

Kožuharov & Petrova 1988; Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005 Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009; Kerényi-Nagy 2011; Hurdu et al. 2012a Kliment 1999

Saussurea porcii Degen 161

WC (SK, PL), EC (UA, West-East-South-Carpathian endemic RO), SC (RO) Tr, EC (RO)/SC (RO) endemic to Transylvanian Basin, Eastern and Southern Carpathians EC (UA, RO) East-Carpathian endemic

Saxifraga moschata subsp. dominii Soó Saxifraga moschata subsp. kotulae S. Pawł.


Saxifraga mutata subsp. demissa (Schott et Kotschy) D. A. Webb (Syn.: S. demissa Schott et Kotschy; S. transsilvanica Fuss) Saxifraga wahlenbergii Ball Scabiosa columbaria subsp. banatica (Waldst. et Kit.) Diklić 162 (Syn.: S. banatica Waldst. et Kit.; S. columbaria subsp. banatica (Waldst. et Kit.) Soó, nom. illeg.) Scabiosa lucida subsp. barbata Nyár. (Syn.: S. pseudobanatica subsp. barbata (Nyár.) Chrtek; S. opaca Klokov) Scilla kladnii Schur 163 (Syn.: S. bifolia subsp. subtriphylla (Schur) Domin; S. alpina Schur)


Scorzoneroides pseudotaraxaci (Schur) Holub (Syn.: Leontodon pseudotaraxaci Schur; L. montanus subsp. pseudotaraxaci (Schur) Finch et P. D. Sell) Sempervivum carpathicum Wettst. ex Prodan 164 Sempervivum carpathicum Wettst. ex Prodan subsp. carpathicum 165 (Syn.: S. montanum subsp. carpathicum (Wettst. ex Prodan) A. Berger) Sempervivum carpathicum subsp. heterophyllum (Hazsl.) Letz 166 (Syn.: S. montanum subsp. heterophyllum (Hazsl.) Jáv. ex Soó) Sempervivum matricum Letz 167 Senecio dacicus Hodálová et Marhold (Syn.: S. hercynicus subsp. dacicus (Hodálová et Marhold) Greuter) Senecio ucranicus Hodálová 168 (Syn.: S. hercynicus subsp. ucranicus (Hodálová) Greuter) Sesleria heuflerana Schur

Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Oprea 2005

Kobiv et al. 2007b; Dihoru & Negrean 2009; Bahlej 2010; Kobiv 2010; Počynok & Prokopiv 2010; Derevenko 2011; Mátis et al. 2014 West-Carpathian endemic Kliment 1999 West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Mts, Nízke Tatry Kliment 1999; Mirek & Piękoś-Mirkowa 2010 Mts) South-Carpathian endemic Beldie 1977; Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Webb 1993a; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009; Sârbu et al. 2013 West-Carpathian endemic Kliment 1999; Cieślak et al. 2013 East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic Prodan 1961; Diklić 1973; Mardari 2009; Hurdu et al. 2012b

WC (SK, PL) SC (RO, SRB), AC (RO)/EC (RO) EC (UA, RO), SC (RO), AC (RO) WC (CZ, SK, HU, PL), EC (SK, PL, UA), SC (RO), AC (RO), Tr (RO) WC (SK, PL), EC (UA, RO), SC (RO)

East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic

Kobiv et al. 2007a; Oprea 2005

subendemic to Western, Eastern, Southern & Apuseni Carpathians and Transylvanian Basin (pan-Carpathian subendemic) West-East-South-Carpathian endemic

Kereszty 1993; Kricsfalusy & Vajnagi 1994; Kliment 1999; Kochjarová et al. 2004, 2005; Trávníček et al. 2010 Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005; Čornej 2011

WC (SK, PL), EC (PL, UA, RO), SC (RO) WC (SK, PL), EC (PL, UA, RO), SC (RO) WC (SK)

West-East-South-Carpathian endemic

Letz 1998; Kliment 1999

West-East-South-Carpathian endemic

WC (SK, HU) SC (RO), AC (RO)

West-Carpathian subendemic South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic

EC (SK, PL, UA, RO), SC (RO) WC (SK, HU), EC (UA, RO), SC (RO), AC (RO), Tr (RO)

East-South-Carpathian subendemic

Letz 1998, 2002; Letz & Marhold 1998; Kliment 1999 Letz 1998, 2002; Letz & Marhold 1998; Kliment 1999 Blanár & Letz 2005; Letz 2009 Hodálová & Marhold 1998; Hodálová 1999a, b; Negrean 2011 Hodálová 1999b; Rola 2014


West-Carpathian endemic

subendemic to Western, Eastern, Southern & Apuseni Carpathians and Transylvanian Basin (pan-Carpathian subendemic)

Kliment 1999

Taxon Sesleria heuflerana Schur subsp. heuflerana 169

Sesleria heuflerana subsp. hungarica (Ujhelyi) Deyl 170 (Syn.: S. hungarica Ujhelyi) Sesleria rigida Heuff. ex Rchb. 171 (Syn.: S. haynaldiana Schur; S. rigida subsp. haynaldiana (Schur) Beldie) Sesleria tatrae (Degen) Deyl 172 (Syn.: S. sadlerana subsp. tatrae (Degen) Deyl) Silene dinarica Spreng. Silene nivalis (Kit.) Rohrb. (Syn.: Lychnis nivalis Kit.; Polyschemone nivalis (Kit.) Schott, Nyman et Kotschy) Silene nutans subsp. dubia (Herbich) Zapał. (Syn.: S. dubia Herbich) Silene zawadzkii Herbich 173, 174 (Syn.: Elisanthe zawadzkii (Herbich) Klokov; Melandrium zawadzkii (Herbich) A. Braun; Silenanthe zawadzkii (Herbich) Griseb. et Schenk)

Occurrence in the Carpathians WC (SK, HU), EC (UA, RO), SC (RO), AC (RO), Tr (RO) WC (HU)

Category of endemism


subendemic to Western, Eastern, Southern & Apuseni Carpathians and Transylvanian Basin (pan-Carpathian subendemic) West-Carpathian endemic (Bükk Mts)

Čopyk 1976; Gejdeman 1986; Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005

EC (RO), SC (RO), AC East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic (RO) WC (SK, PL) West-Carpathian subendemic

Lysák 1996; Kliment 1999; Borhidi et al. 2012 Morariu & Beldie 1976; Beldie 1979; Oprea 2005; Kuzmanović et al. 2013 Fabiszewski 1970; Hendrych 1987; Kliment 1999; Budzáková et al. 2014 Beldie 1977; Chater et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 2009 Coldea 1997; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009; Dihoru & Negrean 2009; Sârbu et al. 2013


South-Carpathian endemic East-Carpathian endemic (Rodna Mts)

EC (SK, PL, UA, RO), SC (RO), AC (RO) EC (UA, RO)

East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic

Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005; Mereďa et al. 2012

East-Carpathian endemic

Soldanella carpatica Vierh.


West-Carpathian endemic

Sorbus amici-petri Mikoláš 175 Sorbus atrimontis Bernátová et Májovský


West-Carpathian endemic (Čierna hora Mts) West-Carpathian endemic (Veľká Fatra Mts)

Sorbus borbasii Jáv.


South-Carpathian endemic

Sorbus caeruleomontana Bernátová et Májovský


Sorbus dacica Borbás


West-Carpathian endemic (Nízke Tatry Mts: Mt. Siná) Apuseni-Carpathian endemic (Trascău Mts)

Klokov 1952; Morariu & Beldie 1976; Beldie 1977; Chater et al. 1993; Fedorončuk & Diduch 2002d; Cvelev 2004a; Ciocârlan 2009; Kobiv 2010; Hurdu et al. 2012a; Sârbu et al. 2013 Kliment 1999; Zhang & Kadereit 2002; Kochjarová & Hrouda 2006 Mikoláš 2003 Bernátová & Májovský 2003; Uhlířová & Bernátová 2004; Kliment et al. 2008 Kárpáti 1960; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009; Dihoru & Negrean 2009; Hurdu et al. 2012a Bernátová & Májovský 2003; Šípošová et al. 2004b

Sorbus diversicolor Bernátová et Májovský


West-Carpathian endemic (Veľká Fatra Mts)

Sorbus dolomiticola Mikoláš 176 Sorbus haljamovae Bernátová et Májovský 177


West-Carpathian endemic (Čierna hora Mts) West-Carpathian endemic

Sorbus hazslinszkyana (Soó) Májovský (Syn.: S. austriaca subsp. hazslinszkyana (Soó) Kárpáti) Sorbus margittaiana (Jáv.) Kárpáti (Syn.: S. hostii subsp. margittaiana Jáv.) Sorbus montisalpae Bernátová et Májovský


West-Carpathian endemic

Kárpáti 1960; Dihoru & Negrean 2009; Hurdu et al. 2012a Bernátová & Májovský 2003; Šípošová et al. 2004a; Uhlířová & Bernátová 2004 Mikoláš 1996 Bernátová & Májovský 2003; Uhlířová & Bernátová 2004 Kárpáti 1960; Kliment 1999


West-Carpathian endemic (Krivánska Fatra Mts)

Bernátová et al. 1998; Májovský et al. 1998


West-Carpathian endemic (Veľká Fatra Mts)

Bernátová & Májovský 2003; Šípošová et al. 2004a; Uhlířová & Bernátová 2004


Taxon Sorbus pekarovae Májovský et Bernátová

Occurrence in the Carpathians WC (SK)

Sorbus salatini Bernátová et Májovský


Sorbus scepusiensis Kovanda Sorbus umbellata subsp. banatica (Jáv.) Kárpáti Sorbus zuzanae Májovský et Bernátová 178


Stipa crassiculmis subsp. heterotricha Dihoru et Roman 179

Stipa danubialis Dihoru et Roman Swertia punctata Baumg. 180 (Syn.: S. perennis subsp. punctata (Baumg.) Ciocârlan) Symphytum cordatum Waldst. et Kit. ex Willd. 181 (Syn.: S. cordatum Waldst. et Kit., nom. illeg.; S. cordifolium Baumg.) Syringa josikaea J. Jacq. ex Rchb. f. Taraxacum carpaticum Štěpánek et Kirschner 182 Taraxacum erythrocarpum Kirschner et Štěpánek Taraxacum nigricans (Kit.) Rchb. 183 Taraxacum pawlowskii Soest 184 Taraxacum pieninicum Pawł. 185 (Syn.: T. hoppeanum subsp. pieninicum (Pawł.) Pawł.) Tephroseris longifolia subsp. moravica Holub Thalictrum minus subsp. carpaticum (B. Kotula) Osvač. Thesium kernerianum Simonk. Thymus alternans Klokov 186 Thymus bihoriensis Jalas (Syn.: T. marginatus A. Kern. non Sm. ex Dickson, nom. illeg.) Thymus comosus Heuff. ex Griseb. et Schenk (Syn.: T. comosus Schur, nom. illeg.) Thymus dacicus Borbás 187 (Syn.: T. porcii Borbás) Thymus pulcherrimus Schur

Category of endemism


West-Carpathian endemic (Veľká Fatra Mts: Mt. Pekárová) West-Carpathian endemic (Nízke Tatry Mts: Mt. Salatín) West-Carpathian endemic (Volovské vrchy Mts) South-Carpathian endemic West-Carpathian endemic

Májovský & Bernátová 1996; Bernátová & Májovský 1999; Šípošová et al. 2004a Bernátová & Májovský 2003; Šípošová et al. 2004b

Kovanda 1985, 1986; Kliment 1999 Kárpáti 1960; Ciocârlan 2009 Bernátová & Májovský 2003; Šípošová et al. 2004a; Uhlířová & Bernátová 2004 SC (RO) South-Carpathian endemic (Cozia Mts) Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Negrean & Oltean 1989; Dihoru & Negrean 2009; Negrean 2011; Vázguez & Gutiérrez 2011 SC (RO) South-Carpathian endemic (Almajului Mts: Porțile Beldie 1979; Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Oprea 2005; de Fier Gorge) Ciocârlan 2009; Dihoru & Negrean 2009 EC (UA, RO), SC (RO), East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian subendemic Beldie 1979; Tan & Vladimirov 2001; Oprea 2005; AC (RO) Kricsfalusy & Budnikov 2007; Kobiv 2010, 2012a WC (SK, PL), EC (SK, subendemic to Western, Eastern, Southern Čopyk 1976; Roman et al. 1996; Kliment 1999; PL, UA, RO), SC (RO), & Apuseni Carpathians and Transylvanian Basin Oprea 2005; Čornej 2011 AC (RO), Tr (RO) (pan-Carpathian subendemic) EC (UA), AC (RO) East-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic Dihoru & Negrean 2009; Bilz 2013; Lendvay et al. 2013 SC (RO) South-Carpathian endemic Štěpánek et al. 2011 WC (SK) West-Carpathian endemic Kirschner & Štěpánek 1985; Kliment 1999 WC (SK) West-Carpathian endemic (Nízke Tatry Mts) Štěpánek et al. 2011 WC (PL, ?SK) West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Wysokie Mts) Tacik 1980; Mirek & Piękoś-Mirkowa 2009, 2010 WC (PL) West-Carpathian endemic (Pieniny Mts: Mt. Trzy Zarzycki 1986; Mirek et al. 1995; Wróbel Korony) & Zarzycki 2008 WC (CZ, SK) West-Carpathian endemic Kochjarová 1998; Kochjarová & Hrouda 2004; Janišová et al. 2012; Hegedüšová et al. 2013; Olšavská et al. 2015 WC (SK, PL) West-Carpathian endemic (Tatry Mts) Kliment 1999; Mirek & Piękoś-Mirkowa 2010 EC (RO), SC (RO) East-South-Carpathian endemic Negrean & Oltean 1989; Oprea 2005; Dihoru & Negrean 2009 EC (SK, UA, RO)/SC East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian subendemic Klokov 1960; Mártonfi 1996; Kliment 1999; Oprea (RO), AC (RO) 2005; Mártonfi 2014 in litt. EC (RO), SC (RO), AC East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic Beldie 1979; Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Oprea 2005 (RO) EC (RO), SC (RO), AC East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic Morariu & Beldie 1976; Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; (RO) Oprea 2005 EC (RO), SC (RO, East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian subendemic Gușuleac 1961; Diklić & Vasić 2000 SRB), AC (RO) WC (SK, PL), EC (UA, West-East-South-Carpathian subendemic Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005 RO), SC (RO)


Taxon Thymus pulcherrimus Schur subsp. pulcherrimus (Syn.: T. circumcinctus Klokov) Thymus pulcherrimus subsp. sudeticus (Lyka) P. A. Schmidt 188, 189 (Syn.: T. carpathicus Čelak.) Trifolium orbelicum subsp. monticolum (Domin) Májovský Trifolium pratense subsp. kotulae (Pawł.) Soják 190 (Syn.: T. pratense var. kotulae Pawł.; T. frigidum Schur) Trifolium sarosiense Hazsl. 191 (Syn.: T. medium subsp. sarosiense (Hazsl.) Simonk.; T. sarosiense subsp. banaticum (Heuff.) Holub) Trisetum flavescens subsp. tatricum Chrtek 192 Trisetum fuscum (Kit. ex Schult.) Schult. (Syn.: T. ciliare (Kit.) Domin) Trisetum macrotrichum Hack. Tulipa hungarica Borbás 193, 194 (Syn.: T. hungarica subsp. undulatifolia (Roman) Roman et Beldie) Valeriana tripteris subsp. heterophylla (Baumg.) Rostański 195, 196, 197 (Syn.: V. tripteris var. heterophylla Baumg.; V. transsilvanica Schur; V. sisymbriifolia Schur non Vahl, nom. illeg.) Viola declinata Waldst. et Kit. 198 Viola jooi Janka 199

Occurrence in the Category of endemism Carpathians WC (SK, PL), EC (UA, West-East-South-Carpathian endemic RO), SC (RO) WC (SK, PL) West-Carpathian subendemic


WC (SK, PL) WC (SK, PL), EC (UA, RO), SC (RO) WC (SK, HU), EC (?UA, RO), SC (RO), AC (RO), Tr (RO) WC (SK), EC (SK, PL, †UA) WC (SK, PL), EC (UA, RO), SC (RO), AC (RO) EC (RO), SC (RO), AC (RO) SC (RO, †SRB)

West-Carpathian endemic West-East-South-Carpathian endemic

Kliment 1999; Mirek & Piękoś-Mirkowa 2010 Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005; Kricsfalusy & Budnikov 2007 Hendrych 1993, 1995; Kliment 1999

EC (SK, PL, UA, RO), SC (RO), AC (RO)/WC (PL) EC (UA, RO), SC (RO), AC (RO) EC (UA, RO), SC (RO), AC (RO), Tr (RO)

East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic

subendemic to Western, Eastern, Southern & Apuseni Carpathians and Transylvanian Basin (pan-Carpathian subendemic) West-East-Carpathian endemic West-East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian (panCarpathian) endemic East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic

Mártonfi 1997; Kliment 1999; Čornej 2011 Kliment 1999

Kliment 1999; Čornej 2011 Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005

East-South-Apuseni-Carpathian endemic

Buia & Morariu 1972; Morariu & Beldie 1976; Oprea 2005 Ciocârlan 2009; Dihoru & Negrean 2009; Negrean 2011; Ćalić et al. 2012; Stevanović 2013 Schur 1866; Simonkai 1887; Katina 1961; Morariu 1961; Rostański 1967, 1970; Prokudin 1987; Dmytrach 2010; Tasenkevyč 2014 Oprea 2005; Velev & Apostolova 2009

subendemic to Eastern, Southern & Apuseni Carpathians and Transylvanian Basin

Grințescu et al. 1955; Oprea 2005; Čornej 2011; Cristea 2014

South-Carpathian endemic

Notes The occurrence of Aconitum degenii subsp. degenii was reported from the Eastern, Southern and Apuseni Carpathians (e.g. Mucher 1993, Starmühler 1998a, 2000). In Slovak herbarium collections, Novikov (2013a, 2014 in litt.) found also several specimens from the Slovak part of the Western Carpathians (cf. Eliáš jr. et al. 2015). 1

Outside the Carpathian arch Aconitum firmum subsp. fissurae is known from Velebit Mts in Croatia (Starmühler & Mitka 2001). In the record from the central Dneper Valley (Starmühler 1997) the taxon might have been changed with the local endemic Aconitum odontandrum Wissjul. (Novikov 2014 in litt.). 2

In the included literature Aconitum firmum subsp. fissurae is reported as Aconitum napellus subsp. fissurae (Nyár.) Seitz; A. callibotryon subsp. hunyadense (Degen) Soó; A. firmum subsp. hunyadense (Degen) Morariu et Beldie; A. tatrae subsp. hunyadense (Degen) Soó; A. tauricum subsp. hunyadense (Degen) Ciocârlan or A. firmum subsp. romanicum (Woł.) Beldie. 3

Eligibility of a separate subspecies Aconitum firmum subsp. skerisorae was justified by Starmühler (2000); it was accepted also by Mitka (2003), Tasenkevich (2011) and Novikov (2014 in litt.). 4

Aconitum lasianthum has centre of its distribution in the Romanian Southern Carpathians, it occurs sparsely also in the Eastern (Penteleu Mts) and Apuseni Carpathians (Trascău Mts) (Grințescu 1953, Oprea 2005). 5



The record of Aconitum lasiocarpum subsp. lasiocarpum from the Beskid Niski Mts (Mitka & Starmühler 2000) concerns subsp. kotulae (Mitka 2003).


Outside the Carpathians Aconitum lasiocarpum subsp. kotulae was reported from Podillja and Polissja in Ukraine (Mitka 2001, 2003, Novikoff & Mitka 2011a, b; cf. Diduch 2009).

In the Southern Carpathians Aconitum lasiocarpum subsp. kotulae is documented by a single older record (Walz 1884 CL) from Mt. Cristianul Mare in the Postavărul Massif (Mitka & Starmühler 2000, Mitka 2003). 8

In Poland and Ukraine Aconitum moldavicum subsp. moldavicum occurs also outside the Carpathians at lower altitudes in Kotlina Sandomierska, Wyżyna Małopolska, Wyżyna Lubelska; Opillja, Podillja (Mitka 2003, 2008). Naturalized plants from a cultivation were found near Graz in Austria (Starmühler 2004). 9

In Poland and Ukraine Aconitum moldavicum subsp. hosteanum has been recorded also outside the Carpathians: Kotlina Sandomierska, Pogórze Przemyskie, Góry Świętokrzyskie, Wyżyna Małopolska; Podillja, Roztoččja, Mal’e Polissje, Voronjaky, Holohory (Mitka 2008). 10


Outside the Carpathians Aconitum toxicum subsp. toxicum is known from two localities in the surrounding of Sarajevo (Bosnia) and from Mt. Ranisava (Durmitor Mts) and Mt. Balj in Montenegro (Mucher 1993, Ilnicki & Mitka 2011). Based on the Soják‘s herbarium material from Făgăraș Mts, Plocek (1983) reported Alchemilla boleslai also from the Southern Carpathians; later he reported its distribution area as restricted to the Western Carpathians (Plocek 1992). Negrean (2011) wrongly localized the record of Plocek to Parâng Mts. As Boruz (2014 in litt.) failed in finding the species in the Romanian herbaria and in the field, she considered its occurrence in Romania as doubtful (cf. Kurtto et al. 2007). The reference material was not found in the Soják‘s collections (PR) (Šída 2014 in litt.), nor in the collections of PRC (Hadinec 2014 in litt.). 12

Syčak (1992) described Alchemilla bucovinensis from the Ukrainian Carpathians and identified it also with populations from the Romanian Eastern Carpathians (Maramureș Mts), provisionally reported as A. romanica Plocek ined. (cf. Kurtto et al. 2007). 13

Alchemilla czywczynensis was described from Čyvčyny Mts (Pawłowski 1952). Outside the Eastern Carpathians it was found in Pamporovo (Rodopi Mts, Bulgaria) (Fröhner 1986, Kurtto et al. 2007, 2009). 14

In the original diagnosis of Alchemilla eugenii, Pawłowski (1952) reported its occurrence in Mt. Kresanica (2 110 m a.s.l.) at the Slovak-Polish border. Plocek (1992) considered this record, documented by a herbarium specimen, as dubious. 15

Apart from frequent occurrence in the Moravsko-sliezske Beskydy Mts and Javorníky Mts Alchemilla gruneica is known also from the Hrubý Jeseník Mts in the Sudeten Mts (Plocek 1992). 16


Syčak (2002) reported Alchemilla ladislai also from the Ukrainian Carpathians; however, these data are erroneous (Sychak sec. Kurtto et al. 2007, Syčak 2011).

According to Plocek (Plocek in Kliment 1999), the populations from the Veľká Fatra Mts and Javorníky Mts reported as Alchemilla laxa (Plocek 1990, 1992) belong to a different taxon. 18


According to Plocek (1992), similar populations occur also in the Southern Carpathians (Bucegi Mts). Kurtto et al. (2007) report Alchemilla marginata only from Slovakia. Boruz (2014 in litt.) has not found this species in the Southern Carpathians; according to her knowledge it is absent from Romania. 20

Plocek (1992) considered Alchemilla sokolowskii to be a synonym of A. pseudincisa. In our study we follow the concept of Kurtto et al. (2007), who consider A. sokolowskii to be a separate species. With respect to the relative alpine flora strongly affected by the Pleistocene glaciation we recognize endemics to Tatry Mts s. str. occurring in the Západné Tatry Mts, Vysoké Tatry Mts and Belianske Tatry Mts, and endemics to Tatry Mts s. lat. occurring also at higher altitudes of the Nízke Tatry Mts (for details see Kliment 2003); to distinguish between them we report the precise information on their occurrence. 21


Alchemilla suavis was described from the Moravian part of the Bílé Karpaty Mts and found also on Mt. Krompašský vrch in the Slovenské rudohorie Mts (Plocek 1973, 1992); such distribution was accepted also by Kurtto et al. (2007). According to Plocek (1992), the species area involves also the Ukrainian and Romanian Eastern Carpathians. However, Syčak (2002, 2011) has not reported this species from the Ukrainian Carpathians. Neither it was found in the Romanian herbarium collections nor in the Romanian Carpathians (Boruz 2014 in litt.). Based on these facts we reduced its distribution area to the Western Carpathians. 22


Plocek (1992) reported Alchemilla versipiloides as synonym of A. versipila Buser; however, Kurtto et al. (2007) accepted it as a separate species (cf. Piękoś-Mirkowa & Mirek 2009).

There is only a single, recently not confirmed, evidence of Alchemilla zapalowiczii occurrence from the Western Carpathians, specifically from the Belianske Tatry Mts (Dostál 1949 PRC). Therefore, Kurtto et al. (2007) consider this species as probably extinct in Slovakia. Based on the second volume of Flora Europaea (Walters & Pawłowski 1968; cf. Negrean 2011) the occurrence of A. zapalowiczii is reported also from the Romanian Carpathians although it was confirmed neither in herbaria nor during the field research (Boruz 2014 in litt.). Kurtto et al. (2009) reported sporadical occurrence of this species from the Jakupica Mts in Macedonia. 24


Plocek (1992) reported Alchemilla zmudae as synonym of A. stanislaae; however, Kurtto et al. (2007) accepted it as a separate species (cf. Mirek & Piękoś-Mirkowa 2009, 2010).


According to Brullo et al. (1996) Allium fussii differs from A. fuscum in several traits of leaves and inflorescences, therefore it was regarded as a separate species within the Allium paniculatum group (cf. Mráz 2005a, Šafářová et al. 2011). 27

Based on common morphological seed traits Sennikov (1999a) ordered Andryala laevimentosa together with another narrow endemic (SE Spain, Morocco) relic alpine species A. agardhii Haens. ex DC. to oligotypic genus Pietrosia Nyár. ex Sennikov (cf. Negrean 2004). The results of the most recent molecular-phylogenetic study (Fereira et al. 2015) support the opinion of Greuter (2003) and justify its backward classification within the monophyletic genus Andryala L. Up-to-date note on taxonomy, nomenclature, biology, phylogeny and conservation status of Andryala laevitomentosa, particularly important microchoric species endemic to the Romanian Carpathians, were published by Negrea & Pricop (2009a, b ut Pietrosia laevitomentosa). Records from the Ukrainian Carpathians demand of a confirmation (cf. Kricsfalusy & Budnikov 2007). 28

In the included literature it is reported also using invalid names Andryala levitomentosa (Nyár.) P. D. Sell., Hieracium levimentosum (Nyár.) Soó and Pietrosia levitomentosa Nyár.

The occurrence of Antennaria carpatica subsp. carpatica in Romania is reported only in older recently not confirmed records from the Gutâi, Ceahlău, Bucegi and Făgăraș Mts (Oprea 2005; cf. Ciocârlan 2009, Sârbu et al. 2013), therefore the subspecies has been considered as extinct in Romania already by Oltean et al. (1994). Chrtek & Pouzar (1985) report it occurrence only from the Western (Vysoké Tatry Mts, Nízke Tatry Mts) and Eastern Carpathians (Mt. Blyznycja, Mt. Drahobrat). 29


In the Eastern Carpathians Anthemis cretica subsp. pyrethriformis grows only in the Ceahlău Mts (Beldie 1979, Oprea 1985, Sârbu et al. 2013).

In some Romanian literature (Dihoru & Pârvu 1987, Negrean & Oltean 1989, Oltean et al. 1994, Popescu & Sanda 1998, Sârbu et al. 2013) it is invalidly reported as Anthemis carpatica subsp. pyrethriformis (Schur) Beldie (cf. Fernandes 1976). 31

The occurrence of Aquilegia transsilvanica is reported also from the Ukrainian Carpathians (e.g. Čopyk 1976, Stojko & Tasenkewitsch 1991, Stoyko & Tasenkevich 1993, Vasilʼeva 2001, 2012, Kricsfalusy & Budnikov 2002, 2007, Tasenkevyč 2003b, Ziman et al. 2009). According to Kobiv (2012b), it certainly grows in the Southern Carpathians (Parîng, Făgăraș, Iezer and Bucegi Mts) and outside them only in the southeastern part of the Eastern Carpathians (Buzău Mts), while all records from the Ukrainian Carpathians are erroneous. 32

Sporadic records of Arabidopsis neglecta in the Austrian Alps (Janchen 1957, Čopyk 1976, Piękoś-Mirkowa et al. 1996, etc.) refer alpine forms of Arabidopsis arenosa (cf. Kliment 1999). 33

Armeria pocutica is a very rare stenochoric endemic described in the Ukrainian Carpathians and known only from the Čornyj Čeremoš Valley in the Čyvčyny Mts (Pawłowski 1962) in Ukraine and a single locality (Borșa, under Mt. Luhi in the Cizla Valley) in the Romanian Maramureș Mts (Beldie & Váczy 1976, Morariu & Beldie 1976, Beldie 1979, Ciocîrlan 1988, 2009, Popescu & Sanda 1998, Negrean 2011). Its occurrence in its locus classicus has not been confirmed since the last 30 years (Kahalo & Syčak 2009). 34

Apart its frequent occurrence in Hășmaș Mts, where there is a centre of its distribution, Asperula carpatica occurs also in the Rarău Mts (here only within its locus classicus in Pietrele Doamnei); in the Southern Carpathians its occurrence was reported from a single locality in the Piatra Craiului Mts (Negrean 2011). 35


Astragalus australis subsp. krajinae is an alpine taxon known from a sub-alpine belt of the Ukrainian mountains Svydovec Mts and Marmaroš Mts (Ziman 2009). It was described by Domin (1931a) from Svydovec Mts as a species distinct from A. australis (L.) Lam., but later it was re-classified to subspecies (Domin 1935). Since its description it is unequivocally accepted by the Ukrainian authors (in both taxonomic and syntaxonomic literature); and it is also accepted in the Carpathian Red List (Witkowski et al. 2003). In some comprehensive taxonomic studies (Chater 1968; Podlech 2008, 2011) it is evaluated as synonym of A. australis. 36

Rare and endangered stenoendemic of the Romanian flora, Astragalus peterfii, is recently known from two adjacent localities situated only 5 km from each other (Suatu, Căianu) located east of Cluj (Șuteu et al. 2003, Bartha 2012). 37

Astragalus roemeri has centre of its distribution in the Romanian Carpathians (Hășmaș Mts). For a longer time not confirmed sporadic occurrence from the Apuseni Carpathians (cf. Váczy & Beldie 1976) was confirmed by Bartha & Bartók (2013), who found two flowering and one sterile individuals on Mt. Scărița. According to these authors, the population is at the border of extinction; it represents a rare exclave occurrence outside the Eastern Carpathians. 38

The occurrence of Athamanta turbith subsp. hungarica in Serbia is restricted to the Serbian part of the Southern Carpathians (Gornjačka klisura; cf. Stevanović et al. 1991, Hurdu et al. 2012b). 39

The subspecies Aubrieta columnae subsp. platycarpa, known only from the Piatra Craiului Mts (Marele Grohotiș) in the Southern Carpathians, is reported using distinct names in the Romanian literature: Aubrieta deltoidea (L.) DC., A. intermedia Heldr. et Orph. ex Boiss., A. intermedia subsp. falcata Ciocârlan and also using invalidly published name A. deltoidea subsp. falcata (Ciocârlan) Adr. Oprea. To avoid confusions, Ciocârlan (2006) published a new name A. columnae subsp. platycarpa, but probably due to its publication in less accessible conference proccedings this name is not reported in any supranational database. In the Romanian Red Book (Dihoru & Negrean 2009) the subspecies is mentioned in the note to another subspecies, A. columnae subsp. croatica (Schott, Nyman et Kotschy) Mattf. (Parâng Mts), which Anastasiu & Negrean (2005) classified as alien taxon of the Romanian flora. 40

In the Southern Carpathians Barbarea lepuznica is recently occurring in the Retezat Mts (including Mt. Piule in the Retezat Mic Mts) and in the Godeanu Mts (Borăscu massif). Outside the Southern Carpathians it grows in Vršacki breg (Vršac Mts) within the Serbian Vojvodina, in close vicinity to the western margin of the Southern Carpathians (Dihoru & Negrean 2009, Strajeru & Stevanović 2013). 41

Soó (1973, 1980a) reported Bromus monocladus (ut B. pannonicus var. monocladus (Domin) Soó) also from Hungary (Budai Mts). According to recent information (Somlyay 2014 in litt.), this species does not occur in Hungary, it is also not included in the Hungarian vegetation database (Dúbravková 2014 in litt.). 42


In the past, the name Campanula kladniana was used also for populations of other alpine species of C. rotundifolia agg., so that the information on its distribution area was dirstorted.

Distinct conceptions of the species Campanula tatrae (for details see Kliment 1999, Goliašová et al. 2008) is reflected in distinct size of its distribution area and distinct endemic status reported in the literature – from the West-Carpathian endemic to the pan-Carpathian endemic. 44

In Moravia, Poland and Ukraine Cardamine glanduligera sporadically occurs also in the adjacent geographic units (Czech Republic: Opavská pahorkatina Mts, Jesenícké podhůří Mts; Poland: Kotlina Śląska Basin, Wyżyna Krakowsko-Wieluńska Mts, Góry Świętokrzyskie Mts, Puszcza Sandomierska, Kotlina Sandomierska Basin, Wyżyna Lubelska Mts; Ukraine: Zakarpattja, Roztoččja-Opillja). Isolated localities are in the primeaval forest Puszcza Knyszyńska in Poland and in the vicinity of Dnester estuary in Ukraine; it occurs scarcely also in shady forest of central Moldavia (Kliment 1999, Diduch 2007). 45


In the literature Carduus kerneri subsp. kerneri is evaluated as a Carpathian-Balkan taxon. According to Franco (1976), data from the north Balkan mountains are related to subsp. austro-orientalis Franco (i.e. subsp. scardicus (Griseb.) Kazmi). 47

In the Romanian literature Carduus kerneri subsp. lobulatiformis is also invalidly reported as C. viridis subsp. lobulatiformis (Csürös et Nyár.) Beldie.

Centaurea reichenbachii belongs to the Centaurea stoebe group. It was accepted by Dostál (1976), Ochsmann (2000) and Greuter (in Euro+Med). Centaurea calvescens Pančić was also included as synonym by Ochsmann (l. c.). According to Dostál (l. c.), Beldie (1979), Popescu & Sanda (1998), Dihoru & Negrean (2009), Ciocârlan (2009), Sârbu et al. (2013), Hurdu (2014 in litt.) and Vonica (2014 in litt.), these two species are close but different. Occurrence of C. reichenbachii in Romania is restricted to the Trascău Mts and Scarița-Belioara 48


Massif in the Apuseni Carpathians (Hurdu et al. 2012a); the data from the Iron Gates Gorge refer probably C. calvescens (cf. Beldie 1979, Dihoru & Negrean 2009). According to Mráz et al. (2011a), this species can hardly be morphologically distinguished from C. stoebe. Mráz et al. (2012) include it to Centaurea stoebe. 49

Centaurea rodnensis Simonk. was invalidly reported from several Ukrainian and Romanian mountains of the Eastern Carpathians as Centaurea carpatica (Porcius) Porcius and it was considered as the local endemic. The revision of herbarium material indicated that C. rodnensis occurs rarely only in the Rodna Mts (5 localities) and is a narrow endemic of this mountain range. Older data from other mountains are erroneous and refer mainly Centaurea phrygia s. str. (Koutecký 2013). Following Beldie & Alexandrescu (1976), Morariu & Beldie (1976) and Beldie (1979), we preliminarily included Centaurea rarauensis to synonyms of Centaurea rodnensis. Koutecký (2014 in litt.) considers C. rarauensis to be a problematic taxon. The type does not exist and no plants matching the description were found (neither in herbaria nor in the field). 50


In the included literature Centaurea rodnensis was refered also as Centaurea carpatica (Porcius) J. Wagner, C. carpatica (Porcius) J. Wagner subsp. carpatica, C. carpatica (Porcius) Porcius subsp. carpatica, C. phrygia subsp. carpatica (Porcius) Dostál, C. carpatica subsp. rarauensis (Prodan) Ciocârlan and C. phrygia subsp. rarauensis (Prodan) Dostál. Centaurea triniifolia belongs to the Centaurea stoebe group, which was accepted also by Dostál (1976), Ochsmann (2000) and Greuter (in Euro+Med). It grows in the southwestern part of the Southern Carpathians in broader vicinity of the Iron Gates Gorge; older records from the Trascău Mts need revision (Hurdu 2014 in litt.). According to Mráz et al. (2011a), it can hardly be morphologically distinguished from C. stoebe. Mráz et al. (2012) include it to Centaurea stoebe. 52


Cephalaria radiata occurs predominantly in the Transylvanian Basin and adjacent Carpathian promontories. Scarcely it occurs also on the adverse side of the Southern Carpathians, in the vicinity of the city Ploiești (Prodan 1961). Cephalaria uralensis subsp. multifida is known only from several localities in the vicinity of the Iron Gates Gorge in Romania (Beldie et Váczy 1976, Dihoru & Pârvu 1987, Ciocârlan 2011, Sârbu et al. 2013 and others). 54


Based on an older record (Hayek 1924) Cerastium arvense subsp. lerchenfeldianum was reported from Serbia or the former Yugoslavia (Morariu & Beldie 1976, Jalas & Suominen 1983, Jalas et al. 1993, Oprea 2005, Ciocârlan 2009); consequently this subspecies was evaluated as a Carpathian-Balkan taxon (e.g. Boșcaiu & Ehrendorfer 1996) or subendemic to the Eastern and Southern Carpathians (Heltmann 1985). According to Hurdu et al. (2012b), the record from Serbia is erroneous; they consider Cerastium *lerchenfeldianum to be endemic to the South-Eastern Carpathians. Letz (in Letz & Michalková 2012) found, that plants from the type locality of Cerastium lerchenfeldianum Schur are octoploid, similarly to populations of Cerastium arvense from almost the whole Carpathian region except the Tatry Mts (the distribution area of Cerastium tatrae). Regarding the leaf indument, the plants fall within the variability of C. arvense. For that reason, the authors include Cerastium lerchenfeldianum to synonyms of Cerastium arvense L. So far these preliminary results were not supported by a published comparative study. Until this problem is definitively resolved, we respect a separate position Cerastium *lerchenfeldianum at the subspecies level as well as its endemic status. 56

Outside the Romanian and Serbian part of the Southern Carpathians Clinopodium pulegium scarcely grows in the Tara planina Plateau (Zaovine Village) in Serbia (Diklić & Nikolić 1986a, Hurdu et al. 2012b); a very infrequent occurrence was reported from Bosnia and Herzegovina nearby the cities Zvornik and Višegrad (Ðug et al. 2013). 57

Outside the Carpathians Crocus banaticus sporadically occurs in the vicinity of the city Šabac in Serbia (Hurdu et al. 2012b). Myhal’ (2009) reports that the single population site in Serbia (without specifying the locality) was distroyed due to local economic activities. 58

A single occurrence of Cyanus maramarosiensis in Slovakia („Mt. Stinka; determined by prof. Dostál“) was reported without further details by Májovský (1970 ut Centaurea montana subsp. marmarossica) within a note to the record of Ranunculus carpaticus. Hadač, Terray et al. (1991) reported from Stinská Mt. only the occurrence of Centaurea mollis. Also Greuter (in Euro+Med) and Olšavská (2014 in litt.) regard the occurrence of Cyanus maramarosiensis in Slovakia as questionable. 59

Outside the Carpathians Cyanus mollis was found on Mt. Kobilica (Šar planina Mts) at the border of Macedonia and Kosovo and in two Croatian localities (Plitvička jezera and Mrzin) (Kliment 1999). 60


Cyanus pinnatifidus subsp. sooanus was described by Borhidi (1957 ut Centaurea achtarovii subsp. sooana) from the Ceahlău Mts (Eastern Carpathians); outside this mountain range it has not been found so far. 61


In the last decades, the narrow endemic subspecies Cyclamen purpurascens subsp. immaculatum was reported usually at the species level (as Cyclamen fatrense) in the literature focussing on the Western Carpathians. The current molecular-taxonomic study by Kučera et al. (2013) confirmed its separate position, however only at the level of subspecies. Soó (1980b) reported occurrence of Dactylorhiza cordigera subsp. siculorum also from the western Ukraine (i.e. from the Ukrainian Carpathians). However, the Ukrainian authors (Čopyk 1976, Malynovs’kyj et al. 2002, Kricsfalusy & Budnikov 2007, Kobiv 2010, etc.) report from the Ukrainian Carpathians only the Balkan-Carpathian species D. cordigera. 63

Dactylorhiza maculata subsp. schurii was reported from the Eastern, Southern and Apuseni Carpathians (Soó 1967, Paucă & Beldie 1972); according to Hurdu (2014 in litt.) it is known also from several localities in the Transylvanian Basin. 64

In the majority of literature, Delphinium elatum subsp. nacladense is evaluated as endemic of the Eastern Carpathians; however, Starmühler (1996b) reported also herbarium materials from the Piatra Craiului Mts in the Southern Carpathians. 65


In several overviews of endemic plants (Stojko & Tasenkewitsch 1991, Stoyko & Tasenkevich 1993, Kricsfalusy a Budnikov 2002) Dianthus carthusianorum subsp. tenuifolius is reported also from the Ukrainian Carpathians. According to Fedorončuk & Čornej (2005), the occurrence of this subspecies does not extend up to Ukraine and the data from the Ukrainian Carpathians are erroneous (cf. Čornej 2011). On the other hand, Kuzʼmina (2004) reports that its occurrence in the Ukrainian Carpathians is documented by a single herbarium specimen (Marmaroš Mts, Mt. Pop Ivan, Popov 1946). 67

In older literature Dianthus praecox subsp. praecox was reported using nomenclatorically incorrect names D. praecox Kit. subsp. praecox, D. plumarius subsp. praecox (Kit. ex Schultes) Domin and D. plumarius subsp. praecox (Kit.) Pawł. 68

To Dianthus *praecox also D. hungaricus subsp. pseudopraecox was included by Jalas & Suominen (1986), although its taxonomic position they consider to be controversial; in accord with this concept they report Dianthus *praecox also from Hungary. Baksay (1972) reported the occurrence of Dianthus praecox subsp. lumnitzeri also from the Pilis Mts in the northern Hungary (cf. Kmeťová 1985). According to current molecular studies records of this subspecies from Hungary should be reffered to Dianthus plumarius subsp. regis-stephani (Rapaics) Baksay (Somogyi et al. 2012, Barina 2014 in litt.). 69

Dianthus praecox subsp. pseudopraecox is a rare subspecies, occurring only in the Slovenský kras Karst including its Hungarian part (Aggteleki karszt Karst), and sporadically also in the Bükk Mts (Kmeťová 1985, 2012). 70

Baksay (1972) reported Dianthus plumarius subsp. praecox from the northwestern Hungary. According to Kmeťová (1985), these data are erroneous and concern subsp. pseudopraecox (cf. Kmeťová 2012). 71

Dianthus spiculifolius was reported (Klokov 1952, Prokudin 1987, Tasenkevyč 2003b) also from the Ukrainian Carpathians (the southern part of Bukovina County), although with certain ambiguity in some studies (Fedorončuk & Diduch 2002b, Kuz’mina 2004). According to Čornej (2011), the data from Ukraine are erroneous and the species grows only in the Romanian part of Bukovina County. 72

Occurrence of Doronicum carpaticum is reported also from the Apuseni Carpathians (Oprea 2005), Bulgaria (Pawłowski 1970) and Serbia (Greuter in Euro+Med). According to Álvarez Fernández (2003), its distribution area is restricted only to the Carpathians; according to Pachswöll (2013), it grows only in the Eastern and Southern Carpathians in the region spreading from mountain ranges Čornohora and Svydovec in Ukraine to the Țarcu Mts and Retezat Mts in Romania. Records from the Apuseni Carpathians in Romania, and from Bulgaria and Serbia refer a closely relative species Doronicum columnae Ten. 73

Several authors (Oprea 2005, Dihoru & Negrean 2009, Sârbu et al. 2013, and others) report the occurrence of Draba dorneri also from the Făgăraș Mts. This record was not confirmed and it probably concerns Draba kotschyi (Ion 2014 in litt.). 74


Older records of Draba kotschyi from the Alps concern Draba norvegica Gunnerus (Hurdu et al. 2012b; cf. Walters & Akeyrod 1993, Jalas et al. 1996).



In the included literature Draba simonkaiana was reported also as D. stellata subsp. simonkaiana (Jáv.) Beldie.


In the included literature Erigeron hungaricus is wrongly reported also as Erigeron neglectus A. Kern.

The results of molecular analyses (Șuteu 2012) proved that the Carpathian (Eritrichium jankae) and Alpine populations (Eritrichium nanum) are hardly genetically differentiated, however, they are well isolated biogeographically (cf. Tribsch & Schönswetter 2003). 78

Erysimum hungaricum is a very rare species, since its decription (Zapałowicz 1913) known only from the limestone rocks on the southern slope of the borderline Mt. Malyj Lostun (Čyvčyny Mts) / (Maramureș Mts, Mt. Lostun Mic), already in the Romanian part of the mountain range (Kobiv 2010). According to Sârbu et al. (2013), its occurrence in Romania needs to be confirmed (cf. Oprea 2005, Ciocârlan 2009). 79


Tasenkevich (2002) considers Erysimum hungaricum to be subendemic to the Alps and Carpathians. This evaluation is based on a broader species concept (E. hungaricum incl. E. wahlenbergii) and enlargement of its area to the Austrian Alps (cf. Melzer & Polatschek 1971). Based probably on the same chromosome number (2n = 14), invalidly described Erysimum vagicum Holub et Tomšovic (syn. E. witmannii subsp. vagicum (Holub et Tomšovic) Dostál, nom. inval.) was also often included to E. witmannii although it was evaluated by Michalková (2002) as a diploid cytotype of Erysimum odoratum Ehrh. 81

Reports on occurrence of Erysimum witmannii subsp. witmannii in the Carpathians are very conflicting. Some authors, e.g. Konětopský (1963) and Čopyk (1976) reduce the distribution of E. witmannii s. str. only to the Western Carpathians, others (e.g. Beldie 1977, Ciocârlan 2009, Sârbu et al. 2013) only to the Eastern Carpathians. Nyárády (1955) and Tomšovic (1988) report it also from the Southern Carpathians (Făgăraș Mts). 82

Borza (1964) published the occurrence of Erysimum baumgartenianum from Cheile Gălzii (Trascău Mts). It is the single known record of Erysimum witmannii in the Apuseni Carpathians. 83


The older records of Erysimum baumgartenianum Schur from Bulgaria concern Erysimum cuspidatum (M. Bieb.) DC. (cf. Ančev & Polatschek 2006).

In the newer Romanian handbooks (Beldie 1977, Ciocârlan 2009, Sârbu et al. 2013) the distribution area of Erysimum witmannii subsp. transsilvanicum is restricted to the Southern Carpathians. However, Nyárády (1955) reported its occurrence also from the Eastern Carpathians; currently it was reported e.g. by Oprea & Sîrbu (2012, 2013) and Vojtkó et al. (2012). Tomšovic (1988) delimited its distribution in Romania to the Eastern and Southern Carpathians, from the Maramureș Mts to the Retezat Mts. 85

From the Ukrainian Carpathians a single occurrence of Erysimum witmannii subsp. transsilvanicum is known from Mt. Velykyj Kamiň in the Čyvčyny Mts (Čopyk 1976, Ilʼjїnsʼka et al. 2007, Kobiv 2010). 86

Euphorbia carpatica has centre of its distribution in the Ukrainian Carpathians. In the Romanian Eastern Carpathians it is known only from Oaș and Gutâi Mts (Dihoru & Negrean 2009). From Poland (Bieszczady Mts) it was reported by an error (cf. Mirek et al. 2002); the data concern Euphorbia sojakii. 87


Malynovs’kyj et al. (2002) reported occurrence of Euphorbia carpatica using an invalid name Euphorbia jasiewiczii (Chrtek et Křísa) Dubovik.

For a long time, narrow endemic Euphrasia exaristata has been known only from the Slovak part of the Červené vrchy Massif (Západné Tatry Mts), however, recently it was discovered also in its Polish part (Staszkiewicz 2009). 89

Our evaluation of endemic status of Euphrasia tatrae is based on Smejkal (1963) and Smejkal & Čeřovský (1999), where the species distribution area is restricted to the Western Carpathians and the western part of the Eastern Carpathians. In Romanian literature (Răvăruț 1960, Beldie 1967b, Oprea 2005), the species is reported from the Romanian Eastern (Maramureș, Rodna, Ceahlău & Rarău Mts) and Southern Carpathians (Bucegi & Retezat Mts); however, Mihoková & Mikoláš (1994) question the records from the Southern Carpathians (possibly confusion with Euphrasia minima Jacq. ex DC.). Records from the Krkonoše Mts concern local narrow endemic Euphrasia corcontica (Smejkal) Smejkal et Dvořáková (Dvořáková 1999). 90



According to the current data (Lendvay & Kalapos 2014), Ferula sadlerana occurs recently in seven localities, four of them located in the Western Carpathians, one in the Apuseni Carpathians and two outside the Carpathians in the northern part of the Transdanubian Mountains in Hungary. 92

In older (not included) studies, Ferula sadlerana is usually evaluated as subendemic to the Pannonian Basin.

In several sources (e.g. Markgraf-Dannenberg 1980, Oprea 2005, Ciocârlan 2009, Sârbu et al. 2013), the occurrence of Festuca amethystina subsp. orientalis is reported also from the western part of the Balkan Peninsula. However, this taxon was not included in recent Balkan floras neither as species nor as subspecies (Krahulec 2014 in litt.). 93


In the included literature Festuca saxatilis is reported also using invalid name Festuca rupicola subsp. saxatilis (Schur) Jáv.

Records of Festuca tatrae from the Ukrainian Carpathians are erroneous (Čornej 2011, Kobiv 2014 in litt., Tasenkevich 2014 in litt.., Kobiv 2014 in litt.). Beldie (1967b) reported scarce occurrence of Festuca amethystina subsp. tatrae from the Bucegi Mts in the Southern Carpathians (cf. Beldie 1972). Ciocârlan (2009) considered this record to be erroneous; his opinion is shared also by other Romanian botanists (Hurdu 2014 in litt.). 95


Outside the Carpathians Festuca versicolor subsp. versicolor occurs scarcely in the Bohemian and Polish part of the Krkonoše Mts (see Kliment 1999 for details).


The eligibility of delimitation of the subspecies Galium album subsp. suberectum was questioned in some comprehensive studies (cf. Ehrendorfer & Krendl 1976); but according to the current results (Gynda 2004), it differs from subsp. album morphologically and ecologically, and these two subspecies are reproductively isolated. In the present overviews (Čornej 2011, Tasenkevich 2011) Galium album subsp. suberectum was evaluated as endemic to the Eastern Carpathians. Michalková (1993) reported this subspecies from several mountain ranges and basins in the Slovak part of the Western Carpathians. 98

Outside the Carpathians Galium kitaibelianum scarcely occurs also in Serbia: Velika Remeta, Krušedol (Hurdu et al. 2012b). In several studies (e.g. Popescu & Sanda 1998, Oprea 2005) is it considered to be a Carpathian-Balkan species. 99

In the included literature Genista tinctoria subsp. oligosperma (Andrae) Jáv. is reported also using nom. illeg. (younger hom*onyma) G. tinctoria subsp. oligosperma (Andrae) Prodan, G. tinctoria subsp. oligosperma (Andrae) Borza and G. tinctoria subsp. oligosperma (Andrae) Soó. 100


Records of Gentiana cruciata subsp. phlogifolia from Greece (Falakron Mts) are erroneous; according to Strid & Tan (1991), the populations of the place belong to subsp. cruciata.


Tutin (1972) identified Gentiana laciniata with Gentiana pyrenaica L., which is distributed from the Pyrenees through the Carpathians to the mountains of the southwestern Bulgaria. Current study by Rybczyński et al. (2014) confirmed the eligibility of delimitation of G. laciniata as a separate species, narrow endemic to the Ukrainian Carpathians (cf. Čopyk 1976, Kricsfalusy 1999, Malynovs’kyj et al. 2002, Antosyak & Kozurak 2011) with a scarce occurrence in the Čornohora, Svydovec and Boržava Mts. Based on explicit differences in the lenght and width of sepal teeth, both species were distinguished already by Cvelev (1978). 103

Records of Gypsophila petraea from Bulgaria (Rodopi Mts) are erroneous (cf. Jalas & Suominen 1986, Hurdu et al. 2012b).


Taxonomic concept of the genus Hesperis is based on a monography by Dvořák (1968), with regards to the current nomenclatoric information.

In the description of Hesperis dinarica subsp. slovaca, Dvořák (1963) along with the Nízke Tatry Mts wrongly reported also the locality „Transsilvania, Carpati Orientales, comit. Máramaros, mons Nagy Pietrosz“. In his monography (Dvořák 1968), Hesperis slovaca is already reported only from the Nízke Tatry Mts as a local endemit. 105


The nomenclature of the species of the genus Hieracium is in accordance with current taxonomic studies, in the section Cernua following mainly Szeląg (2003b).

Further synonyms of Hieracium borbasii are as follows: Hieracium evolutum (Nyár. et Zahn) Zahn; H. pseudokotschyanum (Nyár. et Zahn) Nyár.; H. pseudotubulare (Nyár. et Zahn) Nyár.; H. sublubricicaule (Nyár. et Zahn) Nyár. (cf. Szeląg 2006b). 107

In the included literature Hieracium fa*garasense is also reported as follows: Hieracium kotschyanum subsp. fa*garasense (Nyár. et Zahn) Beldie; H. sparsum subsp. borbasii var. fa*garasense (Nyár. et Zahn) Ciocârlan. 108



In the included literature Hieracium negoiense is also reported using invalid name Hieracium krasanii var. negoiense (Răvărut et Nyár.) Beldie et L. Alex.


Hieracium ostii-bucurae is a narrow endemic known from only three adjacent mountain ranges Retezat, Țarcu and Godeanu Mts (cf. Szeląg 2006b).


The tetraploid chromosome number (2n = 36) reported for Hieracium longifoliosum in Mráz (2006) concern Hieracium polyphyllobasis (Szeląg 2006b).


Zahn (1936) reported occurrence of Hieracium pietroszense besides of locus classicus (Rodna Mts: Mt. Pietrosu) also from several sites at high altitudes in the Southern Carpathians (Retezat Mts) and the Alps. According to the current knowledge (Mráz 2003a), it occurs only in the Eastern Carpathians (Rodna Mts). Records from the Southern Carpathians were confirmed as erroneous based on the study of herbarium material; the occurrence in the Alps is very unprobable. Hieracium rapunculoidiforme was described from Mt. Pietrosz (Ukraine: Čornohora Mts, Mt. Petros) on the border of former Kingdom of Hungary and Galicia region (Zahn 1911). It is considered to be endemic to the Eastern Carpathians in numerous Ukrainian and Romanian overviews. Nyárády (1965) located locus classicus wrongly to Mt. Pietrosu in the Maramureș Mts. Szeląg (2014 in litt.) expects species occurrence also in the Romanian Eastern Carpathians. 113


Record of Hieracium scitulum from the other Carpathian subunits concern H. scitulum s. lat. (Szeląg 2014 in litt.); records from the Krkonoše Mts are erroneous (Chrtek jr. 2004).


Outside the Western Carpathians Hieracium silesiacum recently scarcely occurs only in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts (Velká kotlina Cirque) (Szeląg 2004b).


Record of Hieracium tubulare in the Harghita Mts (Mráz & Szeląg 2004) concerns Hieracium coldei (Szeląg 2006a).

The occurrence of Hieracium virgicaule outside the Western Carpathians is reported by a single historical evidence from the Maramureș Mts in the Eastern Carpathians (Zahn 1930 ut H. virgicaule subsp. nudatum). Šljakov (1989) does not report this species from Ukraine; it was also not confirmed in the Romanian Eastern Carpathians (Nyárády 1965, Oprea 2005). Chrtek et al. (2004a) considered the above-mentioned record as dubious. 117


In Poland Jovibarba globifera subsp. preissiana scarcely occurs also outside the Carpathians (Letz 1998).

Jurinea transylvanica has a centre of its distribution in the Transylvanian Basin. Sporadically, it was found also in the Romanian Eastern (Hășmaș Mts), Southern (Retezat Mts) and Apuseni Carpathians (Cheile Turzii Gorge); several localities are also in jud. Galați, already outside the Carpathians (Oprea 2005). Records from Bulgaria are erroneous (Greuter in Euro+Med). 119

Outside the Western Carpathians Knautia kitaibelii subsp. kitaibelii occurs rarely in the Záhorská nížina Basin (Štěpánek 1985). Böhm & Facsar (2000) reported its sporadic occurrence from the Pilis Mts in Hungary, together with subsp. tomentella (Szabó) Baksay. 120

Up to this day, Knautia kitaibelii has been reported also from Ukraine and Romania (currently e.g. Kricsfalusy & Budnikov 2002, 2007, Ciocârlan 2009). The distribution area of K. kitaibelii towards the east reaches the Pieniny Mts, records from the Ukrainian and Romanian Carpathians are erroneous (cf. Soják 1983b, Štěpánek 1985, 1997). 121

Deyl (1934), and based on his collections later also Soják (1983b), reported Koeleria macrantha subsp. transsilvanica also from the Ukrainian Carpathians, from where its occurrence was later not confirmed (cf. Kricsfalusy & Budnikov 2007). 122


From the Transylvanian Basin Lathyrus transsilvanicus sporadically spreads beyond to the Cheile Turzii Gorge on the eastern margin of the Apuseni Carpathians (Oprea 2005).


In 1903, Lathyrus transsilvanicus was collected in a beech forest in the Armankaja River Valley (Sredna Stara planina Mts), ca 1 600 m a.s.l., where it has not been confirmed since 1905 and was considered to be extinct in Bulgaria (Petrova & Vladimirov 2009, Tosheva et al. 2011). During 2007–2011 it was recorded in three near microlocalities (Triglav Massif, seven gorges locality) in the Sredna Stara Planina Mts, 1 450–1 500 m a.s.l. (Marinov et al. 2014). 125

In the included literature it is also reported as Lathyrus transsilvanicus (Spreng.) Rchb. f.


Holub (1977b) constrained the occurrence of diploid endemic subspecies Leucanthemopsis alpina subsp. tatrae only to the Tatry Mts with a note that the relations of the Tatry populations with populations of Leucanthemopsis alpina from the Eastern and Southern Carpathians require further study. Leucanthemopsis *tatrae was evaluated as endemic to the


Tatry Mts e.g. by Čopyk (1976), Kliment (1999), Piękoś-Mirkowa & Mirek (2003) and Mirek & Piękoś-Mirkowa (2009, 2010). Oprea (2005) reported it from the Romanian Eastern and Southern Carpathians remarking that it is a single subspecies growing in the Romanian Carpathians. Without a detailed information it was reported also by Mosyakin & Fedoronchuk (1999) from the Ukrainian Carpathians and by Sârbu et al. (2013) from the Romanian Carpathians. Further authors, e.g. Popescu & Sanda (1998) and Ciocârlan (1990, 2009), report from Romania only the species (using diverse names) without information on its distribution. According to the current information, reliable records of Leucanthemopsis alpina at the subspecies level are missing as from the Ukrainian Carpathians (Kozurak 2014 in litt.), so from the Romanian Carpathians (Pușcaș 2014 in litt.). Until the taxonomic affiliation of L. alpina populations from the Ukrainian and Romanian Carpathians will be resolved, we retain the present endemic status of Leucanthemopsis *tatrae. 127

Outside the Carpathians Leucanthemum rotundifolium sporadically occurs in the Vranica Planina Mts in Bosnia; an older record from the southern Croatia proved to be erroneous (Zelený 1970, Kliment 1999, and others). Outside the Carpathians Linum extraaxillare very scarcely occurs only in Bulgaria. In the localities Mt. Karlovska (Centralna Stara planina Mts) and Mt. Vitoša (Vitoša Mts) its occurrence have not been confirmed for more than 80 years, therefore the species was considered to be extinct in Bulgaria (Petrova & Vladimirov 2009). In 1995, it was collected on Mt. Kucheto in the Centralna Stara planina Mts (Vladimirov et al. 2011). 128


Outside the Carpathians Linum uninerve occurs very scarcely (including only three localities) in the Centralna Stara planina Mts (Kuru Dere) and the Rodopi Mts (Dobrostan Massif), in small populations with restricted reproductive ability (Petrova 2011). In Romania it was found in the vicinity of the city Lugoj at the border of the Southern Carpathians (Poiana Ruscă Mts) and the Pannonian Basin (Dihoru & Pârvu 1987). 130

In the included literature it is also reported as Linum uninerve (Rochel) Borbás.

Melampyrum saxosum (with white-coloured petals) and M. herbichii (with yellow-coloured petals) were so-far evaluated as two separate taxa (microspecies). Těšitel et al. (2009) in their thorough morphometric and molecular study did not find traits, which would differentiate between the white-coloured and the yellow-coloured populations; these also do not differ in their geographical distribution. Therefore they suggested to consider both microspecies as a single species with an older valid name Melampyrum saxosum Baumg. 131


Towards the west, an introgressive hybridization between yellow-flowering plants and Melampyrum sylvaticum populations probably occurs, which hindered identification of the western border of M. herbichii distribution (cf. Štech & Drábková 2005, Těšitel & Štech 2007). As a consequence, the species was evaluated variously in the present overviews of endemics: from an endemic to the Eastern and Southern Carpathians to a pan-Carpathian subendemic or a Sudeten-Carpathian species. Similarly to other east-Carpathian species (s. l.), also in this case the biogeographic border between the Western and Eastern (South-Eastern) Carpathians is of special importance, and the typical populations of Melampyrum saxosum (incl. M. herbichii) do not extend over this border (for details see Těšitel et al. 2009). 133

In the included literature Minuartia pauciflora is wrongly reported as Minuartia verna subsp. gerardii (Willd.) Graebn.; this name concerns the alpine plants.


In the included literature Noccaea banatica is reported using an invalid name Thlaspi dacicum subsp. banaticum (R. Uechtr.) Jáv. (cf. Holub 1984).

Records of Noccaea jankae in Romania (Beldie & Váczy 1976, Beldie 1977, Dihoru & Negrean 2009, Sârbu et al. 2013, and others) concern probably a Carpathian-Balkan species Noccaea kovatsii (Heuff.) F. K. Mey. (T. jankae Borbás non A. Kern. and T. jankae Velen. non A. Kern. also belong to synonyms of N. kovatsii; cf. Čopyk 1976, Ančev 2007). 135

Outside the Transylvanian Basin Onosma pseudarenaria subsp. pseudarenaria sporadically occurs also in the Eastern (Hășmaș Mts) and Apuseni Carpathians (Trascău Mts: Cheile Turzii Gorge) (Oprea 2005). 136

According to molecular analyses (Kolarčik et al. 2010), Onosma viridis occurs only in the western, south-western and southern parts of the Transylvanian Basin (mainly close to its border with the Apuseni and the Southern Carpathians), in the Apuseni Carpathians (Trăscău Mts), in the southern part of the Banat Mts (cf. Grințescu & Nyárády 1960a), as well as in the Slovenský kras and Aggtelek Karsts (populations formerly reported as O. tornensis; see next note). In this respect it belongs to the taxa endemic to the Western, Southern and Apuseni Carpathians and the Transylvanian Basin. According to a broader concept (cf. Valdés in Euro+Med), it represents a Carpathian-Balkan species distributed from Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece to Turkey. The whole taxonomic complex of closely related species within Onosma heterophylla s. lat. (see Kolarčik et al. 2010, 2014 for details), requires deeper taxonomic (and subsequently also chorological) revision. 137


Since its description (Jávorka 1906), Onosma tornensis has been considered as one of the rarest stenoendemic of the Western Carpathians with a restricted occurrence in a small area in the eastern part of the Slovenský kras Karst including the Slovak-Hungarian plateau Dolný vrch. With regard to its rarity it was included in the World Red Book of endangered species as well as to the international directives (Bern1, Annex II of Habitat Directive 92/43/EEC). The recent study of molecular variation (Kolarčik et al. 2010) confirmed significant DNA similarity of Onosma tornensis populations from Slovakia with Onosma viridis populations from the Banat part of the Southern Carpathians and taxonomic identity of both species. Regarding this fact, Mártonfi et al. (2014), in accordance with regulations of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (McNeill et al. 2012, Art. 11.5), reports O. tornensis as synonym of O. viridis. 138


So-far Ophrys holubyana have been reported as subendemic to the Western Carpathians. Records from the northern Hungary (cf. Kliment 1999) concern recent hybrids of Ophrys holoserica (Burm. f.) Greuter and Ophrys scolopax subsp. cornuta (Steven) E. G. Camus (Dítě 2014 in litt.). 140

In the Eastern Carpathians Pedicularis baumgartenii is reported only from the Ceahlău Mts (Dihoru & Pârvu 1987, Ciocârlan 2009, Sârbu et al. 2013).


Peucedanum rochelianum is a species of wet aluvial meadows (Peucedano rocheliani-Molinietum caerulae) and forests (Querco-Betuletum molinietosum). The centre of its distribution is in the sub-Carpathian depressions in the south-western part of the Transylvanian Basin wedged in the adjacent montain ranges of the Southern Carpathians (Caransebeș Depression, Hațeg Depression, Sibiu Depression), at altidudes between 230 and 400 m (Boșcaiu 1965, Boșcaiu & Rațiu 1965, Kovács 2011). Records from the central and eastern Transylvania (Dihoru & Pârvu 1987, Jakab et al. 2008) can be dubious (Kovács l. c.). Sporadic occurrence was reported also in the forests near the villages Mavrodolu and Plopeni at the southern foothill of the Southern Carpathians (Paucă-Comanescu & Negrean 1994) and in the surroundings of Galați city in the south-eastern Romania (Dihoru & Pârvu 1987). Kovács (2011), with the reference to Boșcaiu (1965), reports occurrence of Peucedanum rochelianum also from Croatia. However, Boșcaiu (l. c.) reported from the Croatian Dalmatia occurrence of a vicariant taxon Peucedanum coriaceum subsp. pospichalii (Thell.) Horvatić and association Peucedano pospichalii-Molinietum litoralis. Peucedanum rochelianum was not reported in the relevant Croatian literature (Krahulec 2014 in litt.). 142

Pilosella ullepitschii occurs predominantly in the Western Carpathians; only scarcely it occurs in the Eastern (three localities) and Southern (one locality) Carpathians (Šingliarová & Mráz 2009). 143

Bernátová et al. (2006) distinguished two subspecies within Poa carpatica: subsp. carpatica (endemic to the Western and Eastern Carpathians) and subsp. supramontana Bernátová et al. (endemic to the Veľká Fatra Mts, Krivánska Fatra Mts and Nízke Tatry Mts). However, the later mentioned subspecies was invalidly described because the original diagnosis lacked specification of herbarium collection or institution in which holotype specimen was conserved (Art. 40.7 of Melbourne Code, McNeill et al. 2012). 144

In older Romanian sources (Ghișa & Beldie 1972) also Poa deylii var. retezatensis (A. Nyár.) Ghișa et Beldie (only Retezat Mts) is recorded, evaluated as a separate taxon (Poa granitica subsp. retezatensis A. Nyár) also by Greuter (in Euro+Med). However, in the current Romanian identification keys (Ciocârlan 2009, Sârbu et al. 2013) only occurrence of Poa granitica subsp. disparilis is reported. 145

Poa nobilis is an alpine hybridogenous species (probably Poa alpina f. vivipara × Poa granitica) described from the Polish side of the Tatra Mts (Skalińska 1955), which was stabilised thanks to its vivipary (Pogan 1977). During the field survey in the nineties of the last century, its occurrence has not been confirmed (Piękoś-Mirkowa et al. 1996), which is reflected also in the current evaluation within the category DD (Piękoś-Mirkowa 2008). 146


Poa pannonica subsp. scabra has centre of its distribution on neutral and alkaline substrates (volcanic rocks and limestones) in the Slovak part of the Western Carpathians with outstrokes towards the south in the Északi-középhegység Mts and in the northern part of the Dunántúli-középhegység Mts (Visegrádi Mts). In the Ukrainian Carpathians only older records exist from slopes of Chorna Hora near the town Sevluš (Vinohradiv) (Jirásek 1934, 1935); in more recent floras (Čopyk 1976, etc.) it was not reported any more. In Romanian Carpathians the subspecies was reported near the Iron Gates Gorge; older record is from the vicinity of Arad City (Oprea 2005). In the included literature it is usually reported as Poa rehmannii (Asch. et Graebn.) Woł. As a synonym of Poa nemoralis B. [subsp.] rehmannii Asch. et Graebn. Ascherson & Graebner (1900: 413) reported the name Poa caesia d) Rehmanni Richter Pl. Eur. I. 83 (1890), which is a reference to the first published name and should be regarded as a bazionym (Marhold 2014 pers. comm.). 148


Prangos carinata is a rare species known only from the Iron Gates Gorge (between the locality of Vîrciorova and the village of Gura Văii) in the Southern Carpathians (Morariu & Beldie 1976, Beldie 1977, Dihoru & Negrean 2009). 149


In the included literature it is reported also under invalid name Prangos carinata Griseb.

Outside the Western Carpathians Primula auricula subsp. hungarica sporadically occurs on dolomites in some mountain ranges (Vértes, Bakony, Balaton-vidék) of the Transdanubian Mountains in Hungary (Soó 1964, 1980a, Simon 1992, and others). 151


Primula leucophylla is an alpine taxon of the Primula elatior group adapted to a cool climate, ecologically, phenologically and genetically isolated from P. elatior s. str. Its occurrence is restricted to the limestone mountain ranges in the central part of the Eastern Carpathians, from the Rarău Mts to the Vrancei Mts (Șuteu 2012, Șuteu et al. 2011, 2013, Hurdu 2014 in litt.; cf. Ciocârlan 2009, Sârbu et al. 2013). According to Șuteu (2012), „Studies based on sequences analysis indicate that the taxon P. filarszkyana should be considered a subspecies of the species Pulmonaria rubra“. Therefore, in our study we included the taxon at the level of subspecies. 153

The West-Carpathian endemic Pulsatilla slavica was reported also from the north-eastern Romania (Mîrzesti) by some Romanian authors (Beldie & Váczy 1976, Beldie 1977, Sanda et al. 1983, Ciocîrlan 1988, Popescu & Sanda 1998). Goliašová (1985) considered its occurrence in Romania as unlikely. Ciocârlan (2009) evaluated the published records as erroneous. 154

Ranunculus flabellifolius is a narrow species of the Ranunculus auricomus group with rather ambiguous taxonomic evaluation. While e.g. Jalas & Suominen (1989), Stevanović et al. (1991) and Dunkel (2011) considered it as a separate species of this group (cf. Beldie 1977, Popescu & Sanda 1998, Ciocârlan 2009, Sârbu et al. 2013, Hörandl & Raab-Straube in Euro+Med, and others), Tutin & Akeroyd (1993) included it within Ranunculus cassubicus L. (cf. Oprea 2005). According to Dunkel (2011), Ranunculus flabellifolius represents the corner stone of the whole complex. In our study, we therefore accept R. flabellifolius as a separate species. 155


Outside the Carpathians, Ranunculus pseudomontanus sporadically occurs in the Bulgarian mountain ranges Vitoša and Zapadni Rodopi Mts (Kožuharov & Petrova 1988).


In the included literature it is also reported under invalid name Ranunculus montanus subsp. pseudomontanus (Schur) Beldie.

Rosa coziae represents one of four separate species of the Rosa villosa agg. (Kerényi-Nagy 2011), restricted by its occurrence to the Cozia and Căpătânii Mts in the Southern Carpathians (Oprea 2005, Ciocârlan 2009, Hurdu et al. 2012a). 158


In the included literature it is also reported using invalid names Rosa villosa subsp. coziae (Nyár.) Beldie and R. villosa subsp. coziae (Nyár.) Beldie et L. Alex.


In the Southern Carpathians the occurrence of Salvia transsylvanica is known only from the vicinity of the village Boteni (Dihoru & Pârvu 1987, Oprea 2005).

Current distribution of Saussurea porcii, a narrow endemic species of the Eastern Carpathians, was studied by Kobiv et al. (2007b), later also by Počynok & Prokopiv (2010), and its biology was studied by Bahlej (2010). Počynok & Prokopiv (l. c.) reported its occurrence on seven confirmed localities in the Ukrainian mountain ranges: Čyvčyny Mts (five localities), Čornohora Mts (one locality) and Svydovec Mts (one locality). In the Rodna Mts (Romania) the species was considered extinct (cf. Dihoru & Negrean 2009). The occurrence not confirmed since 1902 has been verified by Mátis, Szabó & Bartha in August 2014 (Mátis et al. 2014). 161

Diklić (1973) reported Scabiosa columbaria subsp. banatica from the eastern and south-eastern part of Serbia and from Vojvodina; Hurdu et al. (2012b) delimited its occurrence in Serbia to the Serbian part of the Southern Carpathians and ranked it as endemic to the South-Eastern Carpathians. 162


In Ukraine and Hungary Scilla kladnii sporadically occurs also outside the Carpathians (cf. Speta 1977, Kereszty et al. 1986, Kereszty 1993, Kricsfalusy & Vajnagi 1994).


In the included literature Sempervivum carpathicum is reported also as Sempervivum wettsteinii Letz ined.; wrongly also as Sempervivum montanum L.


In the included literature Sempervivum carpathicum subsp. carpathicum is reported also as Sempervivum wettsteinii Letz ined. subsp. wettsteinii.


In the included literature Sempervivum carpathicum subsp. heterophyllum is reported also as Sempervivum wettsteinii subsp. heterophyllum (Hazsl.) Letz ined.



Outside the Carpathians Sempervivum matricum grows also in the northern part of the Transdanubian Mountains in Hungary (Letz 2009).

Senecio ucranicus is distributed from the Polish and Slovak part of the Eastern Carpathians to the Făgăraș Mts in the Southern Carpathians; in Ukraine it rarely outreaches to Volyn and Podillja, in Poland to Pogórze Dynowskie Mts at the border of the Eastern and Western Carpathians (Hodálová 1998b, Rola 2014). 168

Sesleria heuflerana subsp. heuflerana extends rarely to Podillja from the Ukrainian Carpathians (Čopyk 1976) and to rocky limestone hillsides of Moldavian Priprutia from the Romanian Carpathians (Gejdeman 1986). 169

In several surveys (e.g. Deyl 1980, Májovský, Murín et al. 1987, Dostál 1989, 1992) Sesleria heuflerana subsp. hungarica is reported also from Slovakia. The only occurrence of octoploid plants from Slovakia (Slovenský kras Karst) was evaluated as an octoploid cytotype of S. heuflerana by Lysák (1996). 170

Deyl (1980) reported the occurrence of Sesleria rigida also from the northern part of the Balkan Peninsula. According to the results of the molecular-taxonomic study by Kuzmanović et al. (2013), S. rigida s. str. occurs only in the Romanian Carpathians; records from the Balkan mountains concern closely related species of Sesleria rigida s. lat.: S. filifolia Hoppe, S. serbica (Adamović) Ujhelyi and S. achtarovii Deyl. 171

Outside the Western Carpathians Sesleria tatrae occurs very scarcely in a single locality in the Śnieżnik Kłodzki Massif in Poland (Fabiszewski 1970, Hendrych 1987, Kliment 1999, Budzáková et al. 2014, and others). 172


In the Ukrainian Carpathians Silene zawadzkii occurs rarely only in two localities (Velykyj Kamin’ and Mokryniv Kamin’) in the Čyvčyny Mts (Kobiv 2010).

Based on Drăgulescu (2003), Oprea (2005) reported the ocurrence of Silene zawadzkii also from the Făgăraș Mts (Mt. Arpașu) in the Southern Carpathians although he himself considered this species to be endemic to the Eastern Carpathians. In later studies (Ciocârlan 2009, Hurdu et al. 2012a, Sârbu et al. 2013), this report was not considered. 174

Sorbus amici-petri is a narrow endemic hybridogenous taxon described from sunny hills in the vicinity of Obišovce, Kysak and Trebejov Villages (Mikoláš 2003) in the phytogeographical district Stredné Pohornádie (eastern Slovakia), geomorphologically ordered to the Čierna hora Mts (Mazúr & Lukniš 1980). 175


Sorbus dolomiticola is a stenoendemic of the area between Kysak and Trebejov in the eastern Slovakia (Mikoláš 1996).

Sorbus haljamovae is an alpine hybridogenous species in its occurrence restricted to relic calcareous dwarf mountain pine (Pinus mugo) communities in the Veľká Fatra, Krivánska Fatra and Nízke Tatry Mts (Bernátová & Májovský 2003). 177

Sorbus zuzanae is an alpine hybridogenous species, in its occurrence restricted to relic calcareous dwarf mountain pine (Pinus mugo) communities in the Veľká Fatra, Krivánska Fatra and Nízke Tatry Mts (Bernátová & Májovský 2003). 178

Stipa crassiculmis subsp. heterotricha is a subspecies with ambiguous taxonomic evaluation (cf. Ciocârlan 2009, Sârbu et al. 2013), however, considered as a separate taxon by Vázguez & Gutiérrez (2011) (cf. Popescu & Sanda 1998, Dihoru & Negrean 2009, Negrean 2011). 179

Outside the Carpathians two small populations of Swertia punctata are recently known only from two adjacent localities (1 300 and 2 000 m a.s.l.) on Mt. Midžur (Zapadna Stara planina Mts) on the Bulgarian-Serbian border; it is also reported from Kosovo (Tan & Vladimirov 2001). 180


In Ukraine, Symphytum cordatum scarcely occurs also outside the Carpathians in the vicinity of Lviv as an isolated population in Volyn near the Sluč River (Čopyk 1976).


A narrow endemic Taraxacum carpaticum was up to now recorded only in two neighbouring mountain ranges, Bucegi Mts and Piatra Craiului Mts within the Southern Carpathians (Štěpánek et al. 2011). Taraxacum nigricans is an inconsistently evaluated species described from the Nízke Tatry Mts (Ďumbier Mt.), in the past reffered also from the Polish, Ukrainian and Romanian parts of Carpathians, or from even larger area. The checking of the type material confirmed, that it is restricted to the region of original diagnosis (Štěpánek et al. 2011). 183


Besides the classical locality in the Polish part of the Vysoké Tatry Mts, Tacik (1980) reports the occurrence of Taraxacum pawlowskii (he evaluates this occurrence as unsure) also from the Velická dolina Valley in the Slovak part of the mountain range. 184

Taraxacum pieninicum is probably the best known stenoendemic species of the Pieniny Mts. Its occurrence is known only from the rocky walls of Mt. Okrąglica in the Trzy Korony Massif in the Polish part of the Pieniny Mts. After extinction of the original population in its locus classicus (crash of the rocky wall), the species has been considered as missing for longer time (Zarzycki 1986 to Mirek et al. 1995). During a detailed field survey of the rocky walls in 1999–2000 it has been re-discovered under the top of Mt. Okrąglica (Wróbel & Zarzycki 2008). 185


Along with recently known occurrences in the Slovak, Ukrainian and Romanian Carpathians and their surroundings (see Kliment 1999 for details), a sporadic occurrence of Thymus alternans documented by herbarium specimens is known also from the Southern (Făgăraș Mts: Nucșoara, Mártonfi 2014 in litt.) and Apuseni Carpathians (Bihor Mts; cf. Kliment 1999). Our recent evaluation is most compatible with the evaluation by Čornej (2011), who denoted Thymus alternans as subendemic to the Carpathians. 187

Outside the Carpathians Thymus dacicus sporadically occurs in Moldova (Iași City) and in the Walachian (Câmpia Română) Basin (Gușuleac 1961, Diklić & Vasić 2000).


Outside the Western Carpathians Thymus pulcherrimus subsp. sudeticus occurs in two isolated localities in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts.


In the included literature Thymus pulcherrimus subsp. sudeticus was incorrectly reported as Thymus macrophyllus Rchb.


In the Romanian literature Trifolium pratense subsp. kotulae is reported as T. pratense subsp. nivale (Sieber) Arcang. and T. pratense var. frigidum Gaudin.


From the Carpathians, Trifolium sarosiense sporadically reaches also the northern part of the Transdanubian Mountains, eastern part of the Pannonian Basin and south-eastern part of Serbia: Vršac, Bor, Pirot (Hendrych 1993, 1995); the author assums also its occurrence in the Ukrainian Carpathians. From the Ukrainian Carpathians Trisetum flavescens subsp. tatricum is documented only by older herbarium specimens (K. Igošina 1948 LE) from Mt. Petros in the Čornohora Mts (Cvelev 1974, 1976, Prokudin et al. 1977, Čornej 2011). 192

In Serbia a single locality of Tulipa hungarica was known from the southern side of the Iron Gate Gorge (Ðerdap National Park; cf. Ćalić et al. 2012); recently the species is evaluated as extinct in Serbia (Stevanović 2013, Turis et al. 2014). 193


Oprea (2005) incorrectly reported Tulipa hungarica var. undulatifolia Roman as synonym of Tulipa undulatifolia Boiss. (cf. Negrean 2011).

Rostański (1967, 1970) ordered to Valeriana tripteris subsp. heterophylla plants with at least some stem leaves composed of 5 leaflets, with a large oblong-ovate terminal divisions and about 0.5 mm long hairs on the leaf margin. From the nominate subspecies it differs also ecologically; it occurs in springs, aluvial alder forests, moist habitats along the mountain brooks and in Alnus viridis stands (Schur 1866, Dmytrach 2010). It is accepted as a separate subspecies e.g. by Mirek et al. (2002), and as a separate species (ut Valeriana transsilvanica Schur) by Katina (1961) and Prokudin (1987). 195

Rostański (1967) reported the ocurrence of Valeriana tripteris subsp. heterophylla from the Polish and Ukrainian part of the Eastern Carpathians. From the Polish Bieszczady Mts the subspecies sporadically protrudes to the neighbouring Beskid Niski Mts (Rostański 1967, 1970) ordered already to the Western Carpathians. Probably based on these facts, it was evaluated as endemic to the Western and Eastern Carpathians by Tasenkevyč (2014). However, Morariu (1961 ut V. tripteris var. heterophylla) reported several localities of this taxon not only from the Eastern but also from the Southern and Apuseni Carpathians (cf. Schur 1866, Simonkai 1887 ut Valeriana tripteris var. bijuga Simk.). 196

Kirschner (2007) ordered similar populations from the alluvial alder forests and springs in the Bukovské vrchy Mts to Valeriana montana var. ternata Schur. The occurrence of Valeriana montana L. (without closer specification) in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (springs and alluvia in the Zbojský potok Valley) was first reported by Hadač (1989); species distribution in the mountain range was later substantionally completed by Hadač, Terray et al. (1991). 197

In some of the included literature (e.g. Beldie 1977, Oprea 2005, Ciocârlan 2009) Viola declinata is evaluated as a Carpathian-Balkan species. According to Velev & Apostolova (2009), it does not occur in Serbia nor in Bulgaria (cf. Diklić 1972, Delipavlov 1979). 198



In Ukraine, Viola jooi grows also in the Pokuttja region (Čornej 2011).

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Electronic Appendix 2. – “Critical” (unclear) endemic taxa Taxon Aconitum moldavicum subsp. simonkaianum (Gáyer) Starm. 200 Allium zahariadi Májovský subsp. zahariadi 201 Allium zahariadi subsp. michalkoi Májovský 202 Bupleurum falcatum subsp. dilatatum Schur 203 Carduus fissurae Nyár. 204 Carex sempervirens subsp. tatrorum (Zapał.) Pawł. 205 Carex sempervirens subsp. pseudotristis (Domin) Pawł. 206 Centaurea globurensis Nyár. 207 Centaurea pugioniformis Nyár. 208 Dactylorhiza carpatica (Batoušek et Kreutz) P. Delforge 209 Dianthus carpaticus Woł. 210, 211 Hieracium amoenanthes Nyár. et Zahn 212 Hieracium borzae Nyár. et Zahn 213 Hieracium breazense Nyár. 214 Hieracium caesiogenum Woł. et Zahn 215 Hieracium calcogeton (Zahn) Greuter 216 Hieracium chloribracteum Degen et Zahn 217 Hieracium dentatum subsp. sarmaticum Zahn 218 Hieracium grecescui Nyár. et Zahn 219 Hieracium klopotivae Pax 220 Hieracium krizsnae Lengyel et Zahn 221 Hieracium mukaczevense Üksip 222 Hieracium nyaradyanum Zahn 223 Hieracium pelagae Degen et Zahn 224 Hieracium peterfii Nyár. et Zahn 225 Hieracium phaedrocheilon Zahn 226 Hieracium praebiharicum Boros 227 Hieracium prodanianum Nyár. et Zahn 228 Hieracium pseudocaesiiforme Nyár. et Zahn 229 Hieracium pseudocaesium Degen et Zahn 230 Hieracium pseudonigritum Pax 231 Hieracium pseudopaltinae Nyár. et Zahn 232 Hieracium pseudoratezatense Nyár. et Zahn 233 Hieracium stenodontophyllum Nyár. et Zahn 234 Hieracium trischistum Nyár. et Zahn 235 Hieracium vurtopicum Zahn 236 Hieracium wichurae Zahn 237

Synonyms Aconitum simonkaianum Gáyer Allium ochroleucum subsp. pseudosuaveolens Zahar.; A. ericetorum subsp. pseudosuaveolens (Zahar.) Ciocârlan Bupleurum dilatatum (Schur) Baksay

Carex sempervirens var. pseudotristis Domin

Dianthus carthusianorum var. carpaticus (Woł.) Zapał.; D. bucovinensis (Zapał.) Klokov

Hieracium sarmaticum (Zahn) Schljakov


References Grințescu 1953; Starmühler 1998a; Mitka 2008 Zahariadi 1966; Májovský & Murín 1985; Somogyi 1999a; Ciocârlan 2009; Sârbu et al. 2013 Májovský & Murín 1985; Somogyi 1999a, b, 2002 Tutin 1968; Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005 Nyárády 1965; Beldie & Alexandrescu 1976; Ciocârlan 2009 Kliment 1999; Marhold et al. 2007; Luceño et al. 2008 Domin 1931b; Luceño et al. 2008 Dostál 1976; Dihoru & Pârvu 1987; Greuter in Euro+Med Prodan & Nyárády 1964; Dostál 1976; Ciocârlan 2009 Kubát 2010; Kaplan 2012 Klokov 1952; Tutin 1964; Jalas & Suominen 1986; Fedorončuk & Diduch 2002a; Kuz’mina 2004; Fedorončuk 2009 Zahn 1936; Nyárády 1965 Zahn 1938; Nyárády 1965 Zahn 1938; Nyárády 1965 Zahn 1936; Nyárády 1965; Šljakov 1989 Zahn 1938; Nyárády 1965 Zahn 1936; Nyárády 1965 Zahn 1927, 1935; Nyárády 1965; Šljakov 1989 Zahn 1938; Nyárády 1965 Nyárády 1965; Szeląg 2014 in litt. Zahn 1927; Šípošová et al. 2004a Juksip 1959; Šljakov 1989 Zahn 1938; Nyárády 1965 Zahn 1938; Nyárády 1965 Zahn 1938; Nyárády 1965 Zahn 1938; Nyárády 1965 Boros 1972 Zahn 1938; Nyárády 1965 Zahn 1938; Nyárády 1965 Zahn 1938; Nyárády 1965 Zahn 1938; Nyárády 1965 Zahn 1938; Nyárády 1965 Zahn 1938; Nyárády 1965 Zahn 1936; Nyárády 1965 Zahn 1938; Nyárády 1965 Zahn 1938; Nyárády 1965 Zahn 1936; Nyárády 1965

Taxon Knautia dipsacifolia subsp. lancifolia (Heuff.) Ehrend. 238 Knautia dipsacifolia subsp. pocutica (Szabó) Ehrend. 239 Knautia dipsacifolia subsp. turocensis (Borbás) Jáv. ex Kiss 240 Leucanthemum raciborskii Popov et Chrshan. 241 Leucojum vernum var. carpathicum Sweet 242 Minuartia cataractarum (Janka) Nyár. 243

Synonyms Knautia dipsacifolia var. lancifolia (Heuff.) Simonk.; K. sylvatica subsp. lancifolia (Heuff.) Soó Knautia dipsacifolia var. pocutica Szabó Knautia turocensis (Borbás) Szabó

Leucojum vernum subsp. carpathicum (Sweet) K. Richt. Alsine cataractarum Janka; Minuartia frutescens subsp. cataractarum (Janka) Soó; M. hirsuta subsp. cataractarum (Janka) Soó

Myosotis transsylvanica Porcius 244 Poa molinerii subsp. glacialis Beldie 245 Poa nyaradyana Nannf. 246

Poa laxa subsp. pruinosa Nyár.; P. laxa var. caesioglauca Schur ex Nyár.

Potentilla chrysantha subsp. pastorum Soják 247 Primula elatior subsp. carpathica (Griseb. et Schenk) W. W. Sm. Primula carpathica (Griseb. et Schenk) Fuss et Forrest. 248 Primula elatior subsp. poloninensis (Domin) Dostál 249 Primula elatior f. poloninensis Domin; P. poloninensis (Domin) Fed. Primula matthioli subsp. pubens (Schott, Nyman et Kotschy) Cortusa matthioli subsp. pubens (Schott, Nyman et Kotschy) Kovt. 250 Jáv. Pulmonaria montana subsp. porciusii Gusul. 251 Ranunculus binatus Kit. ex Rchb. 252 Rubus moestus Holuby 253 Rumex carpaticus (Zapał.) Zapał. 254 Scabiosa lucida subsp. calcicola Bloński 255 Scabiosa lucida subsp. pseudobanatica (Schur) Holub 255

Soldanella hungarica group 256 (S. angusta Zhang; S. hungarica Simonk.; S. major (Neilr.) Vierh.; S. marmarossiensis Klášt.; S. oreodoxa Zhang; S. pseudomontana F. K. Mey.; S. rugosa Zhang; S. stiriaca F. K. Mey.; S. tatricola Niederle) Sorbus paxiana Jáv. 257 Trisetum alpestre subsp. glabrescens (Schur) Tzvelev 258

Ranunculus auricomus subsp. binatus (Kit. ex Rchb.) Jasiewicz Rumex arifolius subsp. carpaticus (Zapał.) Pawł.; Acetosa alpestris subsp. carpatica (Zapał.) Dostál Scabiosa calcarea Tocl Scabiosa lucida subsp. pseudobanatica (Schur) Chrtek, nom. illeg.; S. columbaria subsp. pseudobanatica (Schur) Jáv.; S. pseudobanatica (Schur) Chrtek subsp. pseudobanatica Soldanella hungarica subsp. major (Neilr.) Pawłowska

Trisetum alpestre var. glabrescens Schur


References Ehrendorfer 1976; Oprea 2005; Papović et al. 2014; Štěpánek 2014 in litt. Ehrendorfer 1976; Oprea 2005; Štěpánek 2014 in litt. Ehrendorfer 1976; Kliment 1999 Cvelev 1961, 1994; Čopyk 1976; Heywood 1976; Zelený 1982; Ziman et al. 2006 Soják 1962; Kliment 1999; Bělohlávková 2010 Jalas & Suominen 1983; Halliday 1993; Dihoru & Negrean 2009; Sârbu et al. 2013 Grințescu & Nyárády1960b; Grau 1964; Grau & Merxmüller 1972; Walter & Gillett 1998 Beldie 1967b Nyárády 1928; Șerbănescu 1967; Ghișa & Beldie 1972; Edmondson 1980; Ciocârlan 2009 Soják 1993 Schwarz 1968; Valentine & Kress 1972 Morariu et al. 1960; Valentine & Kress 1972; Prokudin 1987; Ziman et al. 2006 Morariu & Nyárády 1960; Kobiv 1999, 2009, 2010, 2012a; Kovtonjuk 2013 Gușuleac 1960; Merxmüller & Sauer 1972; Ciocârlan 2009; Valdés in Euro+Med Dunkel 2011 Holuby 1873; Nyárády 1956; Kurtto in Euro+Med Borodina 1979; Cvelev 1996; Grabovskaja-Borodina 2012; Oprea & Sîrbu 2013 Chrtek 1985a, b; Štěpánek & Holub 1997; Kliment 1999 Chrtek 1985a, b; Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005; Bucalo et al. 2006; Kricsfalusy & Budnikov 2007 Klášterský 1930; Pawłowska 1963; Kress 1984; Meyer 1985; Hrouda & Kochjarová 1997; Zhang et al. 2001; Zhang & Kadereit 2002, 2004; Niederle 2003, 2005; Fischer et al. 2008 Jávorka 1927; Kárpáti 1960 Schur 1866; Cvelev 1974, 1976; Prokudin et al. 1977

Notes Starmühler (1998a) re-classified the species Aconitum simonkaianum to the subspecies level (Aconitum moldavicum subsp. simonkaianum (Gáyer) Starm.) and reported it from the Ukrainian and Romanian Eastern Carpathians (cf. Starmühler 1998b, Mitka 2008, Mitka & Novikoff 2011, Novikoff & Mitka 2011a, b, Novikov 2013b). However, already Grințescu (1953) considered this taxon to be a hybrid, thus he reported it as Aconitum ×simonkaianum (Gáyer) Grinț. (A. hosteanum × A. velutinum) [Aconitum velutinum = A. lasiostomum]. The hybrid formula Aconitum lasiostomum × A. moldavicum was published after the subspecies name also by Mitka (2008; cf. Mitka & Gawroński 2010). According to him, the hybrid status of this taxon should be confirmed by further biochemical and molecular analyses on representative material including the whole area of Aconitum moldavicum. Subspecies A. moldavicum subsp. simonkaianum is evaluated as nothotaxon (A. moldavicum subsp. hosteanum × A. lasiostomum subsp. lasiostomum) also by Novikov (2014 in litt.). 200


Allium zahariadi subsp. zahariadi is a subspecies with a complicated taxonomic history. It was described as Allium ochroleucum subsp. pseudosuaveolens from fen meadows between the Vlăhița Village and Tolvaioș Gorge in the Eastern Carpathians by Zahariadi (1966), who recorded it also in the vicinity of the nearby village of Căpilnița. Based on his decription, Májovský (in Májovský & Murín 1985) described a narrowly perceived species of meadows Allium zahariadi with subspecies A. zahariadi subsp. zahariadi and A. zahariadi subsp. michalkoi (see below). According to at that time valid International code of botanical nomenclature (Greuter et al. 1994), Somogyi (1999a) considered the description of subsp. pseudosuaveolens, as well as of other derived taxa, to be invalid (due to the absence of a type specimen in the description). He ordered it to a broadly perceived species Allium ericetorum Thore, involving the populations of meadow communities. The subsp. pseudosuaveolens was reclassified to the last mentioned taxon also by Ciocârlan (2009), who reported A. ericetorum subsp. pseudosuaveolens as a narrow endemic known from only two localities mentioned in the original diagnosis (cf. Sârbu et al. 2013). Although according to Art. 40.3 of the recent code version (McNeill et al. 2012) the description of Allium ochroleucum subsp. pseudosuaveolens can be considered as valid (Marhold 2014 in litt., Turland 2014 in litt.), the endemic status of this taxon remains unclear until the detailed knowledge on the intraspecific variability of the Allium ericetorum group is known within its whole distribution area. A tall white-flowering meadows subspecies Allium zahariadi subsp. michalkoi was described from the vicinity of the Šaca Village in the Košická kotlina Basin (Májovský & Murín 1985), from where it is recently known in a single microlocality (Feráková & Somogyi 1999, Somogyi 1999b, 2002). Its evaluation as a narrow endemic to the Western Carpathians (Tasenkevich 2002) is left open by now (see the note above). 202

The subspecies Bupleurum falcatum subsp. dilatatum includes robust, up to 2 m high branched plants, with stem leaves up to 20 (25) cm long and 3–6.5 cm broad (Šourková 1984) and tetraploid chromosome number (2n = 32). According to Tutin (1968), it is not clear whether there is a correlation between the morphometric characters and chromosome number; the subspecies is mentioned only in a note. The precise distribution of this subspecies is also not known up to now, it is reported from the Western (Slovakia, Hungary), Eastern and Southern Carpathians (Romania) and the Transylvanian Basin (Kliment 1999, Oprea 2005) and it was evaluated as a pan-Carpathian subendemic (Kliment 1999, Šeffer et al. 2010). 203

Nyárády (1965) considered Carduus fissurae to be a hybridogenous species (C. acanthoides × C. crispus) and a local endemic to the Cheile Turzii Gorge (Trascău Mts) in the Apuseni Carpathians, where it was decribed (cf. Pawłowski 1970, Heltmann 1985, Oprea 2005). As a separate species it was accepted also by Greuter (in Euro+Med). Contrastingly, Beldie & Alexandrescu (1976), Morariu & Beldie (1976) and Ciocârlan (2009) identified it with the hybrid Carduus ×leptocephalus Peterm. (C. acanthoides × C. crispus). Some supranational databases (The Plant List, Catalogue of Life) report C. fissurae as a synonym of Carduus crispus L. 204


Carex sempervirens subsp. tatrorum, a narrow-leaved calciphilous subspecies of taxonomically complicated species Carex sempervirens Vill., is considered to be endemic to the Western Carpathians (cf. Kliment 1999, Piękoś-Mirkowa & Mirek 2003, Mirek & Piękoś-Mirkowa 2009, 2010). However, its taxonomic evaluation is not consistent. Marhold et al. (2007) reported it as a synonym of the West-East-South-Carpathian calcicolous subspecies Carex sempervirens subsp. laxiflora (Schur) Jáv.; Luceño et al. (2008) as a synonym of a calciphilous subspecies C. sempervirens subsp. sempervirens, distributed on alkaline substrates from the mountain ranges of the Iberian Peninsula through the Alps, Jura, Apenines and Carpathians to mountain ranges of the Balkan Peninsula (cf. Marhold 1998, Jiménez-Mejías & Luceño in Euro+Med). Some supranational databases (The Plant List, Catalogue of Life) accept it only at the species level (cf. Ciocârlan 2009, Sârbu et al. 2013). 206

The subspecies Carex sempervirens subsp. pseudotristis was described from the Ukrainian Carpathians (Domin 1931b ut Carex sempervirens var. pseudotristis) and sporadically considered (Tasenkevyč 2003b) to be endemic to the Eastern Carpathians. Luceño et al. (2008) used the name C. sempervirens subsp. pseudotristis for both the Pyrenean and the


Carpathian silicicolous populations of Carex sempervirens, meantime reported as Carex granitica Braun-Blanq. or Carex sempervirens subsp. silicicola Holub (cf. Jiménez-Mejías & Luceño in Euro+Med). Centaurea globurensis is a species with unclear taxonomic status, which was described from Mt. Arjana near the Globurău Village (Cerna Mts, the Southern Carpathians) and included within the groups Centaurea atropurpurea Waldst. et Kit. (Dostál 1976), C. calocephala Willd. (Greuter in Euro+Med) and also C. scabiosa L. (Dihoru & Pârvu 1987). 207

Centaurea pugioniformis is a narrowly-perceived species belonging to the group of Centaurea macroptilon Borbás, from which it differs only by narrower appendices not covering involucral bracts (Dostál 1976). It was reported from the Eastern, Southern and Apuseni Carpathians, the Transylvanian Basin, sporadically also from the localities outside the Carpathians – Timișoara, Iași (Prodan & Nyárády 1964, Oprea 2005). Niketić (2010) reported its occurrence also from the Serbian part of the Southern Carpathians (Đerdap: Lepenski vir, Kazan). According to Hurdu (2014 in litt.) and Vonica (2014 in litt.), it concerns a hybrid forms of the subspecies Centaurea macroptilon subsp. oxylepis (Wimmer et Grab.) Soó (cf. Ciocârlan 2009). 208


Dactylorhiza carpatica is a taxonomically unclear species originated by hybridization of Dactylorhiza species and known only from the calcareous fen on the Moravian side of the Bílé Karpaty Mts (Kaplan 2012). It was included neither in the current checklist of vascular plants of the Czech flora (Danihelka et al. 2012) nor in the newest Czech Red list (Grulich 2012). Kubát (2010) reported it in a note to Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce) Soó with a comment that it probably concerns a taxon of hybridogenous origin, requiring further study. Mrázek (http://botany.cz/cs/dactylorhiza-traunsteineri-carpatica) considers it to be a hybridogenous species, stenoendemic to the Moravian Bílé Karpaty Mts. Fedorončuk (2009) evaluates Dianthus carpaticus as a local endemic to the Eastern Carpathians occurring in the subalpine and alpine belts of the Ukrainian Carpathians, well differentiated from the relative species Dianthus carthusianorum L. and D. tenuifolius Schur (cf. Fedorončuk & Diduch 2002a, Fedorončuk & Čornej 2005, Čornej 2011, Tasenkevich 2011). By a set of its morphological characters it represents a transitional position between these two species (Fedorončuk & Čornej l. c.). Contrastingly, Tutin (1964), Jalas & Suominen (1986) and Kuz’mina (2004) consider it to be a synonym of Dianthus carthusianorum L., Malynovs’kyj et al. (2002) as a synonym of D. carthusianorum subsp. subalpinus (Rehmann) Májovský et Králik. Reversely, Klokov (1952) reported D. carthusianorum var. subalpinus Rehmann as synonym of Dianthus carpaticus. 210

As a synonym of Dianthus carpaticus Fedorončuk & Diduch (2002a) reported also Dianthus bucovinensis (Zapał.) Klokov, considered by Klokov (1952) as endemic to the Bukovinské Karpaty Mts; contrastigly, Jalas & Suominen (1986) considered it as synonym of Dianthus carthusianorum. 211

Zahn (1936) reported Hieracium amoenanthes only from Mt. Retezat (Retezat Mts), 1 800–1 900 m a.s.l. in the Southern Carpathians (cf. Nyárády 1965). It is probably endemic to the Retezat Mts; however, the current taxonomic and chorological knowledge is missing. Heltmann (1985) and Dihoru & Pârvu (1987) considered it to be endemic to the Southern Carpathians. 212

Zahn (1938) reported Hieracium borzae from Mt. Retezat (cf. Nyárády 1965). It is probably endemic to the Retezat Mts; however, the current taxonomic and chorological knowledge is missing. Heltmann (1985) and Dihoru & Pârvu (1987) considered it to be endemic to the Southern Carpathians. 213

Zahn (1938) reported the occurrence of Hieracium breazense in the Răul Brescivarei Valley (Făgăraș Mts); Nyárády (1965) also in the locality Giurcuța de Sus (Apuseni Mts). The current taxonomic and chorological data on this species are not available. Heltmann (1985) considered it to be endemic to the Southern Carpathians, Dihoru & Pârvu (1987) evaluated it as endemic to the Southern and Apuseni Carpathians. 214


Hieracium caesiogenum was described from Mt. Berdo near the Hryniava Village at the border of the Ukrainian and Romanian Carpathians. Zahn (1936) reported several localities from the Făgăraș Mts, Nyárády (1965) also from the Rodna Mts and Bihor-Vlădeasa Mts (cf. Oprea 2005). The Ukrainian authors evaluate it as endemic to the Eastern and Southern Carpathians in their surveys. The current data for delimitation of its real distribution are still missing; it is probably endemic to the Eastern and Southern Carpathians (cf. Zahn 1936). 216

Zahn (1938) reported Hieracium calcogeton from the Bihar Mts (Apuseni Carpathians) using an invalid name Hieracium biharianum Prodan et Zahn (only a German diagnosis). Neither newer taxonomic nor chorological data are available (cf. Nyárády 1965). Heltmann (1985) as well as Dihoru & Pârvu (1987) ordered it as Hieracium biharianum to species endemic to the Apuseni Carpathians.


According to Zahn (1936), Hieracium chloribracteum grows only in the Retezat Mts (the Southern Carpathians) at altitudes between 1 400 and 2 300 m. Nyárády (1965) considered it to be endemic to the Retezat Mts, Dihoru & Pârvu (1987) as endemic to the Southern Carpathians. The current taxonomic and chorological data for delimitation of its real distribution are missing. 217

Zahn (1927, 1935) reported the occurrence of Hieracium dentatum subsp. sarmaticum from several mountain ranges in the Slovak part of the Western Carpathians, Šljakov (1989) from the Ukrainian Carpathians, Nyárády (1965) from the Apuseni Carpathians (Colții Trascău). Stoyko & Tasenkevich (1993) and Čornej (2011) evaluated it as endemic to the Western and Eastern Carpathians. 218

According to Zahn (1938), Hieracium grecescui grows only in the Retezat Mts (cf. Nyárády 1965). Recent data on this species are missing. Heltmann (1985) and Dihoru & Pârvu (1987) considered it endemic to the Southern Carpathians. 219

Hieracium klopotivae was described from the Retezat Mts (Clopotiva in the Râului Mare Valley). Nyárády (1965) reported it also from the Maramureș Mts (Stâna lui Vartic). This record was adopted by Oprea (2005) and Sârbu et al. (2013), who H. klopotivae evaluated as endemic to Romania or to the Carpathians. According to Szeląg (2014 in litt.), Hieracium klopotivae s. str. grows probably only in the Retezat Mts. 220

Hieracium krizsnae was described by Zahn (1927) from Mt. Krížna in the Veľká Fatra Mts (the Western Carpathians). Its occurrence in this locality has not been confirmed since that time, however, it was documented by Lengyel‘s original herbarium specimen in the collection of BP (Šípošová et al. 2004a). It was evaluated as endemic to the Veľká Fatra Mts by Mráz (in Eliáš jr. et al. 2015). 221

Juksip (1959) described Hieracium mukaczevense from an oak forest nearby the city Mukačevo. As endemic to the Eastern or the Ukrainian Carpathians it was evaluated e.g. by Stojko & Tasenkewitsch (1991), Stoyko & Tasenkevich (1993), Malynovs’kyj et al. (2002) and Tasenkevyč (2003b). Up to now, it is known only from the type specimen and no newer data are available since its description (Sennikov 2014 in litt.). Also later floristic studies (e.g. Prokudin 1987, Šljakov 1989) contain only basic information on locus classicus of this narrowly-perceived species. 222

Zahn (1938) reported Hieracium nyaradyanum from the Făgăraș Mts and Țarcu Mts, Nyárády (1965) from the Făgăraș, Godeanu and Țarcu Mts. It is probably endemic to the Southern Carpathians (cf. Heltmann 1985, Dihoru & Pârvu 1987). 223

Zahn (1938) reported the occurrence of Hieracium pelagae from Mt. Peleaga (Retezat Mts) in the Southern Carpathians and the Țibleș Mts in the Eastern Carpathians. More recent data are not available (cf. Nyárády 1965). According to Heltmann (1985) and Dihoru & Pârvu (1987) it is endemic to the Eastern and Southern Carpathians. 224

Zahn (1938) reported Hieracium peterfii from two localities in the Retezat Mts (the Southern Carpathians). More recent data are not known (cf. Nyárády 1965). The Romanian authors (Heltmann 1985, Dihoru & Pârvu 1987) considered it endemic to the Southern Carpathians. 225

Zahn (1938) reported Hieracium phaedrocheilon from the localities Csikszentdomokos (Sândominic) and Marosfő (Izvoru Mureșului) in the Romanian Eastern Carpathians, Nyárády (1965) only mentioned its occurrence in the Southern Carpathians. More recent records are missing. Heltmann (1985) ordered it to species endemic to the Transylvanian Basin, Dihoru & Pârvu (1987) to species endemic to the Eastern Carpathians. 226

Hieracium praebiharicum was described from a stand of the Seslerietum rigidae in the vicinity of the Poșaga de Sus Village, 500 m a.s.l., in the Gilău Mts (Apuseni Carpathians, Boros 1972). Although it is considered endemic to the Apuseni Carpathians or to Romania, in the Romanian lists of endemic species as well as in the national floras (Morariu & Beldie 1976, Beldie 1979, Heltmann 1985, Dihoru & Pârvu 1987, Oprea 2005, Ciocârlan 2009, Sârbu et al. 2013), it is reported only from the locus classicus. Since its description, it has not been subject of a taxonomic study. 227


Zahn (1938) reported Hieracium prodanianum from the Retezat Mts (the Southern Carpathians) and the Bihar Mts (Apuseni Carpathians). More recent taxonomic and chorological data are not available (cf. Nyárády 1965). Heltmann (1985), Dihoru & Pârvu (1987) ordered it to species endemics to the Southern Carpathians. Zahn (1938) reported Hieracium pseudocaesiiforme from the surroundings of the glacial lake Gemenea in the Retezat Mts; more recent data are not available (cf. Nyárády 1965). According to Heltmann (1985) and Dihoru & Pârvu (1987), it is endemic to the Southern Carpathians. 229


Zahn (1938) reported Hieracium pseudocaesium from several localities in the Retezat and Făgăraș Mts (cf. Nyárády 1965). More recent data are not available. Heltmann (1985) and Dihoru & Pârvu (1987) consider it endemic to the Southern Carpathians. 230

Hieracium pseudonigritum was described and is recently known only from Mt. Barnarului in the Bistrița Mts (cf. Zahn 1938, Nyárády 1965). Heltmann (1985) ordered it to species endemic to the Eastern Carpathians. 231

Zahn (1938) reported Hieracium pseudopaltinae from the Bârsei (Piatra Mare) and Retezat Mts; his data were adopted by Nyárády (1965). In studies of Heltmann (1985) and Dihoru & Pârvu (1987) the species is evaluated as endemic to the Southern Carpathians. 232

Zahn (1938) and Nyárády (1965) reported Hieracium pseudoratezatense from two localities in the Retezat Mts (the Southern Carpathians). More recent data are not available. Heltmann (1985) and Dihoru & Pârvu (1987) considered it endemic to the Southern Carpathians. 233

Hieracium stenodontophyllum was described from alpine surroundings of the glacial lake of Gemenea (Retezat Mts) in the Southern Carpathians (cf. Zahn 1936, Nyárády 1965); more recent data on its chorology are not available. Heltmann (1985) and Dihoru & Pârvu (1987) considered it endemic to the Southern Carpathians. 234

Zahn (1938) reported Hieracium trischistum from the Retezat Mts (the Southern Carpathians); Nyárády (1965) reported it as var. dealunegri Nyár. et Zahn also from the Godeanu Mts. According to Heltmann (1985) and Dihoru & Pârvu (1987), it is endemic to the Southern Carpathians. 235

Hieracium vurtopicum was described and is recently known only from Mt. Vîrtopu (Făgăraș Mts) in the Southern Carpathians (cf. Zahn 1938, Nyárády 1965). According to Heltmann (1985) and Dihoru & Pârvu (1987), it is endemic to the Southern Carpathians. 236

Zahn (1936) reported Hieracium wichurae from alpine regions of the Piatra Mare Massif (Bârsei Mts) in the Southern Carpathians; more recent data are missing also in the study of Nyárády (1965). According to Heltmann (1985) and Dihoru & Pârvu (1987), it is endemic to the Southern Carpathians. 237


The subspecies Knautia dipsacifolia subsp. lancifolia is accepted in Flora Europaea (Ehrendorfer 1976), supranational databases (The Plant List, Catalogue of Life, wikipedia, and others) as well as in more recent taxonomic publications (Oprea 2005, Ciocârlan 2009, Sârbu et al. 2013). In the included surveys of endemic species it is reported as endemic to the South-Eastern Carpathians or subendemic to the Carpathians. Besides the Romanian Eastern, Southern and Apuseni Carpathians (cf. Oprea 2005) it has been recently recorded also in the south-eastern Serbia (Papović et al. 2014). According to Štěpánek (2014 in litt.), individual subspecies were distinguished based on habitat-dependent characters; more recent taxonomic data on variability of Knautia maxima (Opiz) Ortmann (valid species name) are still missing. Regarding unclear taxonomic status and chorological data, individual subspecies were not considered in current lists of species endemic to the South-Eastern Carpathians (Hurdu et al. 2012a, b). 239

Similarly to previous subspecies, Knautia dipsacifolia subsp. pocutica is also accepted by Ehrendorfer (1976) and other above-mentioned studies. It is reported from the Slovak (Bukovské vrchy Mts) and Polish (Bieszczady Mts) Carpathians, Ukrainian as well as Romanian part of the Eastern Carpathians, and currently (e.g. Oprea 2005, Sârbu et al. 2013) also from the Apuseni Carpathians (Bihor-Vlădeasa Mts). In the included surveys of endemic species it is reported as endemic to the Eastern Carpathians, endemic to the Western and Eastern Carpathians or endemic to the Eastern, Southern and Apuseni Carpathians. Popescu & Sanda (1998) report it as a synonym of subsp. lancifolia. The distribution of subspecies Knautia dipsacifolia subsp. turocensis varies in different published sources from the Western Carpathians (including the Északi-középhegység Mts) through the Ukrainian (Mt. Pikuj) and Romanian Eastern Carpathians (Rodna Mts), Southern Carpathians up to the Stara planina Mts (Mt. Midzor) in Bulgaria (see Kliment 1999 for details). Ehrendorfer (1976) delimited its distribution area to the Western Carpathians. 240


The species Leucanthemum raciborskii was described from the Svydovec Mts and in several reviews of endemic species it is evaluated as endemic to the Eastern (Ukrainian) Carpathians (Čopyk 1976, Tasenkevich 2011, CBIS 2008: http://www.carpates.org/cbisec/bot.php?id=6015). Based on original herbarium specimens collected by the authors of species diagnosis, Ziman et al. (2006) evaluated L. raciborskii as an alpine endemic vicariant of Leucanthemum vulgare (1 600–1 800 m a.s.l., CBIS 2008), from which it differs by several morphological characters. Cvelev (1961, 1994) ordered it as a synonym of Leucanthemum subalpinum (Schur) Tzvelev described from the Southern Carpathians, which in this concept is considered endemic to the Eastern and Southern Carpathians (Kricsfalusy 1999, Antosyak & Kozurak 2011). Both species were identified also by Čopyk (1976), who estimated a diploid chromosome number (2n = 18) for L. raciborskii. Contrastingly, Heywood (1976) considered Leucanthemum raciborskii to be synonym of a broadly-percieved species


Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. Zelený (1982, 2015 in litt.) ordered L. raciborskii as well as L. subalpinum to synonyms of the Alpine-Carpathian alpine diploid subspecies Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. alpicola Á. Löve et D. Löve. All three taxa were evaluated as synonyms of Leucanthemum gaudinii Dalla Torre (cf. The Plant List, Catalogue of Life) by Greuter (in Euro+Med). 242

Leucojum vernum var. carpathicum is a taxon with unclear taxonomy, nomenclature (different authors citations) and distribution, reported mainly as a subspecies Leucojum vernum subsp. carpathicum (Sweet) K. Richt. Soják (1962) reports it from the Vihorlat Mts in the Eastern Slovakia mentioning also its basic morphological characters (conspicuously larger flowers with yellow spots, often more robust growth and increased number of individuals with two flowers in the populations). He considered it to be geografically and morphologically not very well-defined, in its distribution restricted to the Eastern Carpathians and adjacent regions (Ukraine, Transylvania). He emphasized that the morphological criterium should not be overestimated as two-flowered individuals erroneously determined as Leucojum carpathicum are scattered in other regions of the species disttibution (the Sudeten, the Alps) and vice versa, single-flowered individuals from Transylvania were wrongly ordered to nominate subspecies. Besides the Eastern Slovakia the taxon is reported, mainly in the older literature, also from Poland (Bieszczady Mts), Ukraine (the Carpathians, Opillja, Pravoberežnyj Lisostep) as well as from several localities at the foothill of Transylvanian mountain ranges in Romania (cf. Kliment 1999). With regard to its distribution, it was evaluated as subendemic to Eastern Carpathians in several overviews. A scattered occurrence of individuals corresponding in the abovementioned characters to subsp. carpathicum was recently reported by Bělohlávková (2010) from the Czech Republic (Ještědský hřbet), Poland, Bavaria and the Alps with a note that the taxon requires thorough taxonomic and phytogeographical analysis within the whole area of the species distribution (cf. Dostál et al. 1999). Minuartia cataractarum is a species with unclear taxonomic evaluation. In the Romanian surveys of endemic species as well as in taxonomic studies (e.g. Dihoru & Pârvu 1987, Negrean & Oltean 1989, Oprea 2005, Ciocârlan 2009, Hurdu et al. 2012a, b) it is evaluated as endemic to the Southern Carpathians, known only from the Iron Gate Gorge and the southern part of the Mehedinți Mts (cf. Dihoru & Negrean 2009). In other taxonomic studies (Jalas & Suominen 1983, Halliday 1993, Sârbu et al. 2013) it is included within the species Minuartia frutescens (Kit. ex Schult.) Tuzson ex Degen. Beldie & Alexandrescu (1976), and also Morariu & Beldie (1976) order it to synonyms of Minuartia hirsuta subsp. falcata (Griseb.) Mattf., which, however, grows only in the Balkan according to Atlas Florae Europaeae (Jalas & Suominen 1983). 243

Myosotis transsylvanica was described and is known only from the Rodna Mts in the Eastern Carpathians (cf. Grințescu & Nyárády 1960b ut Myosotis variabilis f. transsylvanica (Porcius) Jáv.). Grau (1964) identified it with the subspecies Myosotis decumbens subsp. variabilis (Angelis) Grau. However, she noted that plants from Transylvania, reported as M. transsilvanica, differ from this subspecies by the absence of long calyx hairs and after inspection of sufficient material it can be evaluated as a separate subspecies (cf. Grau & Merxmüller 1972). Myosotis transsylvanica was evaluated as a separate subspecies by Walter & Gillett (1998); preliminarily it was accepted also by Valdés (in Euro+Med). 244


The subspecies Poa molinerii subsp. glacialis was described by Beldie (1967b) from alpine regions of the Bucegi Mts (the Southern Carpathians), at about 2 020–2 350 m a.s.l. From the nominate subspecies it differs by a significantly shorter stalk (3–12 cm), shorter and more compact inflorescence (0.8–2 cm) and only 2–3-flowered spikelets (Ciocârlan 2009). It is possibly endemic to the Bucegi Mts (cf. Beldie 1979, Oprea 2005, Ciocârlan 2009, Sârbu et al. 2013); however, the current floristic data from this mountain range as well as the knowledge on its overall distribution are missing (Hurdu 2014 in litt.). Poa nyaradyana is a species with an unclear taxonomic status and ambiguous distribution. It was described by Nyárády (1928, ut Poa laxa subsp. pruinosa) from the Făgăraș Mts (the Southern Carpathians). Ghișa & Beldie (1972, ut Poa laxa var. caesioglauca) reported it also from other mountain ranges of the Southern Carpathians, Oprea (2005) and Sârbu et al. (2013) also from some mountain ranges of the Romanian Eastern Carpathians. The morphometric comparison of Poa laxa Haenke and Poa nyaradyana (Șerbănescu 1967) detected significant overlap in all measured characters except the average of longer anthers in Poa nyaradyana. Therefore, Șerbănescu (l. c.) considered Poa nyaradyana to be an ecotype of Poa laxa not exceeding the variability of this species (cf. Edmondson 1980, Ciocârlan 2009); Tasenkevyč (2010) considered it to be an ecological (calciphilous) subspecies of Poa laxa. In the current Romanian taxonomic handbooks (Popescu & Sanda 1998, Ciocârlan 2009, Sârbu et al. 2013), Poa tremula Schur (non Lam., nom. illeg.) is also reported as synonym of Poa laxa. This species, in most surveys evaluated as endemic to the Southern Carpathians, was reported by Schur (1866) also from Mt. Ineu (Rodna Mts) in the Eastern Carpathians. Șerbănescu (l. c.) ordered populations from Mt. Ineu to Poa laxa. Tasenkevyč (2010) considers Poa tremula as synonym of Poa laxa subsp. pruinosa (i.e. Poa nyaradyana). 246

Soják (1993) described the subspecies Potentilla chrysantha subsp. pastorum from the Bucegi Mts in the Southern Carpathians (subalpine meadows in the vicinity of Valea Jepilor below the top of Mt. Caraiman, above the Busteni Village); however, he has not mentioned its overall distribution. In the current Romanian taxonomic handbooks (Oprea 2005, Ciocârlan 2009, Sârbu et al. 2013) only the species is mentioned. 247



Primula elatior subsp. carpathica is a subspecies with an unclear taxonomic status and distribution. Schwarz (1968) delimited its distribution only to the Carpathian mountain ranges. Its relation to other subspecies reported as endemic from individual Carpathian subunits, Primula elatior subsp. poloninensis (Domin) Dostál (see below) and P. elatior subsp. tatrensis (Domin) Soó, is not clear. At the level of subspecies or species of Primula carpathica (Griseb. et Schenk) Fuss, it is accepted also by some supranational databases (The Plant List, Tropicos, Catalogue of Life). On the other hand, Valentine & Kress (1972) evaluated it as synonym of subsp. elatior (cf. Marhold in Euro+Med). The variability of Primula elatior (L.) Hill. requires a thorough molecular-taxonomic study. 249

Similarly to subsp. carpathica, also Primula elatior subsp. poloninensis is a subspecies with problematic taxonomic status and insufficiently known distribution. More recent chorological data are available from the Polish (Bieszczady Mts) and Slovak (Bukovské vrchy Mts) Carpathians, and Ukrainian part of the Eastern Carpathians. From the Romanian Carpathians only older data exist from the Bârsei Mts (Postăvarul Massif) and Piatra Craiului Mts in the Southern Carpathians (Morariu et al. 1960, ut Primula elatior f. poloninensis); in more recent Romanian taxonomic handbooks this subspecies is not distinguished. In most overviews of endemic species it is reported as endemic to the South-Eastern or, more sparsely, to the Eastern Carpathians. Ambiguous is also its taxonomic evaluation – from the level of a species through the one of a subspecies, variety, form to classification as a synonym of Primula elatior subsp. elatior (Valentine & Kress 1972). 250

Primula matthioli subsp. pubens is a taxonomically and chorologically unclear subspecies, up to now known mainly as Cortusa matthioli subsp. pubens. Most of the published studies from the Carpathian region contains only data on the species Cortusa matthioli, therefore the precise distribution of the subspecies in not known. More recent actual data on its distribution are available from the Ukrainian Carpathians. Kobiv (1999, 2009, 2010, 2012a) found an abundant population on the east-facing slopes of Mt. Hoverla (Čornohora Mts, the Eastern Carpathians), at about 1 630–1 650 m a.s.l. Only older records are available from the Romanian Carpathians (Morariu & Nyárády 1960), namely from the Rodna (locus classicus: Mt. Corongiș) and the Făgăraș Mts (Valea Bîlii; ut f. subpubens Nyár.). Probably with regard to the last-mentioned record, Cortusa *pubens is in some overviews evaluated as endemic to the Eastern and Southern Carpathians (Čopyk 1976, Kobiv 1999, Tasenkevich 2011). Contrastingly, Kovtonjuk (2013), already within the genus Primula L., where the genus Cortusa was reclassified according to the results of current molecular-phylogenetic studies (Mast et al. 2001, Yan et al. 2010), evaluates it as endemic to the Eastern Carpathians (cf. Kobiv 2012a). Within the distribution area of Primula matthioli (L.) V. A. Richt., Kovtonjuk (l. c.) distinguished together 11 subspecies including subsp. pubens. As a morphologically and to some extent also ecologically separate subspecies, Cortusa matthioli subsp. pubens was evaluated also by Kobiv (1999, 2010). The subspecies Pulmonaria montana subsp. porciusii was described from the subalpine belt of the Rodna Mts (Gușuleac 1960); later it was evaluated as endemic to this mountain range (Ciocârlan 2009) or as endemic to the Eastern Carpathians (Sârbu et al. 2013). Opinions to its taxonomic evaluation differ: Merxmüller & Sauer (1972) reported it in a note to Pulmonaria mollis Wulfen ex Hornem. (see also The Plant List); Valdés (in Euro+Med) considers it as synonym of Pulmonaria dacica (Simonk.) Simonk. 251


Ranunculus binatus represents a microspecies within the Ranunculus auricomus group (Dunkel 2011) with insufficiently known distribution. Based on the original diagnosis and additional typification, it surely grows in Transylvania (Romania) and in the Slovak part of the Western Carpathians (cf. Dunkel l. c.). It is reported as endemic to the Western, Eastern & Southern Carpathians and Transylvanian Basin by Tasenkevyč (2003b). Rubus moestus was described from the vicinity of the Zemianske Podhradie Village (Biele Karpaty Mts) in the Western Slovakia (Holuby 1873). Nyárády (1956) reported its occurrence from two localities (Nicolae Bălcescu, Orșova) in the western Romania (cf. Ciocârlan 2009). Tasenkevich (2011, 2014) considers it as endemic to the Western Carpathians and Transylvanian Basin. According to Kurtto (in Euro+Med), the Romanian data are erroneous. More accurate distribution of Rubus moestus is still not known. 253

Rumex carpaticus (Zapał.) Zapał. was described from the Ukrainian Carpathians (Čornohora Mts). It is reported also from the Polish (Bieszczady Mts) and Slovak (Bukovské vrchy Mts) parts of the Eastern Carpathians, Romanian Eastern and Southern Carpathians. Usually it is considered endemic to the Eastern and Southern Carpathians, less frequently also endemic to the Eastern Carpathians. Opinions to its taxonomic status differ. Beside the separate position at the subspecies level (see the synonyms), it is usually ordered as a synonym of Rumex alpestris Jacq. (e.g. Oprea & Sîrbu 2013, The Plant List, Goliašová 2014 in litt.), or Rumex rugosus Campd. (Borodina 1979, Cvelev 1996, Catalogue of Life). Recently, Grabovskaja-Borodina (2012) included Rumex rugosus as well as R. carpaticus (Zapał.) Zapał. as synonyms of the subspecies Rumex arifolius subsp. amplexicaulis (Lapeyr.) Nyman. On the other hand, several older sources (e.g. Jalas & Suominen 1979, Rechinger & Akeroyd 1993, Oprea 2005) report Rumex carpaticus Rech. f. as a synonym of R. alpestris, but no more accurate data are available on this taxon. 254



For a long time, in overviews of the Carpathian endemic species only subspecies Scabiosa lucida subsp. pseudobanatica has been reported, evaluated usually as a West-East-SouthCarpathian or pan-Carpathian endemic. Chrtek (1985a) noticed the existence ot the subspecies Scabiosa lucida subsp. calcicola, distributed in the promontories and at lower altitudes of the Slovak and Moravian parts of the Western Carpathians (cf. Chrtek 1985b ut S. lucida subsp. pseudobanatica; Štěpánek & Holub 1997), which is probably endemic to the Western Carpathians (Štěpánek & Holub l. c., Kliment 1999). According to Chrtek (1985a), plants identical in all characters with the Slovak ones reach towards the east up to western part of the Ukrainian Carpathians (Mt. Pikuj), towards the south up to the Északi-középhegység Mts (Chrtek sec. Kliment 1999). Scabiosa lucida subsp. pseudobanatica is further reported from the Ukrainian and Romanian Carpathians (including the Apuseni Carpathians and Transylvanian Basin; cf. Oprea 2005), the accurate distribution of both subspecies is not known. Bucalo et al. (2006) reported the occurrence of S. lucida subsp. pseudobanatica also from the National Park Kozara (Bosnia and Hercegovina). 256

Soldanella hungarica group represents a complicated taxonomic complex with an ambiguous evaluation of its inner classification, on which several considerably distinct conceptes were published: Pawłowska (1963) distinguished within the complex the species Soldanella montana Mikan (the Austrian Alps; Český masív; the Western and Eastern Carpathians) and Soldanella hungarica Simonk. with two subspecies, subsp. major (Neilr.) Pawłowska (the Western, Eastern and Southern Carpathians; Rila, Rodopi; the Austrian Alps) and subsp. hungarica (the Eastern and Southern Carpathians). The Carpathian populations, reported as S. montana, were later included to new-described Soldanella pseudomontana F. K. Mey. by Meyer (1985). Populations from the Stara Planina, Vitoša, Pirin and Rodopi Mts, reported as S. hungarica, were ordered to the species Soldanella chrysosticta Kress (Kress 1984) and Soldanella rhodopea F. K. Mey. (Meyer 1985). The distribution area of Soldanella hungarica sensu Pawłowska became thus restricted to the Carpathians and the Austrian Alps. Although Meyer (l. c.) ordered the Austrian populations to the new-described species Soldanella stiriaca F. K. Mey., which is however not considered even in the current Austrian identification key (Fischer et al. 2008), according to Zhang & Kadereit (2002) this represents a superfluous name for Soldanella major (Neilr.) Vierh. This for a long time accepted concept was markedly discredited by a serie of molecular-taxonomic and nomenclatoric studies (Zhang et al. 2001, Zhang & Kadereit 2002, 2004). Soldanella hungarica (s. l.), the species of the Eastern Alps and Carpathians, was divided to several, mainly new-described and narrowly-perceived endemic species: Soldanella angusta Zhang (the Ukrainian and Romanian Eastern Carpathians); Soldanella marmarossiensis Klášterský (the Slovak and Polish Western Carpathians; the Polish, Ukrainian and Romanian Eastern Carpathians); Soldanella rugosa Zhang (the Eastern Carpathians: Rodna Mts); Soldanella oreodoxa Zhang (the Apuseni Carpathians); S. hungarica Simonk. s. str. (syn. S. pseudomontana F. K. Mey.; the Southern Carpathians); S. major (Neilr.) Vierh. (syn. S. stiriaca F. K. Mey.; the Southern Carpathians and the Eastern Alps). However, the credibility of the distinguished species is very low considering a limited number of analysed individuals as well as a low-level separation in the obtained phylogenetic analyses (cf. Zhang et al. 2001); moreover, the area of Carpathians was insufficiently covered by samples. Further ambiguity to the concept was introduced by Niederle (2003) by description of a new West-Carpathian species Soldanella tatricola, to which also plants from the Vysoké Tatry and Nízke Tatry Mts were ordered, by other authors reported as S. montana Willd., S. hungarica Vierh., S. major sensu Vierh. and S. marmarossiensis Klášt. Populations from the Polish Tatry foothills (Podtatrze, Wzniesienie Gubałowskie), until then reported as Soldanella montana or S. pseudomontana (cf. Pawłowska 1963, Kliment 1999), he described as a new subspecies Soldanella montana subsp. gubalowkae. A narrowly-perceived species S. rugosa (see above) was evaluated (Niederle 2003, 2005) as a superfluous name of S. marmarossiensis described from the Ukrainian Carpathians (Klášterský 1930); from the new-described narrow species (Zhang & Kadereit 2002) he only accepted the Apuseni endemic S. oreodoxa. A hybridogenous species Sorbus paxiana is up to now known only from three localities in the Southern Carpathians: Băile Herculane: Valea Cernei; Petroșani; Piatra Rosia (Jávorka 1927, Kárpáti 1960). More current data on its distribution are missing. Already Kárpáti (1960) evaluated S. paxiana only according to the literature data and herbarium specimens. Oprea (2005) reports it from the Cerna and Mehedinți Mts. 257


An alpine taxon Trisetum alpestre subsp. glabrescens was described by Schur (1866) ranked as a variety from the Piatra Craiului Mts in the Southern Carpathians (cf. Buia & Morariu 1972). Cvelev (1974, 1976) and Prokudin et al. (1977) reported it from the montane belt of the Ukrainian Carpathians (Čyvčyny Mts: Čornyj dil) based on herbarium material of I. V. Artemčuk from 1961 wrongly determined as Trisetum macrotrichum. Čornej (2011) evaluated Trisetum *glabrescens as endemic to the Eastern and Southern Carpathians with a comment that its taxonomic rank and distribution require further study.

References 59

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Electronic Appendix 3. – Taxa with a wider non-endemic distribution Taxon Alchemilla gorcensis Pawł. Alchemilla mollis (Buser) Rothm. Alchemilla walasii Pawł. Alyssum repens Baumg. (Syn.: A. transsilvanicum Schur) Androsace villosa var. arachnoidea (Schott, Nyman et Kotschy) R. Knuth (Syn.: A. villosa subsp. arachnoidea (Schott, Nyman et Kotschy) Nyman) Arabidopsis arenosa subsp. borbasii (Zapał.) O’Kane et Al-Shehbaz (Syn: Cardaminopsis arenosa subsp. borbasii (Zapał.) Pawł.) Arabis hornungiana Schur Avenula pubescens subsp. laevigata (Schur) Holub Betula pubescens subsp. carpatica (Waldst. et Kit. ex Willd.) Asch. et Graebn. Bupleurum longifolium subsp. vapincense (Vill.) Todor Campanula abietina Griseb. (Syn.: C. patula subsp. abietina (Griseb.) Simonk.) Campanula glomerata subsp. elliptica (Kit. ex Schult.) Kirschl. (Syn.: C. elliptica Kit. ex Schult.) Campanula transsilvanica Schur ex Andrae Carduus collinus Waldst. et Kit. Centaurea degeniana J. Wagner 259 Centaurea kotschyana Heuff. Chrysanthemum zawadzkii Herbich 260 (Syn.: Dendranthema zawadzkii (Herbich) Tzvelev) Cirsium boujartii (Piller et Mitterp.) Sch. Bip. subsp. boujartii Cirsium decussatum Janka Cirsium grecescui Rouy Colchicum haynaldii Heuff. (Syn.: C. neapolitanum var. haynaldii (Heuff.) Asch. et Graebn.) Dactylis glomerata subsp. slovenica Domin (Syn.: D. slovenica (Domin) Domin) Dactylorhiza fuchsii subsp. sooana (Borsos) Borsos (Syn.: D. longebracteata subsp. sooana (Borsos) Dostál) Dactylorhiza maculata subsp. transsilvanica (Schur) Soó (Syn.: D. transsilvanica (Schur) Aver.) Dianthus collinus subsp. glabriusculus (Kit.) Thaisz (Syn.: D. glabriusculus (Kit.) Borbás; D. collinus subsp. moldavicus (Prodan) Soó)

Area Carpathians, the Balkan Peninsula Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania Western & Eastern Carpathians, Eastern Poland, Belarus, Podillja Austria, Romania, Croatia South-eastern Europe, incl. Italy

References Kurtto et al. 2007 Kurtto et al. 2007; Kurtto in Euro+Med Syčak 2002; Kurtto et al. 2007; Kurtto in Euro+Med Jalas et al. 1996; Španiel et al. 2011a, b; Španiel 2014 in litt. Ferguson 1972a

Western, Central, Eastern & Southern Europe

Jalas & Suominen 1994

Carpathians, Bulgaria, Croatia Western & Southern Alps, Eastern & Southern Carpathians Pyrenees, Alps, Hercynian massif, Carpathians

Kliment 1999; Ciocârlan 2009 Holub 1980; Ciocârlan 2009 Sýkora 1983; Kliment 1999

Auvergne, Jura, Alps, Carpathians, Dinarides, Stara Planina Mts Carpathians, mountains of the Balkan Peninsula

Šourková & Hrouda 1997 Fedorov & Kovanda 1976; Goliašová et al. 2008

Fedorov & Kovanda 1976; Kliment 1999; Kovačić 2004; Goliašová et al. 2008 Eastern & Southern Carpathians; Pirin, Rila, Vitoša & Stara Planina Mts Oprea 2005; Assyov & Petrova 2006 Western Carpathians, Ukraine, the Balkan Peninsula, Italy Kliment 1999 Southern Carpathians, Western Bulgaria Dostál 1976; Oprea 2005; Assyov & Petrova 2006 Eastern & Southern Carpathians, northern part of the Balkan Peninsula Dostál 1976; Oprea 2005; Greuter in Euro+Med Western Carpathians (Pieniny Mts), Russia, Northern Mongolia, North- Zarzycki 1976, 1982, 2000; Holub 1999; Wróbel eastern China 2008; Szeląg & Kobiv 2014 Hungary, Romania Negrean & Oltean 1989; Csiky et al. 2005 Poland (Pogórze Przemyskie Mts), Belarus, Ukraine, Romania (Eastern Prokudin 1987; Oprea 2005; Piórecki & Zarzycki & Southern Carpathians); Moldova 2008; Ciocârlan 2009; Greuter in Euro+Med Romania (Southern Carpathians), Serbia, Macedonia Gajić 1975; Negrean & Oltean 1989; Melovski & Matevski 2008 Romania (Southern Carpathians), the Balkan Peninsula Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009; Alexiou 2013 Carpathians, Serbia, Croatia, Italy

Sudetes, Western & Eastern Carpathians, Ukraine (outside the Carpathians), Montenegro (rare) Western Carpathians, Transdanubian Mid-Mountains, Mecsek Mts, Pannonian Plain Carpathians, mountains of the Balkan Peninsula

Kliment 1999

Western Carpathians (HU), Eastern Carpathians, Transdanubian MidMountains, Pannonian Plain; lowlands in Eastern Romania

Tutin & Walters 1993; Kliment 1999; Ciocârlan 2009


Kliment 1999 Soó 1980b, Kubát 2010

Taxon Erigeron macrophyllus Herbich (Syn.: E. acris subsp. macrophyllus (Herbich) Gutermann) Erythronium dens-canis var. niveum Baumg. (E. dens-canis subsp. niveum (Baumg.) Buia et Paun) Festuca xanthina Roem. et Schult. Gagea bohemica (Zauschn.) Schult. et Schult. f. Galium polonicum Błocki (Syn.: G. carpaticum Klokov) Galium pseudaristatum Schur Geranium caerulatum Schur (Syn.: G. sylvaticum subsp. caerulatum (Schur) D. A. Webb et I. K. Ferguson) Hieracium atrellum (Zahn) Üksip Hieracium catenatum Sennikov 261 Hieracium stygium R. Uechtr. Hieracium wimmeri R. Uechtr. Hypericum richeri subsp. grisebachii (Boiss.) Nyman (Syn.: H. richeri subsp. transsilvanicum (Čelak.) Ciocârlan) Jacobaea abrotanifolia subsp. carpathica (Herbich) B. Nord. et Greuter (Syn.: Senecio abrotanifolius subsp. carpathicus (Herbich) Nyman; S. carpathicus Herbich) Jovibarba globifera subsp. glabrescens (Sabr.) Holub 262 (Syn.: J. hirta subsp. glabrescens (Sabr.) Holub) Larix decidua subsp. polonica (Racib. ex Wóycicki) Domin (Syn.: L. decidua subsp. carpatica (Domin) Domin; L. decidua subsp. carpatica (Domin) Šiman, nom. illeg.) Melittis melissophyllum subsp. carpatica (Klokov) P. W. Ball (Syn.: M. carpatica Klokov) Minuartia frutescens (Kit. ex Schult.) Tuzson ex Degen (Syn.: M. hirsuta subsp. frutescens (Kit. ex Schult.) Hand.-Mazz.) Muscari transsilvanicum Schur (Syn.: M. botryoides subsp. transsilvanicum (Schur) Soó; M. botryoides subsp. hungaricum Priszter) Noccaea kovatsii (Heuff.) F. K. Mey. (Syn.: Thlaspi kovatsii Heuff.; T. pawlowskii Dvořáková) Ornithogalum kochii Parl. (Syn.: O. ortophyllum subsp. kochii (Parl.) Zahar.) Petasites kablikianus Tausch ex Bercht. Poa cenisia subsp. contracta Nyár. (Syn.: P. psychrophila Boiss. et Heldr.) Polygala supina subsp. hospita (Heuffel) McNeill

Area Eastern Alps, Hercynian massif, Carpathians, mountains of the Balkan Peninsula, Belarus, Russia, Caucasus Apuseni Carpathians, Oltenia region (RO), Srbija, Bulgaria

References Šída 1996

Sudetes, Carpathians Eastern Carpathians (UA), Belarus Eastern Sudetes, Western Carpathians Sudetes, Western Carpathians (SK), Eastern Carpathians (UA) South-eastern Alps; Eastern, Southern & Apuseni Carpathians; mountains of the Balkan Peninsula Western, Eastern & Southern Carpathians; mountains of the Balkan Peninsula

Šljakov 1989; Chrtek jr. 2004; Oprea 2005 Sennikov 1995, 1999b Chrtek jr. 2004; Chrtek & Mráz 2007 Šljakov 1989; Szeląg 2011 Robson 1968, 2010; Oprea 2005; Čornej 2011

Western Carpathians, Apuseni Carpathians, Transdanubian MidMountains, Mecsek Mts, Pannonian Plain (rare) ?Sudetes, Carpathians, Poland (outside the Carpathians)

Letz 1998; Kliment 1999

Zahariadi 1966; Delipavlov 1971; Diklić & Nikolić 1986b; Borza et al. 1998 Southern Carpathians, mountains in northern part of the Balkan Negrean & Oltean 1989; Markgraf-Dannenberg 1980; Peninsula Foggi & Müller in Euro+Med Central, South-eastern & South-western Europe, Turkey, Israel Hrouda 2010a South-eastern Poland, North-eastern Ukraine, Eastern Carpathians (UA, Kucowa 1967; Ehrendorfer & Krendl 1976; Kułak rare) & Sender 2011 Eastern & Southern Carpathians, Transylvanian Basin, mountains of the Ehrendorfer & Krendl 1976; Oprea 2005; Marhold Balkan Peninsula in Euro+Med Eastern & Southern Carpathians, mountains of the Balkan Peninsula Webb & Ferguson 1968; Oprea 2005

Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005

Browicz et al. 1971; Skalická & Skalický 1987; Kliment 1999

eastern part of Central Europe, eastwarts to Western Ukraine and South- Ball 1972; Marhold 1993; Kliment 1999 western Belarus (incl. Western & Eastern Carpathians) Western, Southern & Apuseni Carpathians, Transylvanian Basin, Kliment 1999; Letz 2012 mountains in northern part of the Balkan Peninsula Eastern & Southern Carpathians, Pannonian Plain, Mecsek Mts, Villány Somlyay et al. 2006 Mts Eastern, Southern & Apuseni Carpathians, mountains of the Balkan Peninsula South-eastern (incl. northern Italy) & Central Europe

Clapham & Akeyrod 1993; Jalas et al. 1996; Oprea 2005; Kobiv et al. 2007a Hrouda 2010b

Sudetes, Carpathians, mountains of the Balkan Peninsula Southern Carpathians, mountains of the Balkan Peninsula, Crete

Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009 etc. Ghișa & Beldie 1972; Edmondson 1980; Ciocârlan 2009 McNeill 1968; Negrean & Oltean 1989

Southern Carpathians, northern part of the Balkan Peninsula


Taxon Primula halleri subsp. platyphylla O. Schwarz

Area Carpathians, mountains of the Balkan Peninsula

Pulmonaria rubra Schott subsp. rubra

Eastern, Southern & Apuseni Carpathians, mountains of the Balkan Peninsula Eastern & Southern Carpathians, Rila Mts Eastern & Southern Carpathians, mountains of the Balkan Peninsula

Rhinanthus gracilis Schur 263 Rhododendron myrtifolium Schott et Kotschy (Syn.: R. kotschyi Simonk.) Satureja kitaibelii Wierzb. ex Heuffel (Syn.: S. montana subsp. kitaibelii (Wierzb. ex Heuffel) P. W. Ball) Saussurea discolor (Willd.) DC. Saxifraga carpatica Sternb. (Syn.: S. carpathica Rchb., nom. illeg.) Saxifraga luteoviridis Schott et Kotschy (Syn.: S. corymbosa Boiss.) Saxifraga pedemontana subsp. cymosa Engl. Scorzoneroides rilaensis (Hayek) Holub (Syn.: Leontodon rilaensis Hayek; L. croceus subsp. rilaensis (Hayek) Finch et P. D. Sell) Securigera elegans (Pančić) Lassen (Syn.: Coronilla elegans Pančić) Silene heuffelii Soó Swertia perennis subsp. alpestris (Fuss) Simonk. (Syn.: S. alpestris Fuss; S. perennis var. alpestris (Fuss) Sagorski) Tephroseris papposa (Rchb.) Schur (Syn.: Senecio papposus (Rchb.) Less.) Tozzia carpathica Woł. (Syn.: T. alpina subsp. carpathica (Woł.) Dostál) Trifolium repens var. ochranthum K. Malý (Syn.: T. repens subsp. ochranthum (K. Malý) Nyár.) Trollius europaeus subsp. transsilvanicus (Schur) Domin (Syn.: T. transsilvanicus Schur; T. altissimus Crantz) Verbascum glabratum subsp. brandzae (Franch. ex Brândză) Murb. Veronica baumgartenii Roem. et Schult. Veronica spicata subsp. crassifolia (Nyman) Hayek Waldsteinia teppneri Májovský

References Schwarz 1968; Nikolić & Diklić 1986; Kliment 1999; Assyov & Vassilev 2004; Mustafa et al. 2013; Schönswetter & Božo 2013 Gușuleac 1960; Merxmüller & Sauer 1972 Păuca & Nyárády 1960; Assyov & Petrova 2006 Popova 1972; Căprar et al. 2014

Alps, Carpathians, Appeniny, Rila Mts Eastern Alps (rare), Carpathians, northern part of the Balkan Peninsula

Ball & Getliffe 1972; Ančev 1989; Negrean & Oltean 1989 Lipschitz 1976; Assyov & Petrova 2006 Webb 1993a; Schneeweiss 1998; Kliment 1999

Eastern, Southern & Apuseni Carpathians, mountains of the Balkan Peninsula Eastern & Southern Carpathians, mountains of the Balkan Peninsula Eastern Carpathians (rare), Southern Carpathians, mountains of the Balkan Peninsula

Beldie 1977; Webb 1993a; Jalas et al. 1999; Kobiv et al. 2007a Jalas et al. 1999; Oprea 2005 Finch & Sell 1976; Ciocârlan 2009; Dakskobler et al. 2010; Oprea & Sîrbu 2013

Western (SK, HU), Eastern & Southern Carpathians, mountains of the Balkan Peninsula Eastern & Southern Carpathians, mountains of the Balkan Peninsula Alps, Hercynian Massif, Carpathians, Bulgaria (Vitoša Mts, Pirin Mts, Rila Mts) Eastern, Southern & Apuseni Carpathians, mountains of the Balkan Peninsula Carpathians, mountains of the Balkan Peninsula

Chrtková 1988; Oprea 2005; Niketić & Tomović 2008 Chater et al. 1993; Oprea 2005 Kliment 1999

Eastern & Southern Carpathians, mountains in northern part of the Balkan Peninsula South-eastern Alps, Carpathians

Cincović 1972; Oprea 2005

Southern Carpathians (rare), mountains in northern part of the Balkan Peninsula Eastern & Southern Carpathians, mountains in northern part of the Balkan Peninsula Southern Carpathians, northern part of the Balkan Peninsula Eastern Alps, Western Carpathians (rare)

Ferguson 1972b; Oprea 2005; Dihoru & Negrean 2009 Walters & Webb 1972; Peev 1995; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009 Walters & Webb 1972; Oprea 2005 Kliment 1999

Southern Carpathians (RO, SRB), north part of the Balkan Peninsula


Kliment 1999; Greuter in Euro+Med Kliment 1999; Sârbu et al. 2013

Jalas & Suominen 1989; Tutin 1993

Notes 259

According to Vonica (2014 in litt.), Centaurea degeniana is a hybrid of C. macroptilon subsp. oxylepis and some other taxon of the Centaurea genus (cf. Koutecký 2008).


Chrysanthemum zawadzkii is evaluated as Eurasian continental species distributed from the Carpathians to the eastern Asia, with a discontinuous distribution in Europe (Zarzycki 1976, Holub 1999, Wróbel 2008, Szeląg & Kobiv 2014). At the same time it is a very polymorphic species forming a serie of specific individual populations along a longitudinal gradient, which differ mainly by the colour of ligular flowers and shape of leaves (Holub 1981). Morphologic differences stimulated description of several subspecies (for details see Zarzycki 1976, Greuter in Euro+Med, and others). A relic exclave distribution in the Pieniny Mts (locus classicus of the species and the only occurrence in the Carpathians) is far remote (by more than 1 000 km; Zarzycki 2000) not only from the margin of its continuous Siberian ditribution but also from its distribution in the European part of Russia. The isolated population from the Pieniny Mts has been considered to be endemic (usually at the level of nominate subspecies or a variety) for a long time since the study by Pax (1898) was published (see the summary by Kliment 1999). On the other hand, Zarzycki (1982) considered it to be a late-glacial relic, reaching the Pieniny Mts in Late Plestocene during maximum development of the pine and larch-pine forests. The species was ordered to relics also by Holub (1981, 1987, 1999), who considered it as species of late-glacial steppes expanding to Europe from Siberia along the margin of a continental glacial sheet. Domin (1934) evaluated it as an old relic species with a large disjunctive distribution, which should be distinguished from true endemics. The endemic status of the Pieniny population was questioned already by Piękoś (1971); it is also not listed in the recent overview of endemic plants of Poland (Mirek & Piękoś-Mirkowa 2009). 261

Hieracium catenatum is a central-European species up to now known only from Ukraine and Belarus (Sennikov 1995, 1999b) with presumed wider distribution towards the west (Sennikov 2014 in litt.). 262

In the included literature Jovibarba globifera subsp. glabrescens (Sabr.) Holub is reported using an invalid name Jovibarba hirta subsp. glabrescens (Sabr.) Soó et Jáv.


Rhinanthus gracilis is a Balkan-Carpathian species with a contradictory taxonomic evaluation. Although it is accepted e.g. in the Euro+Med database, the Romanian authors by themselves evaluate it differently. E.g. Popescu & Sanda (1998) reported it as Rhinanthus ×gracilis Schur (R. alpinus × R. serotinus), Oprea (2005) as a synonym of R. alectorolophus (Scop.) Pollich. Soó & Webb (1972) consider it to be transitional type between R. alpinus Baumg. and R. angustifolius C. C. Gmelin.

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Electronic Appendix 4. – Species, subspecies and varieties included to taxa with a wider non-endemic distribution Taxon Achillea carpatica Błocki ex Dubovik Acinos alpinus subsp. baumgartenii (Simonk.) Pawł. (Syn.: A. baumgartenii (Simonk.) Klokov) Aconitum jacquinii Rchb. (Syn.: A. anthora subsp. jacquinii (Rchb.) Domin) Alchemilla intermedia subsp. sooi (Palitz) Soó (Syn.: A. helvetica subsp. sooi (Palitz) Dihoru et Pârvu) Alchemilla pungentiflora (Plocek) Plocek Alchemilla subconnivens Pawł. 264 Alchemilla tatricola Pawł. Alyssoides utriculata var. micrantha Ciocârlan Alyssum montanum subsp. brymii (Dostál) Soó Astragalus australis var. bucsecsii (Jáv.) Gușul. 265 (Syn.: A. australis proles bucsecsii Jáv.) Biscutella laevigata subsp. hungarica Soó (Syn.: B. austriaca subsp. hungarica (Soó) Peniašteková) Bupleurum subfalcatum Schur 266 (Syn.: B. exaltatum Schur) Campanula patula subsp. peterfii (Soó) Soó 267 Cardamine marholdii Tzvelev 268 Carduus bicolorifolius Klokov Centaurea phrygia subsp. nigriceps (Dobrocz.) Dostál Centaurea coziensis Nyár. (Syn.: C. stoebe var. coziensis (Nyár.) Soó) Centaurea ratezatensis Prodan 269 (Syn.: C. phrygia subsp. ratezatensis (Prodan) Dostál; C. pseudophrygia subsp. ratezatensis (Prodan) Soó) Cerastium arvense subsp. calcicolum (Schur) Borza Cerinthe glabra subsp. tatrica Hadač Chenopodium wolffii Simonk. Dianthus carthusianorum subsp. saxigenus (Schur) Dostál (Syn.: D. saxigenus Schur) Dianthus simonkaianus Péterfi (Syn.: D. petraeus subsp. simonkaianus (Péterfi) Tutin) Draba aizoides subsp. zmudae Zapał. Edraianthus kitaibelii (A. DC.) A. DC. Festuca aglochis Borbás Galium bellatulum Klokov Galium carpaticum Klokov

Included in Achillea distans Waldst. et Kit. ex Willd. Acinos alpinus (L.) Moench subsp. alpinus (syn.: Calamintha alpina (L.) Lam. subsp. alpina) Aconitum anthora L.

References Danihelka 2013 in litt. Popescu & Sanda 1998; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009; Sârbu et al. 2013 Novikoff & Mitka 2011a, b

Alchemilla monticola Opiz

Kurtto et al. 2007

Alchemilla straminea Buser Alchemilla connivens Buser Alchemilla subcrenata Buser Alyssoides utriculata (L.) Medik. Alyssum gmelinii Jord. et Fourr. Astragalus australis (L.) Lam.

Kurtto et al. 2007 Fröhner 1975; Kurtto et al. 2007 Plocek 1992; Kurtto et al. 2007 Dihoru & Negrean 2009 Španiel et al. 2012; Španiel 2014 in litt. Jávorka 1916; Podlech 2011

Biscutella laevigata subsp. austriaca (Jord.) Mach.-Laur.

Jalas et al. 1996; Peniašteková 2002

Bupleurum falcatum subsp. cernuum (Ten.) Arcang.

Todor 1958; Čopyk 1976; Malynovsʼkyj et al. 2002; Oprea 2005; Abduloeva & Fedorončuk 2006; Čornej 2011 Ghișa et al. 1964; The Plant List Cvelev 2003; Marhold 2014 in litt. Oprea 2005; Čornej 2011; Greuter in Euro+Med Koutecký 2014 in litt. Beldie & Alexandrescu 1976; Morariu & Beldie 1976; Mráz 2014 in litt. Vonica et al. 2013; Koutecký 2014 in litt.

Campanula patula L. subsp. patula Cardamine pratensis L. Carduus personata subsp. albidus (Adamović) Kazmi Centaurea phrygia L. Centaurea stoebe L. Centaurea stenolepis Kern.

Cerastium arvense L. Cerinthe glabra Mill. subsp. glabra Oxybasis glauca (L.) S. Fuentes et al. (Syn.: Chenopodium glaucum L.) Dianthus carthusianorum L.

Letz & Michalková 2012 Valdés in Euro+Med; cf. Kliment 1999 Jalas & Suominen 1980; Ciocârlan 2009; Uotila in Euro+Med

Dianthus petraeus subsp. orbelicus (Velen.) Greuter et Burdet Draba aizoides L. subsp. aizoides Edraianthus graminifolius (L.) A. DC.

Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009; Dihoru & Negrean 2009; Sârbu et al. 2013; Marhold in Euro+Med Jalas et al. 1996; Peniašteková & Kliment 2002 Beldie & Alexandrescu 1976; Beldie 1979; Popescu & Sanda 1998; Oprea 2005; Sârbu et al. 2013 Futák 1971; Kliment 1999; Piękoś-Mirkowa & Mirek 2003 Ehrendorfer et al. 1996; Marhold et al. 2007 Ehrendorfer & Krendl 1976; Malynovs’kyj et al. 2002

Festuca supina Schur Galium anisophyllon Vill. 270 Galium polonicum Błocki 271


Jalas & Suominen 1986

Taxon Galium pawlowskii Kucova 272

Included in Galium saxatile L.

References Ehrendorfer & Krendl 1976; Mirek & Piękoś-Mirkowa 1984; Marhold in Euro+Med Kliment 1999; Oprea 2005; Aedo in Euro+Med Jalas & Suominen 1986; Čornej 2011

Geranium alpestre Schur Heliosperma quadrifidum subsp. carpaticum Zapał. 273 (Syn.: H. carpaticum (Zapał.) Klokov; Ixoca carpatica (Zapał.) Ikonn.) Hesperis rominacea F. Dvořák Hesperis matronalis subsp. nivea (Baumg.) Kulcz. (Syn.: H. nivea Baumg.) Hesperis moniliformis Schur (Syn.: H. matronalis subsp. moniliformis (Schur) Borza) Hieracium berdoense Woł. Hieracium melananthum (Nägeli et Peter) P. D. Sell et C. West (Syn.: H. chondrillifolium subsp. melananthum (Nägeli et Peter) Zahn) Hieracium roxolanicum Rehm. Hypericum richeri subsp. transsilvanicum (Čelak.) Ciocârlan 274 (Syn.: H. transsilvanicum Čelak.; H. alpigenum Kit.) Iris dacica Beldie (Syn.: I. hungarica subsp. dacica (Beldie) Prodan et Nyár.) Leontodon gutzulorum V. N. Vassil. Leontodon schischkinii V. N. Vassil. Leucanthemum subalpinum (Schur) Tzvelev Libanotis humilis Schur (Syn.: L. pyrenaica subsp. humilis (Schur) Soó) Minuartia graminifolia subsp. hungarica Jáv.

Geranium sylvaticum L. Heliosperma pusillum (Waldst. et Kit.) Rchb.

Muscari carpaticum Racib. Onobrychis transsilvanica Simonk. (Syn.: O. montana subsp. transsilvanica (Simonk.) Jáv.) Oxytropis montana subsp. retezatensis Pawł.

Muscari botryoides (L.) Mill. Onobrychis montana DC. subsp. montana

Pinus nigra var. banatica Georgescu et Ionescu 275 (Syn.: P. banatica (Georgescu et Ionescu) Gergescu et Ionescu) Ranunculus pseudobulbosus Schur 276 Ribes carpaticum Kit. Ribes heteromorphum Țopa

Pinus nigra J. F. Arnold subsp. nigra

Silene carpatica (Zapał.) Czopik 277 (Syn.: Oberna carpatica (Zapał.) Czerep.; O. behen subsp. carpatica (Zapał.) Tzvelev) Silene donetzica subsp. sillingeri (Hendrych) Šourková 278 Thalictrum transsilvanicum Schur Thlaspi pawlowskii Dvořáková Thymus clandestinus Schur

Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke

Beldie & Alexandrescu 1976; Ciocârlan 2009; Dihoru & Negrean 2009; Sârbu et al. 2013 Businský 2008; Raab-Straube in Euro+Med; World Checklist; Businský 2014 in litt. Tutin & Cook 1964; The Plant List Jalas et al. 1999; Sennikov 2001; Oprea 2005 Webb 1993b; Jalas et al. 1999; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009; Dihoru & Negrean 2009; Sârbu et al. 2013 Klokov 1952; Jalas & Suominen 1986; Cvelev 2004b

Silene donetzica Kleopow Thalictrum minus L. Noccaea kovatsii (Heuff.) F. K. Mey. Thymus pulegioides L.

Mereďa et al. 2012; cf. Chater et al. 1993 Nyárády 1953; Diduch et al. 2004b; The Plant List Pyšek et al. 2002; Ciocârlan 2009; Kobiv 2010 Mártonfi 1997

Hesperis dinarica Beck Hesperis matronalis subsp. candida (Kit. ex Schulzer, Kanitz et Knapp) Hegi et E. Schmidt Hesperis matronalis subsp. candida (Kit. ex Schulzer, Kanitz et Knapp) Hegi et E. Schmidt Pilosella guthnickiana (Hegetschw.) Soják Hieracium chondrillifolium Fr.

Jalas & Suominen 1994; Negrean 2011 Dvořák 1968; Jalas & Suominen 1994; Zahradníková et al. 2002

Pilosella guthnickiana (Hegetschw.) Soják Hypericum richeri subsp. grisebachii (Boiss.) Nyman

Bräutigam & Greuter in Euro+Med Robson 1968, 2010

Ball 1993; cf. Dvořák 1968 Bräutigam & Greuter in Euro+Med Mirek et al. 2002; Chrtek jr. 2014 in litt.; Szeląg 2014 in litt.

Iris aphylla L.

Webb & Chater 1980; Popescu & Sanda 1998; Oprea 2005; Ciocârlan 2009; Sârbu et al. 2013 Scorzoneroides autumnalis subsp. borealis (Ball) Greuter Greuter in Euro+Med Leontodon hispidus subsp. hastilis (L.) Corb. Hel’tman 1989; Greuter in Euro+Med Leucanthemum gaudinii Dalla Torre Greuter in Euro+Med; The Plant List Seseli libanotis (L.) W. D. J. Koch Čornej 2011; The Plant List Minuartia graminifolia (Ard.) Jáv. subsp. graminifolia

Oxytropis neglecta J. Gay ex Ten.

Ranunculus sardous Crantz Ribes petraeum Wulfen Ribes spicatum E. Robson


Jalas & Suominen 1983; Halliday 1993; Oprea 2005; Dihoru & Negrean 2009; Sârbu et al. 2013 Davis & Stuart 1980; Prokudin 1987 Beldie & Alexandrescu 1976; Oprea 2005

Taxon Thymus subalpestris Klokov Tragopogon transcarpaticus Klokov

Included in Thymus alpestris Tausch ex A. Kern. Tragopogon pratensis subsp. orientalis (L.) Čelak.

References Mártonfi 1997 Richardson 1976; Cvelev 1989; Negru & Ionița 2009

Notes 264

Syčak (2011) accepted Alchemilla subconnivens as a separate species.

In the studies of the Romanian authors Astragalus australis var. bucsecsii is usually reported as A. australis subsp. bucsecsii Jáv. and evaluated as endemic to the Romanian Carpathians occurring in the Ceahlău and Bucegi Mts. However, Jávorka (1916) described Astragalus australis proles bucsecsii without a rank from the Bucegi Mts, and this taxon was ordered to species synonyms by Podlech (2011). Ciocârlan (2009) reports from Romania only Astragalus australis; var. (subsp.) bucsecsii was not included to species endemic to the Romanian Carpathians neither by Hurdu et al. (2012a, b). 265


Bupleurum subfalcatum was described by Schur (1866) from the Rodna Mts (Mt. Ineu), with a synonym B. exaltatum Schur. Todor (1958) evaluated it only at the level of a form Bupleurum falcatum var. cernuum f. subfalcatum (Schur) Todor and reported it from the Romanian Eastern and Southern Carpathians. Oprea (2005) and Hand (in Euro+Med) ordered it to synonyms of B. falcatum subsp. cernuum. Čopyk (1976) and Malynovs’kyj et al. (2002) considered B. subfalcatum as endemic to the Eastern and Southern Carpathians. According to Čornej (2011) and Abduloeva & Fedorončuk (2006), the records of this species from Ukraine require a confirmation. Soó (1926) described Campanula patula subsp. peterfii at the level of a variety from the castle hill in the Deva City in Transylvania (cf. Ghișa et al. 1964), later it was upgraded to the level of a subspecies (Soó 1977). Dihoru & Pârvu (1987) reported C. patula subsp. peterfii as endemic to the Southern Carpathians. Fedorov & Kovanda (1976) report it neither within the characteristics of the species Campanula patula L. nor as a synonym of by them accepted subspecies. 267


Cvelev (2003) described Cardamine marholdii based on quantitative differences (smaller flowers and leaflets in comparison with Cardamine pratensis) from the Ukrainian Carpathians (Horhany Mts: Mt. Perednja); outside this area he reports it also from the mountain ranges of the south-eastern Romania and south-eastern Poland. As a separate species it was accepted by Il’jїns’ka & Diduch (2007), Čornej (2011) and Dorofeev (2012). Marhold (2014 in litt.) consideres C. marholdii to be a synonym of Cardamine pratensis L. According to Koutecký (2014 in litt.), Centaurea ratezatensis represents a morphotype of the closely related Centaurea stenolepis; it can be included within this species or evaluated as its variety (cf. Vonica et al. 2013). 269


According to the current knowledge (Marhold et al. 2007), to Galium anisophyllon belong also the diploid West-Carpathian populations reported by invalid names Galium fatrense Ehrend. et Šípošová and G. anisophyllum subsp. fatrense Ehrend. evaluated as endemic to the Western Carpathians (cf. Kliment 1999). Galium polonicum was evaluated as endemic to the Eastern Carpathians by some Ukrainian authors (e.g. Kricsfalusy 1999, Malynovs’kyj et al. 2002); but better part of its localities are outside the Carpathians (cf. Kucowa 1967, Čornej 2011). 271

Galium pawlowskii was described by Kucowa (1962) based on Pawłowski collections from the Čyvčyny Mts (Mt. Stoh, ca 1 500 m) in the Ukrainian Carpathians. Chorney et al. (2008) and Čornej (2011) evaluated it as endemic to this mountain range, Tasenkevyč (2003b) as a paleoendemic. Mirek & Piękoś-Mirkowa (1984) considered Galium pawlowskii to be conspecific with Galium saxatile L. (cf. Ehrendorfer & Krendl 1976; Marhold in Euro+Med and others) and suggested its evaluation as the variety G. saxatile var. pawlowskii. As they did not report full quotation of bazionym, the suggested combinaton is invalid. 272

Zapałowicz (1911) reported Heliosperma quadrifidum subsp. carpaticum from the montane and alpine regions of the Tatry Mts, the Ukrainian and Romanian Eastern Carpathians, at about 700–1 950 m a.s.l. Klokov (1952), Ikonnikov (2004) and Tasenkevich (2011) ordered it to taxa endemic to the Western and Eastern Carpathians. All reported localities are part of the Heliosperma pusillum distribution area (cf. Frajman 2007, Frajman & Oxelman 2007, Šingliarová & Mráz 2012). 273

In the included literature Hypericum richeri subsp. transsilvanicum (Čelak.) Ciocârlan is reported as H. richeri subsp. transsilvanicum (Čelak.) Beldie; H. richeri subsp. transsilvanicum (Čelak.) Beldie et L. Alex. [nom. inval.]. 274


In the Romanian literature, Pinus nigra var. banatica was reported mainly as Pinus nigra subsp. banatica (Borbás) Novák. However, Borbás (1886) published only nomen nudum; the name of the variety was validly published only by Georgescu & Ionescu in 1935 (cf. Beldie 1952). Novák (in Klika et al. 1953) published the combination Pinus nigra subsp. banatica (Georgescu et Ionescu) Novák without full quotation of the bazionym, and therefore invalidly. 275

According to Tutin & Cook (1964), Ranunculus pseudobulbosus probably represents a subspecies or a variety of the species Ranunculus sardous Crantz. Nyárády (1953) reported it as the form R. bulbosus f. pseudobulbosus (Schur) A. Nyár. 276

Zapałowicz (1911) reported by him described variety Silene venosa var. carpatica from the highest regions of the Tatry Mts, the Polish, Ukrainian as well as Romanian Eastern Carpathians, hence the area falling under the distribution area of Silene vulgaris (cf. Mereďa et al. 2012). Although Jalas & Suominen (1986) included Silene carpatica to synonyms of S. vulgaris, several Ukrainian authors (e.g. Klokov 1952, Čopyk 1976, Cvelev 2004b), using various names, accepted a separate position of this taxon and consider it to be endemic to the Carpathians (Čopyk 1976, Kricsfalusy 1999). 277


In the included literature Silene donetzica subsp. sillingeri is reported also by an invalid name S. sillingeri (Hendrych) Hendrych.

References Abduloeva O. P. & Fedorončuk M. M. (2006): Morfoloho-anatomični osoblyvosti plodiv vydiv rodu Bupleurum L. flory Ukraїny [The morphological and anatomical fruit features of species of the genus Bupleurum L. within the Ukrainian flora]. – Ukrains’k. Bot. Zhurn. 63: 56–69. Ball P. W. (1993): Hesperis L. – In: Tutin T. G. et al. (eds), Flora Europaea 1. Ed. 2, p. 336–337. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Beldie A. (1952): Pinaceae Lindl. – In: Săvulescu T. (ed.), Flora Republicii Populare Române 1, p. 159–176. Edit. Acad. Rep. Pop. Române, București. Beldie A. (1979): Flora României. Determinator ilustrat al plantelor vasculare II [Flora of Romania. Illustrated identification key of vascular plants II]. – Edit. Acad. Rep. Soc. România, Bucureşti. Beldie A. & Alexandrescu L. (1976): Modificări de taxonomie sau nomenclatură și sinonimizări la principalii taxonii din vol. I–XII Flora R. S. R. [Changes in taxonomy or nomenclature and synonymy of the main taxa in volumes I–XII of the Flora R. S. R.]. – In: Beldie A. & Morariu I. (eds), Flora Republicii Socialiste România 13, p. 72–96. Edit. Acad. Rep. Soc. România, București. Borbás V. (1886): Pinus nigra Arn. és var. Banatica Endl. [Pinus nigra Arn. and var. banatica Endl.]. – Erdész. Lapok 25: 338–341. Businský R. (2008): The genus Pinus L., pines: contribution to knowledge. – Acta Pruhon. 88: 1–126. Chater A. O., Walters S. M., Akeyrod J. K. & Wrigley F. (1993): Silene L. – In: Tutin T. G. et al. (eds), Flora Europaea 1. Ed. 2, p. 191–218. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Chorney I., Budzhak V. & Tokaryuk A. (2008): Rare, endangered and endemic species of plants of the Chyvchyny / Civcin Mountains (Carpathians). – Transylv. Rev. Syst. Ecol. Res. 5: 37–44. Ciocârlan V. (2009): Flora ilustrată a României. Pteridophyta et Spermatophyta [Illustrated flora of Romania. Pteridophyta et Spermatophyta]. – Editura Ceres, Bucuresți. Cvelev N. N. (1989): Tragopogon L. – In: Cvelev N. N. (ed.), Flora evropejskoj časti SSSR 8, p. 46–56. Nauka, Leningrad. Cvelev N. N. (2003): O nekotorych krestocvetnych (Brassicaceae) Vostočnoj Evropy [De Brassicaceis nonnullis Europae Orientalis]. – Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 35: 95–108. Cvelev N. N. (2004b): Oberna Adans. – In: Cvelev N. N. (ed.), Flora Vostočnoj Evropy 11, p. 229–233. Tovariščestvo naučnych izdanij KMK, Moskva & Sankt-Peterburg. Čopyk V. I. (1976): Vysokohirna flora Ukraїns’kych Karpat [High-mountain flora of the Ukrainian Carpathians]. – Naukova dumka, Kyїv. Čornej I. I. (2011): Krytyčna revizija taksoniv, ščo navodylis’ jak endemični dlja flory Ukraїns’kych Karpat [Critical revision of taxa reported as endemic to flora of the Ukrainian Carpathians]. – Nauk. Zap. Bukovins’k. Tovar. Pryr. 1: 23–59. Davis P. H. & Stuart D. C. (1980): Muscari Miller. – In: Tutin T. G. et al. (eds), Flora Europea 5, p. 46–49. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Diduch J. P., Ziman S. M., Korotčenko I. A., Burda P. I. Bulach O. V., Heljuta V. P. & Tychonenko J. J. (2004b): Thalictrum minus L. – In: Diduch J. P. (ed.), Ekoflora Ukraїny 2, p. 284–285. Fitosociocentr, Kyïv. Dihoru G. & Negrean G. (2009): Cartea roșie a plantelor vasculare din România [Red data book of vascular plants of Romania]. – Edit. Acad. Române, Bucureşti. Dihoru G. & Pârvu C. (1987): Plante endemice în flora Românie [Endemic plants in the flora of Romania]. – Editura Ceres, București.


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Electronic Appendix 5. – Hybrids considered as endemic taxa Taxon Aconitum ×bartokianum Starm. Aconitum ×czarnohorense (Zapał.) Mitka Aconitum ×dragulescuanum Mucher

a hybrid formula A. toxicum × A. variegatum A. firmum × A. ×nanum A. degenii × A. toxicum

Aconitum ×gayeri Starm.

A. degenii × A. lasiocarpum

References Starmühler 1999, 2000; Mitka 2001; Ilnicki & Mitka 2011 Mitka 2003; Novikoff & Mitka 2011a, b Mucher 1993; Starmühler 1996a, 1997, 2000; Mitka 2001; Ilnicki & Mitka 2011 Starmühler 1998b; Mitka 2001, 2003; Ilnicki & Mitka 2011; Mitka & Novikoff 2011; Novikoff & Mitka 2011a, b Mitka 2001, 2003; Ilnicki & Mitka 2009; Novikoff & Mitka 2011a, b

Aconitum ×nanum (Baumg.) Simonk. A. bucovinense × A. firmum (Syn.: A. nanum Baumg., A. tauricum Wulf. subsp. nanum (Baumg.) Gáyer Aconitum ×pawlowskii Mitka et Starm. A. lasiocarpum × A. variegatum Aconitum firmum nsubsp. fussianum Starm. Aconitum firmum nsubsp. paxii Starm. Aconitum firmum nsubsp. zapalowiczii Starm. Aconitum moldavicum nsubsp. porcii Starm. Aconitum toxicum nsubsp. nyaradyanum Mucher Aconitum toxicum nsubsp. ungarianum Starm. Centaurea ×melanocalathia Borbás ex Czakó (Syn.: C. phrygia subsp. melanocalathia (Borbás ex Czakó) Dostál; Jacea phrygia subsp. melanocalathia (Borbás ex Czakó) Soják) Hieracium ×grofae Woł. Hieracium ×krasanii Woł. 279 Rosa ×heterostyla Chrshan. 280 Senecio ×dominii Hodálová

A. firmum subsp. firmum × A. firmum subsp. fissurae A. firmum subsp. maninense × A. firmum subsp. moravicum A. firmum subsp. firmum × A. firmum nsubsp. paxii A. moldavicum subsp. moldavicum × A. moldavicum subsp. simonkaianum A. toxicum subsp. crispulum × A. toxicum subsp. toxicum A. toxicum subsp. bucegiense × A. toxicum subsp. toxicum C. erdneri × C. jacea

Mitka & Starmühler 2000; Starmühler 2002; Mitka 2003; Ilnicki & Mitka 2011; Mitka et al. 2013; Sutkowska et al. 2013 Starmühler 1999, 2000; Mitka 2001, 2002, 2003; Novikov & Mitka 2011b Mitka 2003, Mitka et al. 2007; Novikov & Mitka 2011b Mitka 2003 Starmühler 1998a; Mitka 2008; Mitka & Novikoff 2011; Novikoff & Mitka 2011a, b Mucher 1993; Starmühler 1997 Starmühler 2000 Koutecký et al. 2012

H. alpinum × H. umbellatum H. alpinum × H. transsilvanicum R. canina × R. dumalis S. germanicus × S. ucranicus

Chrtek jr. et al. 2006 Mráz et al. 2005, 2011b Buzunova 2001; Kurtto et al. 2004 Hodálová 1999a

Notes 279

Along with the diploid primary hybrids the occurrence of apomictic polyploid individuals of Hieracium krasanii was also sporadically recorded from Romania (Bistrița Mts; Chrtek jr. 2014 in litt.).


According to Kurtto et al. (2004), the holotypus Rosa heterostyla Chrschan. was identified as the hybrid of Rosa canina × R. dumalis (cf. Buzunova 2001).

References Buzunova I. O. (2001): Rosa L. – In: Cvelev N. N. (ed.), Flora Vostočnoj Evropy 10, p. 329–361. Tovariščestvo naučnych izdanij KMK, Moskva & Sankt-Peterburg. Chrtek J. jr., Mráz P. & Sennikov A. N. (2006): Hieracium ×grofae – a rediscovered diploid hybrid from the Ukrainian Carpathians. – Biologia 61: 365–374. Hodálová I. (1999a): Multivariate analysis of the Senecio nemorensis group (Compositae) in the Carpathians with a new species from the East Carpathians. – Folia Geobot. 34: 321–335. Ilnicki T. & Mitka J. (2009): Chromosome numbers in Aconitum sect. Aconitum (Ranunculaceae) from the Carpathians. – Caryologia 62: 198–203. Ilnicki T. & Mitka J. (2011): Chromosome numbers in Aconitum sect. Cammarum (Ranunculaceae) from the Carpathians. – Caryologia 64: 446–452. Koutecký P., Štěpánek J. & Baďurová T. (2012): Differentiation between diploid and tetraploid Centaurea phrygia: mating barriers, morphology and geographic distribution. – Preslia 84: 1–32.


Kurtto A., Lampinen R. & Junikka L. (eds) (2004): Atlas Florae Europaeae 13. Rosaceae (Spiraea to Fragaria, excl. Rubus). – The Comittee for mapping the Flora of Europe & Societas Biologica Fennica Vanamo, Helsinki. Mitka J. (2001). Systematyka Aconitum subgen. Aconitum w Karpatach Wschodnich – wstępne wyniki badań [Systematics of Aconitum subgen. Aconitum in the Eastern Carpathians – preliminary results]. – Roczn. Bieszcz. 9 (2000): 79–116. Mitka J. (2002): Phenetic and geographic pattern of Aconitum sect. Napellus (Ranunculaceae) in the Eastern Carpathians – a numerical approach. – Acta Soc. Bot. Polon. 71: 35–48. Mitka J. (2003): The genus Aconitum L. (Ranunculaceae) in Poland and adjacent countries. A phenetic-geographic study. – Institute of botany of the Jagiellonian University, Kraków. Mitka J. (2008): Aconitum moldavicum Hacq. (Ranunculaceae) and its hybrids in the Carpathians and adjacent regions. – Roczn. Bieszcz. 16: 233–252. Mitka J. & Novikoff A. V. (2011): The genus Aconitum in Ukraine. – In: Materialy XIII Z’ïzdu Ukraïns’koho botaničnoho tovarystva (Lviv, 19–23 veresnja 2011 r.), p. 65. Lviv. Mitka J. & Starmühler W. (2000): Phenetic variability of Aconitum lasiocarpum (Rchb.) Gáyer (Ranunculaceae): extension of taxonomic and geographic borders. – Acta Soc. Bot. Polon. 69: 145–155. Mitka J., Sutkowska A., Ilnicki T. & Joachimiak A. J. (2007): Reticulate evolution of high-alpine Aconitum (Ranunculaceae) in the Eastern Sudetes and Western Carpathians (Central Europe). – Acta Biol. Cracov., Bot. 49: 15–26. Mitka J., Boroń P. & Sutkowska A. (2013): Holocene history of Aconitum in the Polish Western Carpathians and adjacent regions: long-distance migrations or cryptic refugia? – Modern Phytomorphol. 3: 9–18. Mráz P., Chrtek J. jr., Fehrer J. & Plačková I. (2005): Rare recent natural hybridization in Hieracium s. str. – evidence from morphology, allozymes and chloroplast DNA. – Pl. Syst. Evol. 255: 177–192. Mráz P., Chrtek J. jr. & Fehrer J. (2011b): Interspecific hybridization in the genus Hieracium s. str.: evidence for bidirectional gene flow and spontaneous allopolyploidization. – Pl. Syst. Evol. 293: 237– 245. Mucher W. (1993): Systematics and chorology of Aconitum ser. Toxicum (Ranunculaceae) in Europe. – Phyton (Horn) 33: 51–76. Novikoff A. V. & Mitka J. (2011a): Taxonomy and ecology of the genus Aconitum L. in the Ukrainian Carpathians. – Wulfenia 18: 37–61. Novikov A. V. & Mitka J. (2011b). Rid Aconitum v Ukraïns’kych Karpatach [The genus Aconitum in the Ukrainian Carpathians]. – Biol. Stud. 5: 153–172. Starmühler W. (1996a): Aconita rarissima selecta. – Fritschiana 7: 11–39. Starmühler W. (1997): Ranunculaceae subtrib. Delphiniinae exssiccatae, Fasc. 2 (Nr. 21–40). – Fritschiana 10: 1–11. Starmühler W. (1998a): Ranunculaceae subtrib. Delphiniinae exssiccatae, Fasc. 3 (Nr. 41–60). – Fritschiana 13: 1–10. Starmühler W. (1998b): Aconita rarissima selecta (1998). – Fritschiana 13: 11–39. Starmühler W. (1999): Aconita rarissima selecta (1999). – Fritschiana 18: 11–38. Starmühler W. (2000): Fortschritte in der Systematik der Gattung Aconitum im Siebenbürgen. – In: Heltmann H. & Killyen H. (eds), Naturwissenschaftliche Forschungen über Siebenbürgen VI. Beiträge zur Gegraphie, Botanik, Zoologie und Paläontologie, p. 9–24. Böhlau Verlag, Koln, Weimar & Wien. Starmühler W. (2002): Ranunculaceae subtrib. Delphiniinae exssiccatae, Fasc. 5 (Nr. 81–100). – Fritschiana 30: 1–12. Sutkowska A., Boroń P. & Mitka J. (2013): Natural hybrid zone of Aconitum species in the Western Carpathians: Linnaean taxonomy and ISSR fingerprinting. – Acta Biol. Crac., Bot. 55: 114–126.


Electronic Appendix 6. – Habitat preferences of vascular plants endemic and subendemic to the Carpathians. Classification of phytosociological alliances to habitat groups and habitats is shown in Appendix 7.

Abbreviations: Habitat groups: W – wetlands, R – rocky habitats, G – grasslands, D – dwarf shrubs, S – shrubs, F – forests, H – human-made (anthropogenic) habitats Vertical distribution:↓ – submontane and montane vegetation, ↑ – subalpine and alpine vegetation (grey-shaded columns) Geological bedrock: c – vegetation on calcareous bedrock, s – vegetation on silicate (non-calcareous) bedrock (incl. effusive rocks, mylonites, schists etc.), i – vegetation indifferent to the substrate Subdivision of forest habitats: Fm – montane spruce forests, Fp – pine forests, Fd – deciduous and mixed forests Taxon Achillea oxyloba subsp. schurii Aconitum bucovinense Aconitum degenii subsp. degenii Aconitum firmum subsp. firmum Aconitum firmum subsp. fissurae Aconitum firmum subsp. maninense Aconitum firmum subsp. moravicum Aconitum firmum subsp. skerisorae Aconitum lasianthum Aconitum lasiocarpum subsp. lasiocarpum Aconitum lasiocarpum subsp. kotulae Aconitum moldavicum subsp. moldavicum Aconitum moldavicum subsp. hosteanum Aconitum toxicum subsp. toxicum Aconitum toxicum subsp. bucegiense Aconitum toxicum subsp. crispulum Allium fussii Alopecurus pratensis subsp. laguriformis Antennaria carpatica subsp. carpatica Anthemis cretica subsp. pyrethriformis Anthemis kitaibelii Aquilegia nigricans subsp. subscaposa Aquilegia transsilvanica Arabidopsis halleri subsp. tatrica Arabidopsis neglecta Arenaria tenella Armeria maritima subsp. barcensis Armeria pocutica Asperula carpatica Astragalus australis subsp. krajinae Astragalus exscapus subsp. transsilvanicus

↑ Wc Ws Rc ↓ Wc Ws Wi + + + + + + + + + +

Rs Rc Rs Ri + + + + +


Gs Gc

+ + +


Gi Gs

Ds Gi

+ + + +

Sc Ds

Ss Sc

+ + +



Si Ss


Si Fmc Fms Fmi Fpc Fps Fdc Fds Fdi Hc Hs Hi + + + +




+ + +




+ +

+ + +


+ +

+ + + + +

+ + +


+ +




+ +

+ + + + +



+ + + +

+ + + + +


+ +

+ +

+ + + +

+ +

+ +


+ +

+ + +



+ + + +


+ +





+ +

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+ + +

+ + +



+ +

+ +




+ +




Taxon Astragalus peterfii Astragalus pseudopurpureus Astragalus roemeri Athamanta turbith subsp. hungarica Aubrieta columnae subsp. platycarpa Barbarea lepuznica Bromus monocladus Campanula carpatica Campanula crassipes Campanula glomerata subsp. subcapitata Campanula kladniana Campanula serrata Campanula tatrae Campanula xylocarpa Cardamine glanduligera Carduus kerneri subsp. kerneri Carduus kerneri subsp. lobulatiformis Carduus lobulatus Centaurea reichenbachii Centaurea rodnensis Centaurea simonkaiana Centaurea triniifolia Cephalaria radiata Cephalaria uralensis subsp. multifida Cerastium arvense subsp. lerchenfeldianum Cerastium tatrae Cerastium transsilvanicum Chrysosplenium alpinum Clinopodium pulegium Cochlearia borzaeana Cochlearia tatrae Cota tinctoria subsp. fussii Crocus banaticus Crocus discolor Cyanus dominii subsp. dominii Cyanus dominii subsp. slovenicus Cyanus dominii subsp. sokolensis Cyanus maramarosiensis Cyanus mollis Cyanus pinnatifidus subsp. pinnatifidus Cyanus pinnatifidus subsp. sooanus

↑ Wc Ws Rc Rs Gc Gs Gi ↓ Wc Ws Wi Rc Rs Ri Gc Gs Gi + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +



Sc Ds

Ss Sc

Si Ss

Si Fmc Fms Fmi Fpc Fps Fdc Fds Fdi Hc Hs Hi


+ + +



+ + +

+ + + +

+ +

+ +





+ + +

+ + +

+ +





+ +



+ +

+ +





+ +

+ +

+ +

+ + +

+ + + + + + +

+ +


+ + +

+ +

Taxon Cyclamen purpurascens subsp. immaculatum Dactylorhiza cordigera subsp. siculorum Dactylorhiza maculata subsp. schurii Daphne arbuscula Delphinium elatum subsp. nacladense Delphinium oxysepalum Delphinium simonkaianum Dianthus callizonus Dianthus carthusianorum subsp. tenuifolius Dianthus giganteus subsp. banaticus Dianthus glacialis subsp. gelidus Dianthus henteri Dianthus nitidus Dianthus praecox subsp. praecox Dianthus praecox subsp. lumnitzeri Dianthus praecox subsp. pseudopraecox Dianthus spiculifolius Doronicum carpaticum Draba dorneri Draba haynaldii Draba kotschyi Draba lasiocarpa subsp. klasterskyi Draba simonkaiana Erigeron hungaricus Eritrichium jankae Erysimum hungaricum Erysimum pieninicum Erysimum wahlenbergii Erysimum witmannii subsp. witmannii Erysimum witmannii subsp. pallidiflorum Erysimum witmannii subsp. transsilvanicum Euphorbia carpatica Euphorbia sojakii Euphrasia exaristata Euphrasia slovaca subsp. slovaca Euphrasia stipitata Euphrasia tatrae Ferula sadlerana Festuca amethystina subsp. orientalis Festuca bucegiensis Festuca carpatica

↑ Wc Ws Rc Rs Gc Gs Gi Ds Sc Ss Si ↓ Wc Ws Wi Rc Rs Ri Gc Gs Gi Ds Sc Ss Si Fmc Fms Fmi Fpc Fps Fdc Fds Fdi Hc Hs Hi + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


↑ Wc Taxon ↓ Wc Festuca gautieri subsp. lutea Festuca nitida subsp. flaccida Festuca pachyphylla Festuca porcii + Festuca saxatilis Festuca tatrae Festuca versicolor subsp. versicolor Festuca versicolor subsp. dominii Galium abaujense Galium album subsp. suberectum Galium baillonii Galium kitaibelianum Galium transcarpaticum Genista tinctoria subsp. oligosperma Gentiana cruciata subsp. phlogifolia Gentiana laciniata Gentianella amarella subsp. reussii Gentianella fatrae Gentianella lutescens subsp. tatrae Gypsophila petraea Helictotrichon decorum Hepatica transsilvanica Heracleum carpaticum Heracleum sphondylium subsp. transsilvanicum Hesperis matronalis subsp. schurii Hesperis matronalis subsp. vrabelyiana Hesperis slovaca Hylotelephium argutum Jovibarba globifera subsp. preissiana Jurinea transylvanica Knautia kitaibelii subsp. kitaibelii + Knautia slovaca Koeleria macrantha subsp. transsilvanica Koeleria tristis Lathyrus transsilvanicus Leontodon kulczynskii Leucanthemopsis alpina subsp. tatrae Leucanthemum rotundifolium + Linum extraaxilare Linum uninerve Luzula alpinopilosa subsp. obscura +


Rc Ws Wi

Rs Rc

Gc Rs Ri

+ + + + +

+ + +


Gs Gi Ds Sc Ss Si Gc Gs Gi Ds Sc Ss Si Fmc Fms Fmi Fpc Fps Fdc Fds Fdi Hc Hs Hi + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + +




+ + +




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+ +

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+ + +



+ + + + + + + +

+ + +


+ +


+ + +

+ + + +



+ +

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+ +










+ +

+ +


+ + + + + +


+ + +

+ +








+ +



+ +



+ +






↑ Wc Taxon ↓ Wc Melampyrum saxosum Minuartia oxypetala Minuartia pauciflora Nigritella carpatica Noccaea banatica Noccaea caerulescens subsp. tatrensis Noccaea dacica subsp. dacica Noccaea jankae Onosma pseudarenaria subsp. pseudarenaria Onosma viridis Ophrys holubyana + Ornithogalum orthophyllum subsp. acuminatum Oxytropis campestris subsp. tatrae Oxytropis carpatica Papaver corona-sancti-stephani Papaver tatricum subsp. tatricum Papaver tatricum subsp. fatraemagnae Pedicularis baumgartenii Peucedanum rochelianum Phyteuma tetramerum Phyteuma vagneri Pietrosia laevitomentosa Plantago atrata subsp. carpatica Poa babiogorensis Poa carpatica subsp. carpatica Poa granitica subsp. granitica Poa granitica subsp. disparilis + Poa margilicola Poa nobilis Poa pannonica subsp. scabra Poa rehmannii Poa sejuncta Prangos carinata Primula auricula subsp. hungarica Primula auricula subsp. serratifolia Primula leucophylla Primula wulfeniana subsp. baumgarteniana Pulmonaria rubra subsp. filarszkyana Pulsatilla slavica Pulsatilla subslavica Pyrola carpatica


Rc Ws Wi +

Rs Rc

+ +

Gs Gc

+ + + +

+ + +


Gc Rs Ri

Gi Ds Sc Ss Si Gs Gi Ds Sc Ss Si Fmc Fms Fmi Fpc Fps Fdc Fds Fdi Hc Hs Hi + + + + + + + + +


+ +

+ +



+ +

+ + + + + + + +

+ +

+ +

+ +

+ +

+ +

+ +


+ + + + +








+ +



+ +

+ + +


+ + +

+ +

+ + +



+ + + +

+ +

+ +

+ +


+ + +

+ +



+ + +






+ +

+ +

+ +



+ +








↑ Wc Taxon ↓ Wc Ranunculus altitatrensis Ranunculus carpaticus Ranunculus flabellifolius Ranunculus malinovskii Ranunculus pseudomontanus + Rosa coziae Salix kitaibeliana Salvia transsylvanica Saussurea porcii + Saxifraga moschata subsp. dominii + Saxifraga moschata subsp. kotulae Saxifraga mutata subsp. demissa Saxifraga wahlenbergii Scabiosa lucida subsp. barbata Scabiosa columbaria subsp. banatica Scilla kladnii Scorzoneroides pseudotaraxaci + Sempervivum carpathicum subsp. carpathicum Sempervivum carpathicum subsp. heterophyllum Sempervivum matricum Senecio dacicus Senecio ucranicus Sesleria heuflerana subsp. heuflerana Sesleria heuflerana subsp. hungarica Sesleria rigida Sesleria tatrae + + Silene dinarica Silene nivalis Silene nutans subsp. dubia Silene zawadzkii Soldanella carpatica + + Stipa crassiculmis subsp. heterotricha Stipa danubialis Swertia punctata Symphytum cordatum Syringa josikaea Tephroseris longifolia subsp. moravica Thalictrum minus subsp. carpaticum Thesium kernerianum Thymus alternans Thymus bihoriensis


Rc Ws Wi

Rs Rc

Gc Rs Ri

Gs Gc


Gi Gs

Ds Gi

Sc Ds

Ss Sc

+ + +




+ +




Si Ss

Si Fmc Fms Fmi Fpc Fps Fdc Fds Fdi Hc Hs Hi +








+ +


+ +









+ +


+ +


+ + +

+ +

+ + + +



+ +



+ +

+ +

+ +


+ + +

+ + +

+ + + +

+ +


+ +

+ +

+ + + +


+ + +


+ + +

+ +



+ + + +



+ + +

+ +



+ + +


+ +

+ +






+ +



+ +

+ +





+ + +

+ +

+ +






+ +



+ +

+ +


+ +






+ + +





+ +

+ +



Taxon Thymus comosus Thymus dacicus Thymus pulcherrimus subsp. pulcherrimus Thymus pulcherrimus subsp. sudeticus Trifolium orbelicum subsp. monticolum Trifolium pratense subsp. kotulae Trifolium sarosiense Trisetum flavescens subsp. tatricum Trisetum fuscum Trisetum macrotrichum Tulipa hungarica Valeriana tripteris subsp. heterophylla Viola declinata Viola jooi

↑ Wc Ws Rc Rs Gc Gs Gi Ds Sc ↓ Wc Ws Wi Rc Rs Ri Gc Gs Gi Ds + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Ss Sc +

Si Ss

Si Fmc Fms Fmi Fpc Fps Fdc Fds Fdi Hc Hs Hi + + +

+ +


+ +

+ + +






+ + +

+ +

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Electronic Appendix 7. – Overview of higher syntaxa with the occurrence of vascular plants endemic and subendemic to the Carpathians and classification of phytosociological alliances to habitat groups and habitats. Habitat preferences of individual taxa is shown in Appendix 6. Abbreviations: Habitat groups: W – wetlands, R – rocky habitats, G – grasslands, D – dwarf shrubs, S – shrubs, F – forests, H – human-made (anthropogenic) habitats Vertical distribution:↓ – submontane and montane vegetation, ↑ – subalpine and alpine vegetation Geological bedrock: c – vegetation on calcareous bedrock, s – vegetation on silicate (non-calcareous) bedrock (incl. effusive rocks, mylonites, schists etc.), i – vegetation indifferent to the substrate Subdivision of forest habitats: Fm – montane spruce forests, Fp – pine forests, Fd – deciduous and mixed forests a) wetlands (W) Scheuchzerio palustris-Caricetea fuscae Tx. 1937 Caricetalia davallianae Br.-Bl. 1949 ↓Wc Caricion davallianae Klika 1934 Caricetalia fuscae Koch 1926 ↑Ws Drepanocladion exannulati Krajina 1933 ↓Ws Caricion fuscae Koch 1926 (Syn.: Caricion canescenti-nigrae Nordhagen 1936) ↓Ws Caricion lasiocarpae Vanden Berhen in Lebrun et al. 1949 ↓Ws Sphagno-Caricion canescentis Passarge (1964) 1978 Scheuchzerietalia palustris Nordhagen 1936 ↑Ws Sphagnion cuspidati Krajina 1933 Oxycocco-Sphagnetea Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Westhoff et al. 1946 Sphagnetalia medii Kästner et Flössner 1933 ↑Ws Oxycocco microcarpi-Empetrion hermaphroditi Nordhagen ex Hadač et Váňa 1967 ↓Ws Sphagnion medii Kästner et Flössner 1933 (Syn.: Sphagnion fusci Br.-Bl. 1926 ) Montio-Cardaminetea Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Klika et Hadač 1944 Montio-Cardaminetalia Pawłowski in Pawłowski et al. 1928 ↑Ws Cardamino-Montion Br.-Bl. 1926 ↑Ws Cratoneuro filicini-Calthion laetae Hadač 1983 ↑Wc Cratoneurion commutati Koch 1928 ↓Wc Lycopodo europaei-Cratoneurion commutati Hadač 1983 Cardamino-Chrysosplenietalia Hinterlang 1992 ↓Wi Caricion remotae Kästner 1941 Phragmito-Magnocaricetea Klika in Klika et Novák 1941 Phragmitetalia Koch 1926 ↓Wi Magnocaricion elatae Koch 1926 b) rocky habitats (R) Asplenietea trichomanis (Br.-Bl. in Meier et Br.-Bl. 1934) Oberd. 1977 Potentilletalia caulescentis Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et Jenny 1926 ↑Rc Potentillion caulescentis Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et Jenny 1926 ↑Rc Gypsophilion petraeae Borhidi et Pócs in Borhidi 1957 ↓Rc Cystopteridion Richard 197 (Syn.: Moehringion muscosae Horvat & Horvatić 1962 p. p.) ↓Rc Micromerion pulegii Boșcaiu (1971) 1979 (Syn.: Micromerion banaticum Boșcaiu 1971; Moehringion muscosae Horvat & Horvatić 1962 p. p.) ↓Tortulo-Cymbalarietalia Segal 1969 ↓Rc Cymbalario-Asplenion Segal 1969 Androsacetalia vandelii Br.-Bl. 1934 ↑Rs Silenion lerchenfeldianae Simon 1958 ↓Rs Asplenion septentrionalis Gams in Oberd. 1938 (Syn.: Androsacion vandelii sensu Coldea 1991) ↓Rs Hypno-Polypodion vulgaris Mucina 1993 ↓Rc Erysimo witmannii-Hackelion deflexae Bernátová 1986 (Note: The alliance is ordered within the Artemisietea vulgaris class, but it includes natural relic communities) Thlaspietea rotundifolii Br.-Bl. 1948 Thlaspietalia rotundifolii Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et Jenny 1926 ↑Rc Papaverion tatrici Pawłowski et al. 1928 corr. Valachovič 1995


↑Rc Papavero-Thymion pulcherrimi Pop 1968 Androsacetalia alpinae Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et Jenny 1926 ↑Rs Androsacion alpinae Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et Jenny 1926 ↑Rs Veronicion baumgartenii Coldea 1991 (Syn.: Androsacion alpinae auct. roman.) Galio-Parietalia officinalis Boșcaiu et al. 1966 ↓Rc Stipion [Achnatherion] calamagrostis Jenny-Lips ex Br.-Bl. et al. 1952 (Syntax. syn.: Teucrion montani Csűrös et Pop 1965) ↓Rc Arabidion alpinae Béguin 1972 ↓Rc Parietarion officinalis Gergely et al. 1966 Epilobietalia fleischerii Moor 1958 ↓Ri Epilobion fleischerii G. Br.-Bl. ex Br.-Bl. 1949 (Syn.: Salicion incanae Aichinger 1933) Sedo-Scleranthetea Br.-Bl. 1955 Sedo-Scleranthetalia Br.-Bl. 1955 ↓Rs Sedo-Scleranthion biennis Br.-Bl. 1955 ↓Rs Arabidopsidion thalianae Passarge 1964 ↓Rs Hyperico perforati-Scleranthion perennis Moravec 1967 Alysso-Sedetalia Moravec 1967 ↓Rc Alysso alyssoidis-Sedion albi Oberd. et Th. Müller in Th. Müller 1961 c) graslands (G) Festuco-Brometea Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Soó 1947 Stipo pulcherrimae-Festucetalia pallentis Pop 1968 ↓Gs Asplenio septentrionalis-Festucion pallentis Zólyomi 1936 corr. Soó 1957 ↓Gc Bromo pannonici-Festucion pallentis Zólyomi 1966 (Syn. Seslerio-Festucion pallentis Klika 1931 corr. Zólyomi 1966; Syntax. syn.: Thymo comosi-Festucion rupicolae Pop 1968) ↓Gc Diantho lumnitzeri-Seslerion (Soó 1971) Chytrý et Mucina in Mucina et Kolbek 1993 ↓Gc Chrysopogono-Festucion pseudodalmaticae Coldea et Sârbu in Coldea 2012 ↓Gc Pimpinello-Thymion zygoidi Dihoru et Donița 1970 Festucetalia valesiacae Soó 1947 ↓Gc Festucion valesiacae Klika 1931 (Syntax. syn.: Festucion rupicolae Soó 1940 corr. 1964) ↓Gc Stipion lessingianae Soó 1947 ↓Gc Jurineo arachnoideae-Euphorbion stepposae (Dobrescu 1970) Coldea et Sârbu in Coldea 2012 Brometalia erecti Br.-Bl. 1936 ↓Gc Bromion erecti Koch 1926 ↓Gc Cirsio-Brachypodion pinnati Hadač et Klika ex Klika 1951 (Syn.: Danthonio-Stipion stenophyllae Soó 1947; Syntax. syn.: Danthonio-Brachypodion pinnati Boșcaiu 1970) ↓Gs Chrysopogono-Danthonion calycinae Kojić 1959 Festucetea vagin*tae Soó ex Vicherek 1972 Festucetalia vagin*tae Soó 1957 ↓Gi Festucion vagin*tae Soó 1929 ↓Gc Bassio laniflorae-Bromion tectorum (Soó 1957) Borhidi 1996 Koelerio-Corynephoretea Klika in Klika et Novák 1941 Corynephoretalia canescentis Klika 1934 ↓Gs Corynephorion canescentis Klika 1931 Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei Th. Müller 1962 Origanetalia vulgaris Th. Müller 1962 ↓Gi Geranion sanguinei Tx. in Th. Müller 1962 ↓Gi Trifolion medii Th. Müller 1962 Molinio-Arrhenatheretea Tx. 1937 Arrhenatheretalia elatioris Tx. 1931 ↓Gi Arrhenatherion elatioris Luquet 1926 ↓Gi Cynosurion cristati Tx. 1947 Poo alpinae-Trisetetalia Ellmauer et Mucina 1993 ↓Gc Polygono bistortae-Trisetion flavescentis Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Marshall 1947 ↑Gi Poion alpinae Gams ex Oberd. 1950 Molinietalia caerulae Koch 1926 ↓Gi Molinion caerulae Koch 1926 ↓Gi Calthion palustris Tx. 1937 (incl. Filipendulenion) ↓Gi Deschampsion caespitosae Horvatić 1930


Nardetea strictae Rivas Goday in Rivas Goday et Rivas-Mart. 1963 Nardetalia strictae Oberd. ex Preising 1949 ↑Gs Nardion strictae Br.-Bl. 1926 ↑Gs Potentillo ternatae-Nardion Simon 1958 ↓Gi Nardo-Agrostion tenuis Sillinger 1933 ↓Gi Violion caninae Schwickerath 1944 Mulgedio-Aconitetea Hadač et Klika in Klika et Hadač 1944 (Syn. Betulo-Adenostyletea Br.-Bl. 1948) Calamagrostietalia villosae Pawłowski et al. 1928 ↑Gs Calamagrostion villosae Pawłowski et al. 1928 excl. Calamagrostio villosae-Salicetum helveticae Dúbravcová et Šeffer 1992 → ↑Ss excl. Triseto fusci-Salicetum hastatae Coldea (1986) 1990 → ↑Ss ↑Gs Trisetion fusci Krajina 1933 (Syntax. syn.: Aconition firmi Krajina 1933) excl. Deschampsio cespitosae-Salicetum helveticae (Krajina 1933) Dúbravcová et Šeffer 1992 → ↑Ss Gc Calamagrostion arundinaceae (Luquet 1926) Oberd. 1957 ↑Helianthemo grandiflorae-Calamagrostietum arundinaceae ↑Anemono narcissiflorae-Laserpitietum latifolii ↑Allio victorialis-Calamagrostietum villosae ↓other associations of alliance Calamagrostion arundinaceae (see Kliment & Valachovič 2007 for details) Gc Calamagrostion variae Sillinger 1932 ↑Geranio sylvatici-Calamagrostietum variae ↓Convallario-Calamagrostietum variae ↑Gc Festucion carpaticae Bělohlávková et Fišerová 1989 Adenostyletalia alliariae Br.-Bl. 1930 Adenostylion alliariae Br.-Bl. 1926 excl. Salici silesiacae-Alnetum viridis Colić et al. 1962 → ↑Si (Alnion viridis) excl. Pulmonario filarszkyanae-Alnetum viridis Pawłowski et Walas 1949 → ↑Ss (Alnion viridis) ↑Gs Adenostylenion alliariae Klika in Klika et Hadač 1944 ↑Gc Delphinienion elati (Hadač ex Hadač et al. 1969) Boșcaiu et Mihăilescu 1997 Petasito-Chaerophylletalia Morariu ex Kopecký 1969 ↓Gi Petasition officinalis Sillinger 1933 Elyno-Seslerietea Br.-Bl. 1948 Seslerietalia coerulae Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et Jenny 1926 Gc Astero alpini-Seslerion calcariae Hadač ex Hadač et al. 1969 ↑Astero alpini-Seslerienion calcariae Kliment et al. 2005 ↓Pulsatillo slavicae-Caricenion humilis Uhlířová in Kliment et al. 2010 ↑Gc Seslerion tatrae Pawłowski 1935 corr. Klika 1955 ↑Gc Caricion firmae Gams 1936 ↑Gc Festuco saxatilis-Seslerion bielzii (Pawłowski et Walas 1949) Coldea 1984 ↑Gc Bellardiochloion violaceae Sanda et al. 2001 ↓Gc Seslerion rigidae Zólyomi 1939 Carici rupestris-Kobresietea bellardii Ohba 1974 Oxytropido-Elynetalia Oberd. ex Albrecht 1969 ↑Gc Oxytropido-Elynion myosuroidis Br.-Bl. (1948) 1949 ↑Gs Festucion versicoloris Krajina 1933 Caricetea curvulae Br.-Bl. 1948 nom. cons. propos. (Syntax. syn.: Juncetea trifidi Hadač in Klika et Hadač 1944 p. p.) Caricetalia curvulae Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et Jenny 1926 ↑Gs Juncion trifidi Krajina 1933 ↑Gs Caricion curvulae Br.-Bl. 1925 Salicetea herbaceae Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et Jenny 1926 Salicetalia herbaceae Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et Jenny 1926 ↑Gs Salicion herbaceae Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et Jenny 1926 ↑Gs Festucion picturatae Krajina 1933 corr. Dúbravcová 2007 Arabidetalia caerulae Br.-Bl. 1948 ↑Gc Arabidion caerulae Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et Jenny 1926 ↑Gc Salicion retusae Horvat 1949 d) dwarf shrubs (D) Loiseleurio procumbentis-Vaccinietea Eggler ex Schubert 1960 Rhododendro ferruginei-Vaccinietalia Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et Jenny 1926 ↑Ds Loiseleurio procumbentis-Vaccinion Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et Jenny 1926


(syn.: Cetrario-Loiseleurion (Br.-Bl. et al. 1939) Schubert 1960) ↑Ds Vaccinion myrtilli Krajina 1933 ↑Ds Rhododendro-Vaccinion Br.-Bl. ex Schnyder 1930 ↑Ds Junipero-Bruckenthalion spiculifoliae (Horvat 1949) Boșcaiu 1971 ↑Ds Juniperion nanae Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et al. 1939 Calluno-Ulicetea Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Klika et Hadač 1944 Vaccinio myrtilli-Genistetalia pilosae Schubert ex Passarge 1964 ↓Ds Genisto pilosae-Vaccinion Br.-Bl. 1926 e) scrubs (S) Crataego-Prunetea Tx. 1956 (Syn.: Rhamno-Prunetea Rivas Goday et Borja Carbonell ex Tx. 1962) Prunetalia spinosae Tx. 1952 ↓Si Prunion fruticosae Tx. 1952 ↓Si Berberidion vulgaris Br.-Bl. 1950 (Syn.: Prunion spinosae Soó 1931) ↓Si Corylo avellanae-Populion tremulae Br.-Bl. ex Jurko 1964 Betulo carpaticae-Alnetea viridis Rejmánek in Huml et al. 1979 Alnetalia viridis Rübel ex Huml et al. 1979 ↑Si Alnion viridis Schnyder 1930 Salici silesiacae-Alnetum viridis Colić et al. 1962 Pulmonario filarszkyanae-Alnetum viridis Pawłowski et Walas 1949 ↑Sc Salicion silesiacae Rejmánek et al. 1971 Note: The following associations belong to subalpine shrubs, too: ↑Ss Calamagrostio villosae-Salicetum helveticae Dúbravcová et Šeffer 1992 ↑Ss Deschampsio cespitosae-Salicetum helveticae (Krajina 1933) Dúbravcová et Šeffer 1992 ↑Ss Triseto fusci-Salicetum hastatae Coldea (1986) 1990 Roso pendulinae-Pinetea mugo Theurillat in Theurillat et al. 1995 Junipero-Pinetalia mugo Boșcaiu 1971 ↑Si Pinion mugo Pawłowski in Pawłowski et al. 1928 (RO: only the association Rhododendro myrtifolii-Pinetum mugo Coldea 1991) excl.: Campanulo abietinae-Juniperetum nanae → ↑Ds, Campanulo abietinae-Vaccinietum myrtilli → ↑Ds, Rhododendro myrtifolii-Vaccinietum gaultherioidis → ↑Ds excl.: Rhododendro myrtifolii-Piceetum → Fms, Bruckenthalio-Piceetum → Fms excl. Saxifrago cuneifoliae-Laricetum → Fmi f) forests (F) Quercetea pubescentis Doing Kraft ex Scamoni et Passarge 1959 Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae Klika 1933 ↓Fdc Quercion pubescenti-petraeae Br.-Bl. 1932 ↓Fdi Aceri tatarici-Quercion Zólyomi et Jakucs 1957 ↓Fds Quercion petraeae Issler 1931 ↓Fdi Quercion confertae-cerris Horvat 1954 ↓Fdc Syringo-Carpinion orientalis Jakucs (1959) 1960 ↓Fdi Querco-Carpinion orientalis Csűrös et al. 1968 Quercetea robori-petraeae Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Oberd. 1957 ↓Fds Quercetalia roboris Tx. 1931 ↓Fds Pino-Quercion Medwecka-Kornaś et al. 1959 Alnetea glutinosae Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Westhoff et al. 1946 Alnetalia glutinosae Tx. 1937 ↓Fdi Alnion glutinosae Malcuit 1929 Carpino-fa*getea sylvaticae Jakucs ex Passarge 1968 (Syn.: Querco-fa*getea Br.-Bl. et Vlieger in Vlieger 1937 p. p.) fa*getalia sylvaticae Pawłowski in Pawłowski et al. 1928 ↓Fdi Alnion incanae Pawłowski in Pawłowski et al. 1928 (Syn.: Alno-Ulmion Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Tschou 1948) Alnenion glutinoso-incanae Oberd. 1953 excl. Arunco vulgaris-Salicetum capreae Hadač et al. ex Petrášová et Jarolímek 2014 → ↓Sc, ↓Ss ↓Fdi Carpinion betuli Issler 1931 ↓Fdi Lathyro hallersteinii-Carpinenion (Boșcaiu 1974) Boșcaiu et al. 1982 (Syn.: Lathyro hallersteinii-Carpinion Boșcaiu 1974) ↓fa*gion sylvaticae Luquet 1926 Fdc Cephalanthero-fa*genion Tx. in Tx. et Oberd. 1958


Fdi Eu-fa*genion Oberd. 1957 Fdi Acerenion Oberd. 1957 Fdi Galio-Abietenion Oberd. 1962 ↓Fdi Symphyto cordati-fa*gion (Vida 1963) Täuber 1982 Fdi Symphyto cordati-fa*genion Vida 1963 Fdc Moehringio muscosae-Acerenion Boșcaiu et al. 1982 Fdc Epipactido-fa*genion Boșcaiu et al. 1982 Fds Calamagrostio-fa*genion Boșcaiu et al. 1982 ↓Fds Luzulo-fa*gion sylvaticae Lohmeyer et Tx. in Tx. 1954 ↓Fdi Tilio platyphylli-Acerion Klika 1955 Erico-Pinetea Horvat 1959 Erico-Pinetalia Horvat 1959 ↓Fpc Pulsatillo slavicae-Pinion Fajmonová 1978 ↓Fpc Seslerio rigidae-Pinion Coldea 1991 Piceetea excelsae Klika 1948 (Syn.: Vaccinio-Piceetea Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et al. 1939) Piceetalia excelsae Pawłowski in Pawłowski et al. 1928 ↓Fms Piceion excelsae Pawłowski in Pawłowski et al. 1928 (Syntax. syn.: Athyrio alpestris-Piceion Sýkora 1971) incl.: Chrysanthemo rotundifolii-Piceetum Krajina 1933 (sensu orig.), Hieracio rotundati-Piceetum Pawłowski et Br.-Bl. 1939 Athyrio filicis-feminae-Piceetalia Hadač ex Hadač et al. 1969 ↓Fmc Oxalido-Piceion Hadač et al. 1969 (see Kučera 2012 for details) Vaccinio-Pinetalia Scamoni et Passarge 1959 ↓Fps Dicrano-Pinion sylvestris (Libbert 1932) Matuszkiewicz 1962 (Syn.: Vaccinio-Pinion (Libbert 1933) Passarge 1968) Robinietea Jurko ex Hadač et Sofron 1980 ↓Fdi Chelidonio-Robinietalia Jurko ex Hadač et Sofron 1980 Robinietum pseudacaciae auct. h) human-made habitats: anthropogenic vegetation (H) Epilobietea angustifolii Tx. et Preising ex von Rochow 1951 Atropetalia Vlieger 1937 ↓Hi Carici piluliferae-Epilobion angustifolii Tx. 1950 ↓Hi Atropion Br.-Bl. ex Aichinger 1933 Galio-Urticetea Passarge ex Kopecký 1969 Lamio albi-Chenopodietalia boni-henrici Kopecký 1969 ↓Hi Impatienti noli-tangere-Stachyion sylvaticae Görs ex Mucina in Mucina et al. 1993 ↓Hi Carduo-Urticion dioicae Hadač ex Hadač et al. 1969 ↓Hi Rumicion alpini Scharfetter 1938 Artemisietea vulgaris Lohmeyer et al. ex von Rochow 1951 Agropyretalia repentis Görs 1966 ↓Hi Convolvulo arvensis-Agropyrion repentis Görs 1966


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